blob: 5faf6162d48cdfcdf69e2fe97cac4aed4146afb3 [file] [log] [blame]
Test exporting an AES key.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw") threw exception TypeError: Not enough arguments.
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", null) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", undefined) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", {}) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", 1) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
Importing a JWK key...
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey(null, key) threw exception TypeError: Unknown key format.
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey(undefined, key) threw exception TypeError: Unknown key format.
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey({}, key) threw exception TypeError: Unknown key format.
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey("", key) threw exception TypeError: Unknown key format.
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey("foobar", key) threw exception TypeError: Unknown key format.
Exporting the key as raw data...
PASS bytesToHexString(new Uint8Array(exportedData)) is '8e73b0f7da0e6452c810f32b809079e562f8ead2522c6b7b'
Exporting the key as JWK...
PASS exportedJWK.kty is 'oct'
PASS exportedJWK.k is 'jnOw99oOZFLIEPMrgJB55WL46tJSLGt7'
PASS exportedJWK.alg is 'A192CBC'
PASS exportedJWK.extractable is true
PASS exportedJWK.use is 'enc'
Importing a key that's not extractable...
Trying to export as raw...
PASS Rejected, as expected
Trying to export as jwk...
PASS Rejected, as expected
Importing a key with only encrypt+decrypt usage (this doesn't map to anything in JWK, as 'enc' also allows wrap/unwrap)...
PASS crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", key) threw exception TypeError: Key usages cannot be represented in JWK. Only two variants are supported: sign+verify and encrypt+decrypt+wrapKey+unwrapKey.
PASS successfullyParsed is true