blob: b3e56a0d1b4387df61e0ce865b7a50b8d584dab2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2013 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of Apple Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
# its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
# from this software without specific prior written permission.
# Module to share code to get to WebKit directories.
use strict;
use version;
use warnings;
use Config;
use Cwd qw(realpath);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use FindBin;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use File::Path qw(make_path mkpath rmtree);
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use File::stat;
use JSON::PP;
use List::Util;
use POSIX;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
use VCSUtils;
use Exporter ();
$VERSION = 1.00;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = ();
# Ports
use constant {
AppleWin => "AppleWin",
FTW => "FTW",
GTK => "GTK",
iOS => "iOS",
tvOS => "tvOS",
watchOS => "watchOS",
Mac => "Mac",
MacCatalyst => "MacCatalyst",
JSCOnly => "JSCOnly",
PlayStation => "PlayStation",
WinCairo => "WinCairo",
WPE => "WPE",
Unknown => "Unknown"
use constant USE_OPEN_COMMAND => 1; # Used in runMacWebKitApp().
use constant DO_NOT_USE_OPEN_COMMAND => 2;
use constant SIMULATOR_DEVICE_STATE_SHUTDOWN => "Shutdown";
use constant SIMULATOR_DEVICE_STATE_BOOTED => "Booted";
# See table "Certificate types and names" on <>.
use constant IOS_DEVELOPMENT_CERTIFICATE_NAME_PREFIX => "iPhone Developer: ";
my $architecture;
my $asanIsEnabled;
my $forceOptimizationLevel;
my $coverageIsEnabled;
my $ltoMode;
my $numberOfCPUs;
my $maxCPULoad;
my $baseProductDir;
my @baseProductDirOption;
my $configuration;
my $xcodeSDK;
my $simulatorIdiom;
my $configurationForVisualStudio;
my $configurationProductDir;
my $sourceDir;
my $currentSVNRevision;
my $didLoadIPhoneSimulatorNotification;
my $nmPath;
my $osXVersion;
my $iosVersion;
my $generateDsym;
my $isCMakeBuild;
my $isGenerateProjectOnly;
my $shouldBuild32Bit;
my $isWin64;
my $isInspectorFrontend;
my $portName;
my $shouldUseGuardMalloc;
my $shouldNotUseNinja;
my $xcodeVersion;
my $unknownPortProhibited = 0;
# Variables for Win32 support
my $programFilesPath;
my $msBuildPath;
my $vsInstallDir;
my $vsVersion;
my $windowsSourceDir;
my $winVersion;
# Defined in VCSUtils.
sub exitStatus($);
sub findMatchingArguments($$);
sub hasArgument($$);
sub sdkDirectory($)
my ($sdkName) = @_;
chomp(my $sdkDirectory = `xcrun --sdk '$sdkName' --show-sdk-path`);
die "Failed to get SDK path from xcrun: $!" if exitStatus($?);
return $sdkDirectory;
sub sdkPlatformDirectory($)
my ($sdkName) = @_;
chomp(my $sdkPlatformDirectory = `xcrun --sdk '$sdkName' --show-sdk-platform-path`);
die "Failed to get SDK platform path from xcrun: $!" if exitStatus($?);
return $sdkPlatformDirectory;
sub determineSourceDir
return if $sourceDir;
$sourceDir = $FindBin::Bin;
$sourceDir =~ s|/+$||; # Remove trailing '/' as we would die later
# walks up path checking each directory to see if it is the main WebKit project dir,
# defined by containing Sources, WebCore, and JavaScriptCore.
until ((-d File::Spec->catdir($sourceDir, "Source") && -d File::Spec->catdir($sourceDir, "Source", "WebCore") && -d File::Spec->catdir($sourceDir, "Source", "JavaScriptCore")) || (-d File::Spec->catdir($sourceDir, "Internal") && -d File::Spec->catdir($sourceDir, "OpenSource")))
if ($sourceDir !~ s|/[^/]+$||) {
die "Could not find top level webkit directory above source directory using FindBin.\n";
$sourceDir = File::Spec->catdir($sourceDir, "OpenSource") if -d File::Spec->catdir($sourceDir, "OpenSource");
sub currentPerlPath()
my $thisPerl = $^X;
if ($^O ne 'VMS') {
$thisPerl .= $Config{_exe} unless $thisPerl =~ m/$Config{_exe}$/i;
return $thisPerl;
# used for scripts which are stored in a non-standard location
sub setSourceDir($)
($sourceDir) = @_;
sub determineNinjaVersion
chomp(my $ninjaVersion = `ninja --version`);
return $ninjaVersion;
sub determineXcodeVersion
return if defined $xcodeVersion;
my $xcodebuildVersionOutput = `xcodebuild -version`;
$xcodeVersion = ($xcodebuildVersionOutput =~ /Xcode ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)/) ? $1 : "3.0";
sub readXcodeUserDefault($)
my ($key) = @_;
my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull();
my $value = `defaults read ${key} 2> ${devnull}`;
return if $?;
chomp $value;
return $value;
sub determineBaseProductDir
return if defined $baseProductDir;
my $setSharedPrecompsDir;
my $indexDataStoreDir;
$baseProductDir = $ENV{"WEBKIT_OUTPUTDIR"};
if (!defined($baseProductDir) and isAppleCocoaWebKit()) {
# Silently remove ~/Library/Preferences/xcodebuild.plist which can
# cause build failure. The presence of
# ~/Library/Preferences/xcodebuild.plist can prevent xcodebuild from
# respecting global settings such as a custom build products directory
# (<rdar://problem/5585899>).
my $personalPlistFile = $ENV{HOME} . "/Library/Preferences/xcodebuild.plist";
if (-e $personalPlistFile) {
unlink($personalPlistFile) || die "Could not delete $personalPlistFile: $!";
my $buildLocationStyle = join '', readXcodeUserDefault("IDEBuildLocationStyle");
if ($buildLocationStyle eq "Custom") {
my $buildLocationType = join '', readXcodeUserDefault("IDECustomBuildLocationType");
# FIXME: Read CustomBuildIntermediatesPath and set OBJROOT accordingly.
if ($buildLocationType eq "Absolute") {
$baseProductDir = readXcodeUserDefault("IDECustomBuildProductsPath");
$indexDataStoreDir = readXcodeUserDefault("IDECustomIndexStorePath");
# DeterminedByTargets corresponds to a setting of "Legacy" in Xcode.
# It is the only build location style for which SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR is not
# overridden when building from within Xcode.
$setSharedPrecompsDir = 1 if $buildLocationStyle ne "DeterminedByTargets";
if (!defined($baseProductDir)) {
$baseProductDir = join '', readXcodeUserDefault("IDEApplicationwideBuildSettings");
$baseProductDir = $1 if $baseProductDir =~ /SYMROOT\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\";/s;
undef $baseProductDir unless $baseProductDir =~ /^\//;
if (!defined($baseProductDir)) { # Port-specific checks failed, use default
$baseProductDir = File::Spec->catdir($sourceDir, "WebKitBuild");
if (isGit() && isGitBranchBuild()) {
my $branch = gitBranch();
$baseProductDir = "$baseProductDir/$branch";
if (isAppleCocoaWebKit()) {
$baseProductDir =~ s|^\Q$(SRCROOT)/..\E$|$sourceDir|;
$baseProductDir =~ s|^\Q$(SRCROOT)/../|$sourceDir/|;
$baseProductDir =~ s|^~/|$ENV{HOME}/|;
die "Can't handle Xcode product directory with a ~ in it.\n" if $baseProductDir =~ /~/;
die "Can't handle Xcode product directory with a variable in it.\n" if $baseProductDir =~ /\$/;
@baseProductDirOption = ("SYMROOT=$baseProductDir", "OBJROOT=$baseProductDir");
push(@baseProductDirOption, "SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=${baseProductDir}/PrecompiledHeaders") if $setSharedPrecompsDir;
push(@baseProductDirOption, "INDEX_ENABLE_DATA_STORE=YES", "INDEX_DATA_STORE_DIR=${indexDataStoreDir}") if $indexDataStoreDir;
if (isCygwin()) {
my $dosBuildPath = `cygpath --windows \"$baseProductDir\"`;
chomp $dosBuildPath;
$ENV{"WEBKIT_OUTPUTDIR"} = $dosBuildPath;
my $unixBuildPath = `cygpath --unix \"$baseProductDir\"`;
chomp $unixBuildPath;
$baseProductDir = $dosBuildPath;
sub systemVerbose {
print "+ @_\n";
return system(@_);
sub setBaseProductDir($)
($baseProductDir) = @_;
sub determineConfiguration
return if defined $configuration;
if (open CONFIGURATION, "$baseProductDir/Configuration") {
$configuration = <CONFIGURATION>;
if ($configuration) {
chomp $configuration;
# compatibility for people who have old Configuration files
$configuration = "Release" if $configuration eq "Deployment";
$configuration = "Debug" if $configuration eq "Development";
} else {
$configuration = "Release";
sub determineArchitecture
return if defined $architecture;
# make sure $architecture is defined in all cases
$architecture = "";
if (isAppleCocoaWebKit()) {
if (open ARCHITECTURE, "$baseProductDir/Architecture") {
$architecture = <ARCHITECTURE>;
if ($architecture) {
chomp $architecture;
} else {
if (not defined $xcodeSDK or $xcodeSDK =~ /^(\/$|macosx)/) {
my $supports64Bit = `sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64`;
chomp $supports64Bit;
$architecture = 'x86_64' if $supports64Bit;
} elsif ($xcodeSDK =~ /^iphonesimulator/) {
$architecture = 'x86_64';
} elsif ($xcodeSDK =~ /^iphoneos/) {
$architecture = 'arm64';
} elsif ($xcodeSDK =~ /^watchsimulator/) {
$architecture = 'i386';
} elsif ($xcodeSDK =~ /^watchos/) {
$architecture = 'arm64_32 arm64e armv7k';
} elsif ($xcodeSDK =~ /^appletvsimulator/) {
$architecture = 'x86_64';
} elsif ($xcodeSDK =~ /^appletvos/) {
$architecture = 'arm64';
} elsif (isCMakeBuild()) {
if (isCrossCompilation()) {
my $compiler = "gcc";
$compiler = $ENV{'CC'} if (defined($ENV{'CC'}));
my @compiler_machine = split('-', `$compiler -dumpmachine`);
$architecture = $compiler_machine[0];
} elsif (open my $cmake_sysinfo, "cmake --system-information |") {
while (<$cmake_sysinfo>) {
next unless index($_, 'CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR') == 0;
if (/^CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR \"([^"]+)\"/) {
$architecture = $1;
close $cmake_sysinfo;
if (!isAnyWindows()) {
if (!$architecture) {
# Fall back to output of `uname -m', if it is present.
$architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $architecture;
$architecture = 'x86_64' if $architecture =~ /amd64/i;
$architecture = 'arm64' if $architecture =~ /aarch64/i;
sub determineASanIsEnabled
return if defined $asanIsEnabled;
$asanIsEnabled = 0;
my $asanConfigurationValue;
if (open ASAN, "$baseProductDir/ASan") {
$asanConfigurationValue = <ASAN>;
close ASAN;
chomp $asanConfigurationValue;
$asanIsEnabled = 1 if $asanConfigurationValue eq "YES";
sub determineForceOptimizationLevel
return if defined $forceOptimizationLevel;
if (open ForceOptimizationLevel, "$baseProductDir/ForceOptimizationLevel") {
$forceOptimizationLevel = <ForceOptimizationLevel>;
close ForceOptimizationLevel;
chomp $forceOptimizationLevel;
sub determineCoverageIsEnabled
return if defined $coverageIsEnabled;
if (open Coverage, "$baseProductDir/Coverage") {
$coverageIsEnabled = <Coverage>;
close Coverage;
chomp $coverageIsEnabled;
sub determineLTOMode
return if defined $ltoMode;
if (open LTO, "$baseProductDir/LTO") {
$ltoMode = <LTO>;
close LTO;
chomp $ltoMode;
sub determineNumberOfCPUs
return if defined $numberOfCPUs;
if (defined($ENV{NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS})) {
} elsif (isLinux()) {
# First try the nproc utility, if it exists. If we get no
# results fall back to just interpretting /proc directly.
chomp($numberOfCPUs = `nproc --all 2> /dev/null`);
if ($numberOfCPUs eq "") {
$numberOfCPUs = (grep /processor/, `cat /proc/cpuinfo`);
} elsif (isAnyWindows()) {
# Assumes cygwin
$numberOfCPUs = `ls /proc/registry/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/HARDWARE/DESCRIPTION/System/CentralProcessor | wc -w`;
} elsif (isDarwin() || isBSD()) {
chomp($numberOfCPUs = `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`);
} else {
$numberOfCPUs = 1;
sub determineMaxCPULoad
return if defined $maxCPULoad;
if (defined($ENV{MAX_CPU_LOAD})) {
sub jscPath($)
my ($productDir) = @_;
my $jscName = "jsc";
$jscName .= "_debug" if configuration() eq "Debug_All";
if (isPlayStation()) {
$jscName .= ".elf";
} elsif (isAnyWindows()) {
$jscName .= ".exe";
return "$productDir/$jscName" if -e "$productDir/$jscName";
return "$productDir/JavaScriptCore.framework/Helpers/$jscName";
sub argumentsForConfiguration()
my @args = ();
# FIXME: Is it necessary to pass --debug, --release, --32-bit or --64-bit?
# These are determined automatically from stored configuration.
push(@args, '--debug') if ($configuration =~ "^Debug");
push(@args, '--release') if ($configuration =~ "^Release");
push(@args, '--ios-device') if (defined $xcodeSDK && $xcodeSDK =~ /^iphoneos/);
push(@args, '--ios-simulator') if (defined $xcodeSDK && $xcodeSDK =~ /^iphonesimulator/ && $simulatorIdiom eq "iPhone");
push(@args, '--ipad-simulator') if (defined $xcodeSDK && $xcodeSDK =~ /^iphonesimulator/ && $simulatorIdiom eq "iPad");
push(@args, '--tvos-device') if (defined $xcodeSDK && $xcodeSDK =~ /^appletvos/);
push(@args, '--tvos-simulator') if (defined $xcodeSDK && $xcodeSDK =~ /^appletvsimulator/);
push(@args, '--watchos-device') if (defined $xcodeSDK && $xcodeSDK =~ /^watchos/);
push(@args, '--watchos-simulator') if (defined $xcodeSDK && $xcodeSDK =~ /^watchsimulator/);
push(@args, '--maccatalyst') if (defined $xcodeSDK && $xcodeSDK =~ /^maccatalyst/);
push(@args, '--32-bit') if ($architecture eq "x86" and !isWin64());
push(@args, '--64-bit') if (isWin64());
push(@args, '--ftw') if isFTW();
push(@args, '--gtk') if isGtk();
push(@args, '--wpe') if isWPE();
push(@args, '--jsc-only') if isJSCOnly();
push(@args, '--wincairo') if isWinCairo();
push(@args, '--playstation') if isPlayStation();
return @args;
sub extractNonMacOSHostConfiguration
my @args = ();
my @extract = ('--device', '--gtk', '--ios', '--platform', '--sdk', '--simulator', '--wincairo', '--ftw', '--tvos', '--watchos', 'SDKROOT', 'ARCHS');
foreach (@{$_[0]}) {
my $line = $_;
my $flag = 0;
foreach (@extract) {
if (length($line) >= length($_) && substr($line, 0, length($_)) eq $_ && index($line, 'x86_64') == -1) {
$flag = 1;
if (!$flag) {
push @args, $_;
return @args;
# FIXME: Convert to json <rdar://problem/21594308>
sub parseAvailableXcodeSDKs($)
my @outputToParse = @{$_[0]};
my @result = ();
foreach my $line (@outputToParse) {
# Examples:
# iOS 12.0 -sdk iphoneos12.0
# Simulator - iOS 12.0 -sdk iphonesimulator12.0
# macOS 10.14 -sdk macosx10.14
if ($line =~ /-sdk (\D+)([\d\.]+)(\D*)\n/) {
if ($3) {
push @result, "$1.$3";
} else {
push @result, "$1";
return @result;
sub availableXcodeSDKs
my @output = `xcodebuild -showsdks`;
return parseAvailableXcodeSDKs(\@output);
sub determineXcodeSDK
return if defined $xcodeSDK;
my $sdk;
# The user explicitly specified the sdk, don't assume anything
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGVGettingValue("--sdk", \$sdk)) {
$xcodeSDK = $sdk;
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--device") || checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--ios-device")) {
$xcodeSDK ||= "iphoneos";
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--simulator") || checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--ios-simulator")) {
$xcodeSDK ||= 'iphonesimulator';
$simulatorIdiom = 'iPhone';
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--ipad-simulator")) {
$xcodeSDK ||= 'iphonesimulator';
$simulatorIdiom = 'iPad';
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--tvos-device")) {
$xcodeSDK ||= "appletvos";
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--tvos-simulator")) {
$xcodeSDK ||= "appletvsimulator";
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--watchos-device")) {
$xcodeSDK ||= "watchos";
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--watchos-simulator")) {
$xcodeSDK ||= "watchsimulator";
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--maccatalyst")) {
$xcodeSDK ||= "maccatalyst";
return if !defined $xcodeSDK;
# Prefer the internal version of an sdk, if it exists.
my @availableSDKs = availableXcodeSDKs();
foreach my $sdk (@availableSDKs) {
next if $sdk ne "$xcodeSDK.internal";
$xcodeSDK = $sdk;
sub xcodeSDK
return $xcodeSDK;
sub setXcodeSDK($)
($xcodeSDK) = @_;
sub xcodeSDKPlatformName()
return "" if !defined $xcodeSDK;
return "appletvos" if $xcodeSDK =~ /appletvos/i;
return "appletvsimulator" if $xcodeSDK =~ /appletvsimulator/i;
return "iphoneos" if $xcodeSDK =~ /iphoneos/i;
return "iphonesimulator" if $xcodeSDK =~ /iphonesimulator/i;
return "macosx" if $xcodeSDK =~ /macosx/i;
return "watchos" if $xcodeSDK =~ /watchos/i;
return "watchsimulator" if $xcodeSDK =~ /watchsimulator/i;
return "maccatalyst" if $xcodeSDK =~ /maccatalyst/i;
die "Couldn't determine platform name from Xcode SDK";
sub XcodeSDKPath
die "Can't find the SDK path because no Xcode SDK was specified" if not $xcodeSDK;
return sdkDirectory($xcodeSDK);
sub xcodeSDKVersion
die "Can't find the SDK version because no Xcode SDK was specified" if !$xcodeSDK;
chomp(my $sdkVersion = `xcrun --sdk $xcodeSDK --show-sdk-version`);
die "Failed to get SDK version from xcrun" if exitStatus($?);
return $sdkVersion;
sub programFilesPath
return $programFilesPath if defined $programFilesPath;
$programFilesPath = $ENV{'PROGRAMFILES(X86)'} || $ENV{'PROGRAMFILES'} || "C:\\Program Files";
return $programFilesPath;
sub programFilesPathX86
my $programFilesPathX86 = $ENV{'PROGRAMFILES(X86)'} || "C:\\Program Files (x86)";
return $programFilesPathX86;
sub visualStudioInstallDirVSWhere
my $vswhere = File::Spec->catdir(programFilesPathX86(), "Microsoft Visual Studio", "Installer", "vswhere.exe");
return unless -e $vswhere;
open(my $handle, "-|", $vswhere, qw(-nologo -latest -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -property installationPath)) || return;
my $vsWhereOut = <$handle>;
$vsWhereOut =~ s/\r?\n//;
return $vsWhereOut;
sub visualStudioInstallDir
return $vsInstallDir if defined $vsInstallDir;
$vsInstallDir = $ENV{'VSINSTALLDIR'};
$vsInstallDir =~ s|[\\/]$||;
} else {
$vsInstallDir = visualStudioInstallDirVSWhere();
return unless defined $vsInstallDir;
chomp($vsInstallDir = `cygpath "$vsInstallDir"`) if isCygwin();
print "Using Visual Studio: $vsInstallDir\n";
return $vsInstallDir;
sub msBuildPath
my $installDir = visualStudioInstallDir();
# FIXME: vswhere.exe should be used to find msbuild.exe after AppleWin will get vswhere with -find switch.
# <>
# <>
my $path = File::Spec->catdir($installDir, "MSBuild", "Current", "bin", "MSBuild.exe");
$path = File::Spec->catdir($installDir, "MSBuild", "15.0", "bin", "MSBuild.exe") unless -e $path;
chomp($path = `cygpath "$path"`) if isCygwin();
print "Using MSBuild: $path\n";
return $path;
sub determineConfigurationForVisualStudio
return if defined $configurationForVisualStudio;
# FIXME: We should detect when Debug_All or Production has been chosen.
$configurationForVisualStudio = "/p:Configuration=" . $configuration;
sub usesPerConfigurationBuildDirectory
# [Gtk] We don't have Release/Debug configurations in straight
# autotool builds (non build-webkit). In this case and if
# WEBKIT_OUTPUTDIR exist, use that as our configuration dir. This will
# allows us to run run-webkit-tests without using build-webkit.
return ($ENV{"WEBKIT_OUTPUTDIR"} && isGtk()) || isAppleWinWebKit() || isFTW();
sub determineConfigurationProductDir
return if defined $configurationProductDir;
if (isAppleWinWebKit() || isWinCairo() || isPlayStation() || isFTW()) {
$configurationProductDir = File::Spec->catdir($baseProductDir, $configuration);
} else {
if (usesPerConfigurationBuildDirectory()) {
$configurationProductDir = "$baseProductDir";
} else {
if (shouldUseFlatpak()) {
$configurationProductDir = "$baseProductDir/$portName/$configuration";
} else {
$configurationProductDir = "$baseProductDir/$configuration";
$configurationProductDir .= "-" . xcodeSDKPlatformName() if isEmbeddedWebKit() || isMacCatalystWebKit();
sub setConfigurationProductDir($)
($configurationProductDir) = @_;
sub determineCurrentSVNRevision
# We always update the current SVN revision here, and leave the caching
# to currentSVNRevision(), so that changes to the SVN revision while the
# script is running can be picked up by calling this function again.
$currentSVNRevision = svnRevisionForDirectory($sourceDir);
return $currentSVNRevision;
sub chdirWebKit
chdir $sourceDir or die;
sub baseProductDir
return $baseProductDir;
sub sourceDir
return $sourceDir;
sub productDir
return $configurationProductDir;
sub executableProductDir
my $productDirectory = productDir();
my $binaryDirectory;
if (isAnyWindows() && !isPlayStation()) {
$binaryDirectory = isWin64() ? "bin64" : "bin32";
} elsif (isGtk() || isJSCOnly() || isWPE() || isPlayStation()) {
$binaryDirectory = "bin";
} else {
return $productDirectory;
return File::Spec->catdir($productDirectory, $binaryDirectory);
sub jscProductDir
return executableProductDir();
sub configuration()
return $configuration;
sub asanIsEnabled()
return $asanIsEnabled;
sub forceOptimizationLevel()
return $forceOptimizationLevel;
sub ltoMode()
return $ltoMode;
sub configurationForVisualStudio()
return $configurationForVisualStudio;
sub currentSVNRevision
determineCurrentSVNRevision() if not defined $currentSVNRevision;
return $currentSVNRevision;
sub generateDsym()
return $generateDsym;
sub determineGenerateDsym()
return if defined($generateDsym);
$generateDsym = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--dsym");
sub hasIOSDevelopmentCertificate()
return !exitStatus(system("security find-identity -p codesigning | grep '" . IOS_DEVELOPMENT_CERTIFICATE_NAME_PREFIX . "' > /dev/null 2>&1"));
sub argumentsForXcode()
my @args = ();
push @args, "DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT=dwarf-with-dsym" if generateDsym();
return @args;
sub XcodeOptions
my @options;
push @options, "-UseSanitizedBuildSystemEnvironment=YES";
push @options, "-ShowBuildOperationDuration=YES";
push @options, ("-configuration", $configuration);
push @options, ("-xcconfig", sourceDir() . "/Tools/asan/asan.xcconfig", "ASAN_IGNORE=" . sourceDir() . "/Tools/asan/webkit-asan-ignore.txt") if $asanIsEnabled;
push @options, ("-xcconfig", sourceDir() . "/Tools/coverage/coverage.xcconfig") if $coverageIsEnabled;
push @options, ("GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=$forceOptimizationLevel") if $forceOptimizationLevel;
push @options, "WK_LTO_MODE=$ltoMode" if $ltoMode;
push @options, @baseProductDirOption;
push @options, "ARCHS=$architecture" if $architecture;
push @options, "SDKROOT=$xcodeSDK" if $xcodeSDK;
# When this environment variable is set Tools/Scripts/check-for-weak-vtables-and-externals
# treats errors as non-fatal when it encounters missing symbols related to coverage.
appendToEnvironmentVariableList("WEBKIT_COVERAGE_BUILD", "1") if $coverageIsEnabled;
die "cannot enable both ASAN and Coverage at this time\n" if $coverageIsEnabled && $asanIsEnabled;
if (willUseIOSDeviceSDK() || willUseWatchDeviceSDK() || willUseAppleTVDeviceSDK()) {
push @options, "ENABLE_BITCODE=NO";
if (hasIOSDevelopmentCertificate()) {
# FIXME: May match more than one installed development certificate.
} else {
push @options, "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="; # No identity
push @options, "CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO";
push @options, argumentsForXcode();
return @options;
sub XcodeOptionString
return join " ", XcodeOptions();
sub XcodeOptionStringNoConfig
return join " ", @baseProductDirOption;
sub XcodeCoverageSupportOptions()
my @coverageSupportOptions = ();
push @coverageSupportOptions, "GCC_GENERATE_TEST_COVERAGE_FILES=YES";
push @coverageSupportOptions, "GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=YES";
return @coverageSupportOptions;
sub XcodeStaticAnalyzerOption()
sub canUseXCBuild()
return (eval "v$xcodeVersion" ge v11.4)
my $passedConfiguration;
my $searchedForPassedConfiguration;
sub determinePassedConfiguration
return if $searchedForPassedConfiguration;
$searchedForPassedConfiguration = 1;
$passedConfiguration = undef;
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--debug")) {
$passedConfiguration = "Debug";
} elsif(checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--release")) {
$passedConfiguration = "Release";
} elsif (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--profile") || checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--profiling")) {
$passedConfiguration = "Profiling";
} elsif(checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--testing")) {
$passedConfiguration = "Testing";
} elsif(checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--release-and-assert") || checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--ra")) {
$passedConfiguration = "Release+Assert";
sub passedConfiguration
return $passedConfiguration;
sub setConfiguration
if (my $config = shift @_) {
$configuration = $config;
$configuration = $passedConfiguration if $passedConfiguration;
my $passedArchitecture;
my $searchedForPassedArchitecture;
sub determinePassedArchitecture
return if $searchedForPassedArchitecture;
$searchedForPassedArchitecture = 1;
$passedArchitecture = undef;
if (shouldBuild32Bit()) {
if (isAppleCocoaWebKit()) {
# PLATFORM_IOS: Don't run `arch` command inside Simulator environment
local %ENV = %ENV;
$passedArchitecture = `arch`;
chomp $passedArchitecture;
sub passedArchitecture
return $passedArchitecture;
sub architecture()
return $architecture;
sub numberOfCPUs()
return $numberOfCPUs;
sub maxCPULoad()
return $maxCPULoad;
sub setArchitecture
if (my $arch = shift @_) {
$architecture = $arch;
$architecture = $passedArchitecture if $passedArchitecture;
# Locate Safari.
sub safariPath
die "Safari path is only relevant on Apple Mac platform\n" unless isAppleMacWebKit();
my $safariPath;
# Use WEBKIT_SAFARI environment variable if present.
my $safariBundle = $ENV{WEBKIT_SAFARI};
if (!$safariBundle) {
# Use in product directory if present (good for Safari development team).
if (-d "$configurationProductDir/") {
$safariBundle = "$configurationProductDir/";
if ($safariBundle) {
$safariPath = "$safariBundle/Contents/MacOS/Safari";
} else {
$safariPath = "/Applications/";
die "Can't find executable at $safariPath.\n" if !-x $safariPath;
return $safariPath;
sub builtDylibPathForName
my $libraryName = shift;
if (isGtk()) {
my $extension = isDarwin() ? ".dylib" : ".so";
my @apiVersions = ("4.0", "5.0");
for my $apiVersion (@apiVersions) {
my $libraryPath;
if ($libraryName eq "JavaScriptCore") {
$libraryPath = "$configurationProductDir/lib/libjavascriptcoregtk-$apiVersion$extension";
} else {
$libraryPath = "$configurationProductDir/lib/libwebkit2gtk-$apiVersion$extension";
if (-e $libraryPath) {
return $libraryPath;
return "";
if (isIOSWebKit()) {
return "$configurationProductDir/$libraryName.framework/$libraryName";
if (isAppleCocoaWebKit()) {
return "$configurationProductDir/$libraryName.framework/Versions/A/$libraryName";
if (isAppleWinWebKit() || isFTW()) {
if ($libraryName eq "JavaScriptCore") {
return "$baseProductDir/lib/$libraryName.lib";
} else {
return "$baseProductDir/$libraryName.intermediate/$configuration/$libraryName.intermediate/$libraryName.lib";
if (isWPE()) {
return "$configurationProductDir/lib/";
die "Unsupported platform, can't determine built library locations.\nTry `build-webkit --help` for more information.\n";
# Check to see that all the frameworks are built.
sub checkFrameworks # FIXME: This is a poor name since only the Mac calls built WebCore a Framework.
return if isAnyWindows();
my @frameworks = ("JavaScriptCore", "WebCore");
push(@frameworks, "WebKit") if isAppleCocoaWebKit(); # FIXME: This seems wrong, all ports should have a WebKit these days.
for my $framework (@frameworks) {
my $path = builtDylibPathForName($framework);
die "Can't find built framework at \"$path\".\n" unless -e $path;
sub isInspectorFrontend()
return $isInspectorFrontend;
sub determineIsInspectorFrontend()
return if defined($isInspectorFrontend);
$isInspectorFrontend = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--inspector-frontend");
sub commandExists($)
my $command = shift;
my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull();
if (isAnyWindows()) {
return exitStatus(system("where /q $command >$devnull 2>&1")) == 0;
return exitStatus(system("which $command >$devnull 2>&1")) == 0;
sub checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV($)
my $argToCheck = shift;
return checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromArrayRef($argToCheck, \@ARGV);
sub checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromArrayRefGettingValue($$$)
my ($argToCheck, $valueRef, $arrayRef) = @_;
my $argumentStartRegEx = qr#^$argToCheck(?:=\S|$)#;
my $i = 0;
for (; $i < @$arrayRef; ++$i) {
last if $arrayRef->[$i] =~ $argumentStartRegEx;
if ($i >= @$arrayRef) {
return $$valueRef = undef;
my ($key, $value) = split("=", $arrayRef->[$i]);
splice(@$arrayRef, $i, 1);
if (defined($value)) {
# e.g. --sdk=iphonesimulator
return $$valueRef = $value;
return $$valueRef = splice(@$arrayRef, $i, 1); # e.g. --sdk iphonesimulator
sub checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGVGettingValue($$)
my ($argToCheck, $valueRef) = @_;
return checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromArrayRefGettingValue($argToCheck, $valueRef, \@ARGV);
sub findMatchingArguments($$)
my ($argToCheck, $arrayRef) = @_;
my @matchingIndices;
foreach my $index (0 .. $#$arrayRef) {
my $opt = $$arrayRef[$index];
if ($opt =~ /^$argToCheck$/i ) {
push(@matchingIndices, $index);
return @matchingIndices;
sub hasArgument($$)
my ($argToCheck, $arrayRef) = @_;
my @matchingIndices = findMatchingArguments($argToCheck, $arrayRef);
return scalar @matchingIndices > 0;
sub checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromArrayRef
my ($argToCheck, $arrayRef) = @_;
my @indicesToRemove = findMatchingArguments($argToCheck, $arrayRef);
my $removeOffset = 0;
foreach my $index (@indicesToRemove) {
splice(@$arrayRef, $index - $removeOffset++, 1);
return scalar @indicesToRemove > 0;
sub prohibitUnknownPort()
$unknownPortProhibited = 1;
sub determinePortName()
return if defined $portName;
my %argToPortName = (
ftw => FTW,
gtk => GTK,
'jsc-only' => JSCOnly,
playstation => PlayStation,
wincairo => WinCairo,
wpe => WPE
for my $arg (sort keys %argToPortName) {
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--$arg")) {
die "Argument '--$arg' conflicts with selected port '$portName'\n"
if defined $portName;
$portName = $argToPortName{$arg};
return if defined $portName;
# Port was not selected via command line, use appropriate default value
if (isAnyWindows()) {
$portName = AppleWin;
} elsif (isDarwin()) {
if (willUseIOSDeviceSDK() || willUseIOSSimulatorSDK()) {
$portName = iOS;
} elsif (willUseAppleTVDeviceSDK() || willUseAppleTVSimulatorSDK()) {
$portName = tvOS;
} elsif (willUseWatchDeviceSDK() || willUseWatchSimulatorSDK()) {
$portName = watchOS;
} elsif (willUseMacCatalystSDK()) {
$portName = MacCatalyst;
} else {
$portName = Mac;
} else {
if ($unknownPortProhibited) {
my $portsChoice = join "\n\t", qw(
die "Please specify which WebKit port to build using one of the following options:"
. "\n\t$portsChoice\n";
# If script is run without arguments we cannot determine port
# TODO: This state should be outlawed
$portName = Unknown;
sub portName()
return $portName;
sub isGtk()
return portName() eq GTK;
sub isJSCOnly()
return portName() eq JSCOnly;
sub isWPE()
return portName() eq WPE;
sub isPlayStation()
return portName() eq PlayStation;
# Determine if this is debian, ubuntu, linspire, or something similar.
sub isDebianBased()
return -e "/etc/debian_version";
sub isFedoraBased()
return -e "/etc/fedora-release";
sub isFTW()
return portName() eq FTW;
sub isWinCairo()
return portName() eq WinCairo;
sub shouldBuild32Bit()
return $shouldBuild32Bit;
sub determineShouldBuild32Bit()
return if defined($shouldBuild32Bit);
$shouldBuild32Bit = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--32-bit");
sub isWin64()
return $isWin64;
sub determineIsWin64()
return if defined($isWin64);
$isWin64 = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--64-bit") || ((isAnyWindows() || isJSCOnly()) && !shouldBuild32Bit());
sub determineIsWin64FromArchitecture($)
my $arch = shift;
$isWin64 = ($arch eq "x86_64");
return $isWin64;
sub isCygwin()
return ($^O eq "cygwin") || 0;
sub isAnyWindows()
return isWindows() || isCygwin();
sub determineWinVersion()
return if $winVersion;
if (!isAnyWindows()) {
$winVersion = -1;
my $versionString = `cmd /c ver`;
$versionString =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
$winVersion = {
major => $1,
minor => $2,
subminor => $3,
sub winVersion()
return $winVersion;
sub isWindows7SP0()
return isAnyWindows() && winVersion()->{major} == 6 && winVersion()->{minor} == 1 && winVersion()->{build} == 7600;
sub isWindowsVista()
return isAnyWindows() && winVersion()->{major} == 6 && winVersion()->{minor} == 0;
sub isWindowsXP()
return isAnyWindows() && winVersion()->{major} == 5 && winVersion()->{minor} == 1;
sub isDarwin()
return ($^O eq "darwin") || 0;
sub isWindows()
return ($^O eq "MSWin32") || 0;
sub isLinux()
return ($^O eq "linux") || 0;
sub isBSD()
return ($^O eq "freebsd") || ($^O eq "openbsd") || ($^O eq "netbsd") || 0;
sub isX86_64()
return (architecture() eq "x86_64") || 0;
sub isARM64()
return (architecture() eq "arm64") || 0;
sub isCrossCompilation()
my $compiler = "";
$compiler = $ENV{'CC'} if (defined($ENV{'CC'}));
if ($compiler =~ /gcc/) {
my $compilerOptions = `$compiler -v 2>&1`;
my @host = $compilerOptions =~ m/--host=(.*?)\s/;
my @target = $compilerOptions =~ m/--target=(.*?)\s/;
if (!@target || !@host) {
# Sometimes a compiler does not report the host of target it was compiled for,
# in which case, lacking better information we assume we are not cross-compiling.
return 0;
elsif ($target[0] ne "" && $host[0] ne "") {
return ($host[0] ne $target[0]);
} else {
# $tempDir gets automatically deleted when goes out of scope
my $tempDir = File::Temp->newdir();
my $testProgramSourcePath = File::Spec->catfile($tempDir, "testcross.c");
my $testProgramBinaryPath = File::Spec->catfile($tempDir, "testcross");
open(my $testProgramSourceHandler, ">", $testProgramSourcePath);
print $testProgramSourceHandler "int main() { return 0; }\n";
system("$compiler $testProgramSourcePath -o $testProgramBinaryPath > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or return 0;
# Crosscompiling if the program fails to run (because it was built for other arch)
system("$testProgramBinaryPath > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
sub isIOSWebKit()
return portName() eq iOS;
sub isTVOSWebKit()
return portName() eq tvOS;
sub isWatchOSWebKit()
return portName() eq watchOS;
sub isEmbeddedWebKit()
return isIOSWebKit() || isTVOSWebKit() || isWatchOSWebKit();
sub isAppleWebKit()
return isAppleCocoaWebKit() || isAppleWinWebKit();
sub isAppleMacWebKit()
return portName() eq Mac;
sub isMacCatalystWebKit()
return portName() eq MacCatalyst;
sub isAppleCocoaWebKit()
return isAppleMacWebKit() || isEmbeddedWebKit() || isMacCatalystWebKit();
sub isAppleWinWebKit()
return portName() eq AppleWin;
sub simulatorDeviceFromJSON
my $runtime = shift;
my $jsonDevice = shift;
return {
"UDID" => $jsonDevice->{udid},
"name" => $jsonDevice->{name},
"runtime" => $runtime,
"state" => $jsonDevice->{state},
"deviceType" => $jsonDevice->{deviceTypeIdentifier}
sub iOSSimulatorDevices
my $output = `xcrun simctl list devices --json`;
my $runtimes = decode_json($output)->{devices};
if (!$runtimes) {
die "No simulator devices found";
my @devices = ();
while ((my $runtime, my $devicesForRuntime) = each %$runtimes) {
foreach my $jsonDevice (@$devicesForRuntime) {
next if $jsonDevice->{availabilityError};
push @devices, simulatorDeviceFromJSON($runtime, $jsonDevice);
return @devices;
sub createiOSSimulatorDevice
my $name = shift;
my $deviceTypeId = shift;
my $runtimeId = shift;
my $created = system("xcrun", "--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "simctl", "create", $name, $deviceTypeId, $runtimeId) == 0;
die "Couldn't create simulator device: $name $deviceTypeId $runtimeId" if not $created;
my @devices = iOSSimulatorDevices();
foreach my $device (@devices) {
return $device if $device->{name} eq $name and $device->{deviceType} eq $deviceTypeId and $device->{runtime} eq $runtimeId;
die "Device $name $deviceTypeId $runtimeId wasn't found";
sub willUseIOSDeviceSDK()
return xcodeSDKPlatformName() eq "iphoneos";
sub willUseIOSSimulatorSDK()
return xcodeSDKPlatformName() eq "iphonesimulator";
sub willUseAppleTVDeviceSDK()
return xcodeSDKPlatformName() eq "appletvos";
sub willUseAppleTVSimulatorSDK()
return xcodeSDKPlatformName() eq "appletvsimulator";
sub willUseWatchDeviceSDK()
return xcodeSDKPlatformName() eq "watchos";
sub willUseWatchSimulatorSDK()
return xcodeSDKPlatformName() eq "watchsimulator";
sub willUseMacCatalystSDK()
return xcodeSDKPlatformName() eq "maccatalyst";
sub determineNmPath()
return if $nmPath;
if (isAppleCocoaWebKit()) {
$nmPath = `xcrun -find nm`;
chomp $nmPath;
$nmPath = "nm" if !$nmPath;
sub nmPath()
return $nmPath;
sub splitVersionString
my $versionString = shift;
my @splitVersion = split(/\./, $versionString);
@splitVersion >= 2 or die "Invalid version $versionString";
my @subMinorVersion = defined($splitVersion[2]) ? split(/-/, $splitVersion[2]) : (0);
return {
"major" => $splitVersion[0],
"minor" => $splitVersion[1],
"subminor" => $subMinorVersion[0],
sub determineOSXVersion()
return if $osXVersion;
if (!isDarwin()) {
$osXVersion = -1;
chomp(my $versionString = `sw_vers -productVersion`);
$osXVersion = splitVersionString($versionString);
sub osXVersion()
return $osXVersion;
sub determineIOSVersion()
return if $iosVersion;
if (!isIOSWebKit()) {
$iosVersion = -1;
my $versionString = xcodeSDKVersion();
$iosVersion = splitVersionString($versionString);
sub iosVersion()
return $iosVersion;
sub isWindowsNT()
return $ENV{'OS'} eq 'Windows_NT';
sub appendToEnvironmentVariableList($$)
my ($name, $value) = @_;
if (defined($ENV{$name})) {
$ENV{$name} .= $Config{path_sep} . $value;
} else {
$ENV{$name} = $value;
sub prependToEnvironmentVariableList($$)
my ($name, $value) = @_;
if (defined($ENV{$name})) {
$ENV{$name} = $value . $Config{path_sep} . $ENV{$name};
} else {
$ENV{$name} = $value;
sub sharedCommandLineOptions()
return (
"g|guard-malloc" => \$shouldUseGuardMalloc,
sub sharedCommandLineOptionsUsage
my %opts = @_;
my %switches = (
'-g|--guard-malloc' => 'Use guardmalloc when running executable',
my $indent = " " x ($opts{indent} || 2);
my $switchWidth = List::Util::max(int($opts{switchWidth}), List::Util::max(map { length($_) } keys %switches) + ($opts{brackets} ? 2 : 0));
my $result = "Common switches:\n";
for my $switch (keys %switches) {
my $switchName = $opts{brackets} ? "[" . $switch . "]" : $switch;
$result .= sprintf("%s%-" . $switchWidth . "s %s\n", $indent, $switchName, $switches{$switch});
return $result;
sub setUpGuardMallocIfNeeded
if (!isDarwin()) {
if (!defined($shouldUseGuardMalloc)) {
$shouldUseGuardMalloc = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("-g") || checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--guard-malloc");
if ($shouldUseGuardMalloc) {
appendToEnvironmentVariableList("DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES", "/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib");
appendToEnvironmentVariableList("__XPC_DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES", "/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib");
sub relativeScriptsDir()
my $scriptDir = File::Spec->catpath("", File::Spec->abs2rel($FindBin::Bin, getcwd()), "");
if ($scriptDir eq "") {
$scriptDir = ".";
return $scriptDir;
sub launcherPath()
my $relativeScriptsPath = relativeScriptsDir();
if (isGtk() || isWPE()) {
if (inFlatpakSandbox()) {
return "Tools/Scripts/run-minibrowser";
return "$relativeScriptsPath/run-minibrowser";
} elsif (isAppleWebKit()) {
return "$relativeScriptsPath/run-safari";
sub launcherName()
if (isGtk() || isWPE()) {
return "MiniBrowser";
} elsif (isAppleMacWebKit()) {
return "Safari";
} elsif (isAppleWinWebKit() || isFTW()) {
return "MiniBrowser";
sub checkRequiredSystemConfig
if (isDarwin()) {
chomp(my $productVersion = `sw_vers -productVersion`);
if (eval "v$productVersion" lt v10.10.5) {
print "*************************************************************\n";
print "OS X Yosemite v10.10.5 or later is required to build WebKit.\n";
print "You have " . $productVersion . ", thus the build will most likely fail.\n";
print "*************************************************************\n";
if (eval "v$xcodeVersion" lt v7.0) {
print "*************************************************************\n";
print "Xcode 7.0 or later is required to build WebKit.\n";
print "You have an earlier version of Xcode, thus the build will\n";
print "most likely fail. The latest Xcode is available from the App Store.\n";
print "*************************************************************\n";
sub determineWindowsSourceDir()
return if $windowsSourceDir;
$windowsSourceDir = sourceDir();
chomp($windowsSourceDir = `cygpath -w '$windowsSourceDir'`) if isCygwin();
sub windowsSourceDir()
return $windowsSourceDir;
sub windowsSourceSourceDir()
return File::Spec->catdir(windowsSourceDir(), "Source");
sub windowsLibrariesDir()
return File::Spec->catdir(windowsSourceDir(), "WebKitLibraries", "win");
sub windowsOutputDir()
return File::Spec->catdir(windowsSourceDir(), "WebKitBuild");
sub fontExists($)
my $font = shift;
my $cmd = "reg query \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\" /v \"$font\" 2>&1";
my $val = `$cmd`;
return $? == 0;
sub checkInstalledTools()
# environment variables. Avoid until this is corrected.
my $pythonVer = `python --version 2>&1`;
die "You must have Python installed to build WebKit.\n" if ($?);
# cURL 7.34.0 has a bug that prevents authentication with (and other things using SSL3).
my $curlVer = `curl --version 2> NUL`;
if (!$? and $curlVer =~ "(.*curl.*)") {
$curlVer = $1;
if ($curlVer =~ /libcurl\/7\.34\.0/) {
print "cURL version 7.34.0 has a bug that prevents authentication with SSL v2 or v3.\n";
print "cURL 7.33.0 is known to work. The cURL projects is preparing an update to\n";
print "correct this problem.\n\n";
die "Please install a working cURL and try again.\n";
# MathML requires fonts that may not ship with Windows.
# Warn the user if they are missing.
my @fonts = ('Cambria & Cambria Math (TrueType)', 'LatinModernMath-Regular (TrueType)', 'STIXMath-Regular (TrueType)');
my @missing = ();
foreach my $font (@fonts) {
push @missing, $font if not fontExists($font);
if (scalar @missing > 0) {
print "*************************************************************\n";
print "Mathematical fonts, such as Latin Modern Math are needed to\n";
print "use the MathML feature. You do not appear to have these fonts\n";
print "on your system.\n\n";
print "You can download a suitable set of fonts from the following URL:\n";
print "\n";
print "*************************************************************\n";
print "Installed tools are correct for the WebKit build.\n";
sub setupAppleWinEnv()
return unless isAppleWinWebKit() || isFTW();
if (isWindowsNT()) {
my $restartNeeded = 0;
my %variablesToSet = ();
# FIXME: We should remove this explicit version check for cygwin once we stop supporting Cygwin 1.7.9 or older versions.
my $uname_version = (POSIX::uname())[2];
$uname_version =~ s/\(.*\)//; # Remove the trailing cygwin version, if any.
$uname_version =~ s/\-.*$//; # Remove trailing dash-version content, if any
if (version->parse($uname_version) < version->parse("1.7.10")) {
# Setting the environment variable 'CYGWIN' to 'tty' makes cygwin enable extra support (i.e., termios)
# for UNIX-like ttys in the Windows console
$variablesToSet{CYGWIN} = "tty" unless $ENV{CYGWIN};
# Those environment variables must be set to be able to build inside Visual Studio.
$variablesToSet{WEBKIT_LIBRARIES} = windowsLibrariesDir() unless $ENV{WEBKIT_LIBRARIES};
$variablesToSet{WEBKIT_OUTPUTDIR} = windowsOutputDir() unless $ENV{WEBKIT_OUTPUTDIR};
$variablesToSet{_IsNativeEnvironment} = "true" unless $ENV{_IsNativeEnvironment};
$variablesToSet{PreferredToolArchitecture} = "x64" unless $ENV{PreferredToolArchitecture};
foreach my $variable (keys %variablesToSet) {
print "Setting the Environment Variable '" . $variable . "' to '" . $variablesToSet{$variable} . "'\n\n";
my $ret = system "setx", $variable, $variablesToSet{$variable};
if ($ret != 0) {
system qw(regtool -s set), '\\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Environment\\' . $variable, $variablesToSet{$variable};
$restartNeeded ||= $variable eq "WEBKIT_LIBRARIES" || $variable eq "WEBKIT_OUTPUTDIR";
if ($restartNeeded) {
print "Please restart your computer before attempting to build inside Visual Studio.\n\n";
} else {
print "Warning: You must set the 'WebKit_Libraries' environment variable\n";
print " to be able build WebKit from within Visual Studio 2017 and newer.\n";
print " Make sure that 'WebKit_Libraries' points to the\n";
print " 'WebKitLibraries/win' directory, not the 'WebKitLibraries/' directory.\n\n";
print "Warning: You must set the 'WebKit_OutputDir' environment variable\n";
print " to be able build WebKit from within Visual Studio 2017 and newer.\n\n";
print "Warning: You should set the 'MSBUILDDISABLENODEREUSE' environment variable to '1'\n";
print " to avoid periodic locked log files when building.\n\n";
# FIXME (125180): Remove the following temporary 64-bit support once official support is available.
if (isWin64() and !$ENV{'WEBKIT_64_SUPPORT'}) {
print "Warning: You must set the 'WEBKIT_64_SUPPORT' environment variable\n";
print " to be able run WebKit or JavaScriptCore tests.\n\n";
sub setupCygwinEnv()
return if !isAnyWindows();
return if $msBuildPath;
my $programFilesPath = programFilesPath();
print "Building results into: ", baseProductDir(), "\n";
print "WEBKIT_OUTPUTDIR is set to: ", $ENV{"WEBKIT_OUTPUTDIR"}, "\n";
print "WEBKIT_LIBRARIES is set to: ", $ENV{"WEBKIT_LIBRARIES"}, "\n";
# FIXME (125180): Remove the following temporary 64-bit support once official support is available.
print "WEBKIT_64_SUPPORT is set to: ", $ENV{"WEBKIT_64_SUPPORT"}, "\n" if isWin64();
# We will actually use MSBuild to build WebKit, but we need to find the Visual Studio install (above) to make
# sure we use the right options.
$msBuildPath = msBuildPath();
if (! -e $msBuildPath) {
print "*************************************************************\n";
print "Cannot find '$msBuildPath'\n";
print "Please make sure execute that the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK\n";
print "is installed on this machine.\n";
print "*************************************************************\n";
sub buildXCodeProject($$@)
my ($project, $clean, @extraOptions) = @_;
if ($clean) {
push(@extraOptions, "-alltargets");
push(@extraOptions, "clean");
chomp($ENV{DSYMUTIL_NUM_THREADS} = `sysctl -n hw.activecpu`);
# lldbWebKitTester won't work with the wrong CLANG_DEBUG_INFORMATION_LEVEL, so always use the default for that project
if ($project eq "lldbWebKitTester") {
my $index = 0;
while ($index < scalar(@extraOptions)) {
if ($extraOptions[$index] =~ /CLANG_DEBUG_INFORMATION_LEVEL=/) {
splice @extraOptions, $index, 1;
} else {
$index += 1;
return system "xcodebuild", "-project", "$project.xcodeproj", @extraOptions;
sub getVisualStudioToolset()
if (isPlayStation()) {
return "";
} elsif (isWin64()) {
return "x64";
} else {
return "Win32";
sub getMSBuildPlatformArgument()
my $toolset = getVisualStudioToolset();
if (defined($toolset) && length($toolset)) {
return "/p:Platform=$toolset";
return "";
sub getCMakeWindowsToolsetArgument()
my $toolset = getVisualStudioToolset();
if (defined($toolset) && length($toolset)) {
return "-A $toolset";
return "";
sub buildVisualStudioProject
my ($project, $clean) = @_;
my $config = configurationForVisualStudio();
chomp($project = `cygpath -w "$project"`) if isCygwin();
my $action = "/t:build";
if ($clean) {
$action = "/t:clean";
my $platform = getMSBuildPlatformArgument();
my $logPath = File::Spec->catdir($baseProductDir, $configuration);
make_path($logPath) unless -d $logPath or $logPath eq ".";
my $errorLogFile = File::Spec->catfile($logPath, "webkit_errors.log");
chomp($errorLogFile = `cygpath -w "$errorLogFile"`) if isCygwin();
my $errorLogging = "/flp:LogFile=" . $errorLogFile . ";ErrorsOnly";
my $warningLogFile = File::Spec->catfile($logPath, "webkit_warnings.log");
chomp($warningLogFile = `cygpath -w "$warningLogFile"`) if isCygwin();
my $warningLogging = "/flp1:LogFile=" . $warningLogFile . ";WarningsOnly";
my $maxCPUCount = '/maxcpucount:' . numberOfCPUs();
my @command = ($msBuildPath, "/verbosity:minimal", $project, $action, $config, $platform, "/fl", $errorLogging, "/fl1", $warningLogging, $maxCPUCount);
print join(" ", @command), "\n";
return system @command;
sub getJhbuildPath()
my @jhbuildPath = File::Spec->splitdir(baseProductDir());
if (isGit() && isGitBranchBuild() && gitBranch()) {
if (isGtk()) {
push(@jhbuildPath, "DependenciesGTK");
} elsif (isWPE()) {
push(@jhbuildPath, "DependenciesWPE");
} else {
die "Cannot get JHBuild path for platform that isn't GTK+ or WPE.\n";
return File::Spec->catdir(@jhbuildPath);
sub getUserFlatpakPath()
my $productDir = baseProductDir();
if (isGit() && isGitBranchBuild() && gitBranch()) {
my $branch = gitBranch();
$productDir =~ s/$branch//;
my @flatpakPath = File::Spec->splitdir($productDir);
push(@flatpakPath, "UserFlatpak");
return File::Spec->catdir(@flatpakPath);
sub isCachedArgumentfileOutOfDate($@)
my ($filename, $currentContents) = @_;
if (! -e $filename) {
return 1;
open(CONTENTS_FILE, $filename);
chomp(my $previousContents = <CONTENTS_FILE> || "");
if ($previousContents ne $currentContents) {
print "Contents for file $filename have changed.\n";
print "Previous contents were: $previousContents\n\n";
print "New contents are: $currentContents\n";
return 1;
return 0;
sub inFlatpakSandbox()
return (-f "/.flatpak-info");
sub runInFlatpak(@)
if (isGtk() && checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--update-gtk")) {
system("perl", File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), "Tools", "Scripts", "update-webkitgtk-libs"), argumentsForConfiguration()) == 0 or die $!;
if (isWPE() && checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--update-wpe")) {
system("perl", File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), "Tools", "Scripts", "update-webkitwpe-libs"), argumentsForConfiguration()) == 0 or die $!;
my @arg = @_;
my @command = (File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), "Tools", "Scripts", "webkit-flatpak"));
my @flatpakArgs;
my @filteredArgv;
# Filter-out Flatpak SDK-specific arguments to a separate array, passed to webkit-flatpak.
my $prefix = "--flatpak-";
foreach my $opt (@ARGV) {
if (substr($opt, 0, length($prefix)) eq $prefix) {
my ($name, $value) = split("--flatpak-", $opt);
push(@flatpakArgs, "--$value");
} else {
push(@filteredArgv, $opt);
exec @command, argumentsForConfiguration(), @flatpakArgs, "--command", @_, argumentsForConfiguration(), @filteredArgv or die;
sub runInFlatpakIfAvailable(@)
my $prefix = wrapperPrefixIfNeeded();
if (defined($prefix)) {
return 0;
if (inFlatpakSandbox()) {
return 0;
my @command = (File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), "Tools", "Scripts", "webkit-flatpak"));
if (system(@command, "--available") != 0) {
return 0;
if (! -e getUserFlatpakPath()) {
return 0;
sub jhbuildWrapperPrefix()
my @prefix = (File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), "Tools", "jhbuild", "jhbuild-wrapper"));
if (isGtk()) {
push(@prefix, "--gtk");
} elsif (isWPE()) {
push(@prefix, "--wpe");
push(@prefix, "run");
return @prefix;
sub wrapperPrefixIfNeeded()
if (isAnyWindows() || isJSCOnly() || isPlayStation()) {
return ();
if (isAppleCocoaWebKit()) {
return ("xcrun");
# Returning () here means either Flatpak or no wrapper will be used.
if (isGtk() or isWPE()) {
# Respect user's choice.
if (defined $ENV{'WEBKIT_JHBUILD'}) {
if ($ENV{'WEBKIT_JHBUILD'} and -e getJhbuildPath()) {
return jhbuildWrapperPrefix();
} else {
return ();
# or let Flatpak take precedence over JHBuild.
} elsif (-e getUserFlatpakPath()) {
return ();
} elsif (-e getJhbuildPath()) {
return jhbuildWrapperPrefix();
return ();
sub shouldUseFlatpak()
# TODO: Use flatpak for JSCOnly on Linux? Could be useful when the SDK
# supports cross-compilation for ARMv7 and Aarch64 for instance.
if (!isGtk() and !isWPE()) {
return 0;
return 0;
my @prefix = wrapperPrefixIfNeeded();
return ((! inFlatpakSandbox()) and (@prefix == 0) and -e getUserFlatpakPath());
sub cmakeCachePath()
return File::Spec->catdir(baseProductDir(), configuration(), "CMakeCache.txt");
sub cmakeFilesPath()
return File::Spec->catdir(baseProductDir(), configuration(), "CMakeFiles");
sub shouldRemoveCMakeCache(@)
my (@buildArgs) = @_;
# We check this first, because we always want to create this file for a fresh build.
my $productDir = File::Spec->catdir(baseProductDir(), configuration());
my $optionsCache = File::Spec->catdir($productDir, "build-webkit-options.txt");
my $joinedBuildArgs = join(" ", @buildArgs);
if (isCachedArgumentfileOutOfDate($optionsCache, $joinedBuildArgs)) {
File::Path::mkpath($productDir) unless -d $productDir;
open(CACHED_ARGUMENTS, ">", $optionsCache);
print CACHED_ARGUMENTS $joinedBuildArgs;
return 1;
my $cmakeCache = cmakeCachePath();
unless (-e $cmakeCache) {
return 0;
my $cacheFileModifiedTime = stat($cmakeCache)->mtime;
my $platformConfiguration = File::Spec->catdir(sourceDir(), "Source", "cmake", "Options" . cmakeBasedPortName() . ".cmake");
if ($cacheFileModifiedTime < stat($platformConfiguration)->mtime) {
return 1;
my $globalConfiguration = File::Spec->catdir(sourceDir(), "Source", "cmake", "OptionsCommon.cmake");
if ($cacheFileModifiedTime < stat($globalConfiguration)->mtime) {
return 1;
# FIXME: This probably does not work as expected, or the next block to
# delete the images subdirectory would not be here. Directory mtime does not
# percolate upwards when files are added or removed from subdirectories.
my $inspectorUserInterfaceDirectory = File::Spec->catdir(sourceDir(), "Source", "WebInspectorUI", "UserInterface");
if ($cacheFileModifiedTime < stat($inspectorUserInterfaceDirectory)->mtime) {
return 1;
my $inspectorImageDirectory = File::Spec->catdir(sourceDir(), "Source", "WebInspectorUI", "UserInterface", "Images");
if ($cacheFileModifiedTime < stat($inspectorImageDirectory)->mtime) {
return 1;
if(isAnyWindows()) {
my $winConfiguration = File::Spec->catdir(sourceDir(), "Source", "cmake", "OptionsWin.cmake");
if ($cacheFileModifiedTime < stat($winConfiguration)->mtime) {
return 1;
# If a change on the JHBuild moduleset has been done, we need to clean the cache as well.
if (! shouldUseFlatpak() and (isGtk() || isWPE())) {
my $jhbuildRootDirectory = File::Spec->catdir(getJhbuildPath(), "Root");
# The script update-webkit-libs-jhbuild shall re-generate $jhbuildRootDirectory if the moduleset changed.
if (-d $jhbuildRootDirectory && $cacheFileModifiedTime < stat($jhbuildRootDirectory)->mtime) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub removeCMakeCache(@)
my (@buildArgs) = @_;
if (shouldRemoveCMakeCache(@buildArgs)) {
my $cmakeCache = cmakeCachePath();
my $cmakeFiles = cmakeFilesPath();
unlink($cmakeCache) if -e $cmakeCache;
rmtree($cmakeFiles) if -d $cmakeFiles;
sub canUseNinja(@)
if (!defined($shouldNotUseNinja)) {
$shouldNotUseNinja = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--no-ninja");
if ($shouldNotUseNinja) {
return 0;
if (isAppleCocoaWebKit()) {
my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull();
if (exitStatus(system("xcrun -find ninja >$devnull 2>&1")) == 0) {
return 1;
# Test both ninja and ninja-build. Fedora uses ninja-build and has patched CMake to also call ninja-build.
return commandExists("ninja") || commandExists("ninja-build");
sub canUseEclipseNinjaGenerator(@)
# Check that eclipse and eclipse Ninja generator is installed
my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull();
return commandExists("eclipse") && exitStatus(system("cmake -N -G 'Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja' >$devnull 2>&1")) == 0;
sub cmakeGeneratedBuildfile(@)
my ($willUseNinja) = @_;
if ($willUseNinja) {
return File::Spec->catfile(baseProductDir(), configuration(), "")
} elsif (isAnyWindows()) {
return File::Spec->catfile(baseProductDir(), configuration(), "WebKit.sln")
} else {
return File::Spec->catfile(baseProductDir(), configuration(), "Makefile")
sub generateBuildSystemFromCMakeProject
my ($prefixPath, @cmakeArgs) = @_;
my $config = configuration();
my $port = cmakeBasedPortName();
my $buildPath = File::Spec->catdir(baseProductDir(), $config);
File::Path::mkpath($buildPath) unless -d $buildPath;
my $originalWorkingDirectory = getcwd();
chdir($buildPath) or die;
# We try to be smart about when to rerun cmake, so that we can have faster incremental builds.
my $willUseNinja = canUseNinja();
if (-e cmakeCachePath() && -e cmakeGeneratedBuildfile($willUseNinja)) {
return 0;
my @args;
push @args, "-DPORT=\"$port\"";
push @args, "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=\"$prefixPath\"" if $prefixPath;
if ($config =~ /release/i) {
push @args, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release";
} elsif ($config =~ /debug/i) {
push @args, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug";
push @args, "-DENABLE_SANITIZERS=address" if asanIsEnabled();
push @args, "-DLTO_MODE=$ltoMode" if ltoMode();
push @args, '-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=Platform/PlayStation' if isPlayStation();
if ($willUseNinja) {
push @args, "-G";
if (canUseEclipseNinjaGenerator()) {
push @args, "'Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja'";
} else {
push @args, "Ninja";
push @args, "-DUSE_THIN_ARCHIVES=OFF" if isPlayStation();
} else {
if (isAnyWindows()) {
push @args, getCMakeWindowsToolsetArgument();
if ((isAnyWindows() || isPlayStation()) && defined $ENV{VisualStudioVersion}) {
my $var = int($ENV{VisualStudioVersion});
push @args, qq(-G "Visual Studio $var");
# Do not show progress of generating bindings in interactive Ninja build not to leave noisy lines on tty
push @args, '-DSHOW_BINDINGS_GENERATION_PROGRESS=1' unless ($willUseNinja && -t STDOUT);
# Some ports have production mode, but build-webkit should always use developer mode.
push @args, "-DDEVELOPER_MODE=ON" if isGtk() || isJSCOnly() || isWPE() || isWin64();
if (architecture() eq "x86_64" && shouldBuild32Bit()) {
# CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is needed to get the right .pc
# files in Debian-based systems, for the others
# CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH will get us /usr/lib, which should be the
# right path for 32bit. See FindPkgConfig.cmake.
$ENV{"CFLAGS"} = "-m32" . ($ENV{"CFLAGS"} || "");
$ENV{"CXXFLAGS"} = "-m32" . ($ENV{"CXXFLAGS"} || "");
$ENV{"LDFLAGS"} = "-m32" . ($ENV{"LDFLAGS"} || "");
push @args, @cmakeArgs if @cmakeArgs;
my $cmakeSourceDir = isCygwin() ? windowsSourceDir() : sourceDir();
push @args, '"' . $cmakeSourceDir . '"';
# We call system("cmake @args") instead of system("cmake", @args) so that @args is
# parsed for shell metacharacters.
my $wrapper = join(" ", wrapperPrefixIfNeeded()) . " ";
my $returnCode = systemVerbose($wrapper . "cmake @args");
return $returnCode;
sub buildCMakeGeneratedProject($)
my (@makeArgs) = @_;
my $config = configuration();
my $buildPath = File::Spec->catdir(baseProductDir(), $config);
if (! -d $buildPath) {
die "Must call generateBuildSystemFromCMakeProject() before building CMake project.";
if ($ENV{VERBOSE} && canUseNinja()) {
push @makeArgs, "-v";
push @makeArgs, "-d keeprsp" if (version->parse(determineNinjaVersion()) >= version->parse("1.4.0"));
my $command = "cmake";
my @args = ("--build", $buildPath, "--config", $config);
push @args, ("--", @makeArgs) if @makeArgs;
# GTK and JSCOnly can use a build script to preserve colors and pretty-printing.
if ((isGtk() || isJSCOnly()) && -e "$buildPath/") {
chdir "$buildPath" or die;
$command = "$buildPath/";
@args = (@makeArgs);
# We call system("cmake @args") instead of system("cmake", @args) so that @args is
# parsed for shell metacharacters. In particular, @makeArgs may contain such metacharacters.
my $wrapper = join(" ", wrapperPrefixIfNeeded()) . " ";
return systemVerbose($wrapper . "$command @args");
sub cleanCMakeGeneratedProject()
my $config = configuration();
my $buildPath = File::Spec->catdir(baseProductDir(), $config);
if (-d $buildPath) {
return systemVerbose("cmake", "--build", $buildPath, "--config", $config, "--target", "clean");
return 0;
sub buildCMakeProjectOrExit($$$@)
my ($clean, $prefixPath, $makeArgs, @cmakeArgs) = @_;
my $returnCode;
exit(exitStatus(cleanCMakeGeneratedProject())) if $clean;
my $wrapper = wrapperPrefixIfNeeded();
my $jhbuildPrefix = jhbuildWrapperPrefix();
if (defined($wrapper) && defined($jhbuildPrefix) && $wrapper == $jhbuildPrefix) {
if (isGtk() && checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--update-gtk")) {
system("perl", File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), "Tools", "Scripts", "update-webkitgtk-libs")) == 0 or die $!;
if (isWPE() && checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--update-wpe")) {
system("perl", File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), "Tools", "Scripts", "update-webkitwpe-libs")) == 0 or die $!;
$returnCode = exitStatus(generateBuildSystemFromCMakeProject($prefixPath, @cmakeArgs));
exit($returnCode) if $returnCode;
exit 0 if isGenerateProjectOnly();
$returnCode = exitStatus(buildCMakeGeneratedProject($makeArgs));
exit($returnCode) if $returnCode;
return 0;
sub cmakeArgsFromFeatures(\@;$)
my ($featuresArrayRef, $enableExperimentalFeatures) = @_;
my @args;
push @args, "-DENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES=ON" if $enableExperimentalFeatures;
foreach (@$featuresArrayRef) {
my $featureName = $_->{define};
if ($featureName) {
my $featureValue = ${$_->{value}}; # Undef to let the build system use its default.
if (defined($featureValue)) {
my $featureEnabled = $featureValue ? "ON" : "OFF";
push @args, "-D$featureName=$featureEnabled";
return @args;
sub cmakeBasedPortName()
return ucfirst portName();
sub determineIsCMakeBuild()
return if defined($isCMakeBuild);
$isCMakeBuild = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--cmake");
sub isCMakeBuild()
return 1 unless isAppleCocoaWebKit();
return $isCMakeBuild;
sub determineIsGenerateProjectOnly()
return if defined($isGenerateProjectOnly);
$isGenerateProjectOnly = checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--generate-project-only");
sub isGenerateProjectOnly()
return $isGenerateProjectOnly;
sub promptUser
my ($prompt, $default) = @_;
my $defaultValue = $default ? "[$default]" : "";
print "$prompt $defaultValue: ";
chomp(my $input = <STDIN>);
return $input ? $input : $default;
sub appleApplicationSupportPath
open INSTALL_DIR, "</proc/registry/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Apple\ Inc./Apple\ Application\ Support/InstallDir";
my $path = <INSTALL_DIR>;
$path =~ s/[\r\n\x00].*//;
my $unixPath = `cygpath -u '$path'`;
chomp $unixPath;
return $unixPath;
sub setPathForRunningWebKitApp
my ($env) = @_;
if (isAnyWindows()) {
my $productBinaryDir = executableProductDir();
if (isAppleWinWebKit() || isFTW()) {
$env->{PATH} = join(':', $productBinaryDir, appleApplicationSupportPath(), $env->{PATH} || "");
} elsif (isWinCairo()) {
my $winCairoBin = sourceDir() . "/WebKitLibraries/win/" . (isWin64() ? "bin64/" : "bin32/");
my $gstreamerBin = isWin64() ? $ENV{"GSTREAMER_1_0_ROOT_X86_64"} . "bin" : $ENV{"GSTREAMER_1_0_ROOT_X86"} . "bin";
$env->{PATH} = join(':', $productBinaryDir, $winCairoBin, $gstreamerBin, $env->{PATH} || "");
sub printHelpAndExitForRunAndDebugWebKitAppIfNeeded
return unless checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--help");
print STDERR <<EOF;
Usage: @{[basename($0)]} [options] [args ...]
--help Show this help message
--no-saved-state Launch the application without state restoration
Options specific to macOS:
-g|--guard-malloc Enable Guard Malloc
--lang=LANGUAGE Use a specific language instead of system language.
This accepts a language name (German) or a language code (de, ar, pt_BR, etc).
--locale=LOCALE Use a specific locale instead of the system region.
Options specific to iOS:
--iphone-simulator Run the app in an iPhone Simulator
--ipad-simulator Run the app in an iPad Simulator
sub argumentsForRunAndDebugMacWebKitApp()
my @args = ();
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGV("--no-saved-state")) {
push @args, ("-ApplePersistenceIgnoreStateQuietly", "YES");
my $lang;
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGVGettingValue("--lang", \$lang)) {
push @args, ("-AppleLanguages", "(" . $lang . ")");
my $locale;
if (checkForArgumentAndRemoveFromARGVGettingValue("--locale", \$locale)) {
push @args, ("-AppleLocale", $locale);
unshift @args, @ARGV;
return @args;
sub setupMacWebKitEnvironment($)
my ($dyldFrameworkPath) = @_;
$dyldFrameworkPath = File::Spec->rel2abs($dyldFrameworkPath);
prependToEnvironmentVariableList("DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH", $dyldFrameworkPath);
prependToEnvironmentVariableList("__XPC_DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH", $dyldFrameworkPath);
prependToEnvironmentVariableList("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", $dyldFrameworkPath);
prependToEnvironmentVariableList("__XPC_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", $dyldFrameworkPath);
sub setupUnixWebKitEnvironment($)
my ($productDir) = @_;
$ENV{TEST_RUNNER_INJECTED_BUNDLE_FILENAME} = File::Spec->catfile($productDir, "lib", "");
$ENV{TEST_RUNNER_TEST_PLUGIN_PATH} = File::Spec->catdir($productDir, "lib", "plugins");
sub setupIOSWebKitEnvironment($)
my ($dyldFrameworkPath) = @_;
$dyldFrameworkPath = File::Spec->rel2abs($dyldFrameworkPath);
prependToEnvironmentVariableList("DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH", $dyldFrameworkPath);
prependToEnvironmentVariableList("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", $dyldFrameworkPath);
sub iosSimulatorApplicationsPath()
my $output = `xcrun simctl list runtimes iOS --json`;
my $runtimes = decode_json($output)->{runtimes};
if (!$runtimes) {
die "No iOS simulator runtimes found";
my $runtimePath = @$runtimes[0]->{runtimeRoot};
return File::Spec->catdir($runtimePath, "Applications");
sub installedMobileSafariBundle()
return File::Spec->catfile(iosSimulatorApplicationsPath(), "");
sub mobileSafariBundle()
# Use in product directory if present.
if (isIOSWebKit() && -d "$configurationProductDir/") {
return "$configurationProductDir/";
return installedMobileSafariBundle();
sub plistPathFromBundle($)
my ($appBundle) = @_;
return "$appBundle/Info.plist" if -f "$appBundle/Info.plist"; # iOS app bundle
return "$appBundle/Contents/Info.plist" if -f "$appBundle/Contents/Info.plist"; # Mac app bundle
return "";
sub appIdentifierFromBundle($)
my ($appBundle) = @_;
my $plistPath = File::Spec->rel2abs(plistPathFromBundle($appBundle)); # defaults(1) will complain if the specified path is not absolute.
chomp(my $bundleIdentifier = `defaults read '$plistPath' CFBundleIdentifier 2> /dev/null`);
return $bundleIdentifier;
sub appDisplayNameFromBundle($)
my ($appBundle) = @_;
my $plistPath = File::Spec->rel2abs(plistPathFromBundle($appBundle)); # defaults(1) will complain if the specified path is not absolute.
chomp(my $bundleDisplayName = `defaults read '$plistPath' CFBundleDisplayName 2> /dev/null`);
return $bundleDisplayName;
sub waitUntilIOSSimulatorDeviceIsInState($$)
my ($deviceUDID, $waitUntilState) = @_;
my $device = iosSimulatorDeviceByUDID($deviceUDID);
# FIXME: We should add a maximum time limit to wait here.
while ($device->{state} ne $waitUntilState) {
usleep(500 * 1000); # Waiting 500ms between file system polls does not make script run-safari feel sluggish.
$device = iosSimulatorDeviceByUDID($deviceUDID);
sub waitUntilProcessNotRunning($)
my ($process) = @_;
while (system("/bin/ps -eo pid,comm | /usr/bin/grep '$process\$'") == 0) {
usleep(500 * 1000);
sub shutDownIOSSimulatorDevice($)
my ($simulatorDevice) = @_;
return if $simulatorDevice->{state} eq SIMULATOR_DEVICE_STATE_SHUTDOWN;
system("xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator simctl shutdown $simulatorDevice->{UDID} > /dev/null 2>&1");
sub restartIOSSimulatorDevice($)
my ($simulatorDevice) = @_;
exitStatus(system("xcrun", "--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "simctl", "boot", $simulatorDevice->{UDID})) == 0 or die "Failed to boot simulator device $simulatorDevice->{UDID}";
sub relaunchIOSSimulator($)
my ($simulatedDevice) = @_;
chomp(my $developerDirectory = $ENV{DEVELOPER_DIR} || `xcode-select --print-path`);
my $iosSimulatorPath = File::Spec->catfile($developerDirectory, "Applications", "");
# needs to be running before the simulator is booted to have it visible.
system("open", "-a", $iosSimulatorPath, "--args", "-CurrentDeviceUDID", $simulatedDevice->{UDID}) == 0 or die "Failed to open $iosSimulatorPath: $!";
system("xcrun", "simctl", "boot", $simulatedDevice->{UDID}) == 0 or die "Failed to boot simulator $simulatedDevice->{UDID}: $!";
waitUntilIOSSimulatorDeviceIsInState($simulatedDevice->{UDID}, SIMULATOR_DEVICE_STATE_BOOTED);
sub iosSimulatorDeviceByName($)
my ($simulatorName) = @_;
my $simulatorRuntime = iosSimulatorRuntime();
my @devices = iOSSimulatorDevices();
for my $device (@devices) {
if ($device->{name} eq $simulatorName && $device->{runtime} eq $simulatorRuntime) {
return $device;
return undef;
sub iosSimulatorDeviceByUDID($)
my ($simulatedDeviceUDID) = @_;
my $output = `xcrun simctl list devices $simulatedDeviceUDID --json`;
my $runtimes = decode_json($output)->{devices};
while ((my $runtime, my $devicesForRuntime) = each %$runtimes) {
next if not @$devicesForRuntime;
die "Multiple devices found for UDID $simulatedDeviceUDID: $output" if scalar(@$devicesForRuntime) > 1;
return simulatorDeviceFromJSON($runtime, @$devicesForRuntime[0]);
return undef;
sub iosSimulatorRuntime()
my $xcodeSDKVersion = xcodeSDKVersion();
$xcodeSDKVersion =~ s/\./-/;
my $runtime = "$xcodeSDKVersion";
open(TEST, "-|", "xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator simctl list 2>&1") or die "Failed to run find simulator runtime";
while ( my $line = <TEST> ) {
$runtime = $1 if ($line =~ m/.+ - (\S+)/);
return $runtime;
sub findOrCreateSimulatorForIOSDevice($)
my ($simulatorNameSuffix) = @_;
my $simulatorName;
my $simulatorDeviceType;
if ($simulatorIdiom eq "iPad") {
$simulatorName = "iPad Pro " . $simulatorNameSuffix;
$simulatorDeviceType = "";
} else {
$simulatorName = "iPhone SE " . $simulatorNameSuffix;
$simulatorDeviceType = "";
my $simulatedDevice = iosSimulatorDeviceByName($simulatorName);
return $simulatedDevice if $simulatedDevice;
return createiOSSimulatorDevice($simulatorName, $simulatorDeviceType, iosSimulatorRuntime());
sub isIOSSimulatorSystemInstalledApp($)
my ($appBundle) = @_;
my $simulatorApplicationsPath = realpath(iosSimulatorApplicationsPath());
return substr(realpath($appBundle), 0, length($simulatorApplicationsPath)) eq $simulatorApplicationsPath;
sub hasUserInstalledAppInSimulatorDevice($$)
my ($appIdentifier, $simulatedDeviceUDID) = @_;
my $userInstalledAppPath = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{HOME}, "Library", "Developer", "CoreSimulator", "Devices", $simulatedDeviceUDID, "data", "Containers", "Bundle", "Application");
if (!-d $userInstalledAppPath) {
return 0; # No user installed apps.
local @::userInstalledAppBundles;
my $wantedFunction = sub {
my $file = $_;
# Ignore hidden files and directories.
if ($file =~ /^\../) {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
return if !-d $file || $file !~ /\.app$/;
push @::userInstalledAppBundles, $File::Find::name;
$File::Find::prune = 1; # Do not traverse contents of app bundle.
find($wantedFunction, $userInstalledAppPath);
for my $userInstalledAppBundle (@::userInstalledAppBundles) {
if (appIdentifierFromBundle($userInstalledAppBundle) eq $appIdentifier) {
return 1; # Has user installed app.
return 0; # Does not have user installed app.
sub isSimulatorDeviceBooted($)
my ($simulatedDeviceUDID) = @_;
my $device = iosSimulatorDeviceByUDID($simulatedDeviceUDID);
return $device && $device->{state} eq SIMULATOR_DEVICE_STATE_BOOTED;
sub runIOSWebKitAppInSimulator($;$)
my ($appBundle, $simulatorOptions) = @_;
my $productDir = productDir();
my $appDisplayName = appDisplayNameFromBundle($appBundle);
my $appIdentifier = appIdentifierFromBundle($appBundle);
my $simulatedDevice = findOrCreateSimulatorForIOSDevice(SIMULATOR_DEVICE_SUFFIX_FOR_WEBKIT_DEVELOPMENT);
my $simulatedDeviceUDID = $simulatedDevice->{UDID};
my $willUseSystemInstalledApp = isIOSSimulatorSystemInstalledApp($appBundle);
if ($willUseSystemInstalledApp) {
if (hasUserInstalledAppInSimulatorDevice($appIdentifier, $simulatedDeviceUDID)) {
# Restore the system-installed app in the simulator device corresponding to $appBundle as it
# was previously overwritten with a custom built version of the app.
# FIXME: Only restore the system-installed version of the app instead of erasing all contents and settings.
print "Quitting iOS Simulator...\n";
print "Erasing contents and settings for simulator device \"$simulatedDevice->{name}\".\n";
exitStatus(system("xcrun", "--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "simctl", "erase", $simulatedDeviceUDID)) == 0 or die;
# FIXME: We assume that if $simulatedDeviceUDID is not booted then iOS Simulator is not open. However
# $simulatedDeviceUDID may have been booted using the simctl command line tool. If $simulatedDeviceUDID
# was booted using simctl then we should shutdown the device and launch iOS Simulator to boot it again.
if (!isSimulatorDeviceBooted($simulatedDeviceUDID)) {
print "Launching iOS Simulator...\n";
} else {
# FIXME: We should killall(1) any running instances of $appBundle before installing it to ensure
# that simctl launch opens the latest installed version of the app. For now we quit and
# launch the iOS Simulator again to ensure there are no running instances of $appBundle.
print "Quitting and launching iOS Simulator...\n";
print "Installing $appBundle.\n";
# Install custom built app, overwriting an app with the same app identifier if one exists.
exitStatus(system("xcrun", "--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "simctl", "install", $simulatedDeviceUDID, $appBundle)) == 0 or die;
$simulatorOptions = {} unless $simulatorOptions;
my %simulatorENV;
%simulatorENV = %{$simulatorOptions->{applicationEnvironment}} if $simulatorOptions->{applicationEnvironment};
local %ENV; # Shadow global-scope %ENV so that changes to it will not be seen outside of this scope.
%simulatorENV = %ENV;
my $applicationArguments = \@ARGV;
$applicationArguments = $simulatorOptions->{applicationArguments} if $simulatorOptions && $simulatorOptions->{applicationArguments};
# Prefix the environment variables with SIMCTL_CHILD_ per `xcrun simctl help launch`.
foreach my $key (keys %simulatorENV) {
$ENV{"SIMCTL_CHILD_$key"} = $simulatorENV{$key};
print "Starting $appDisplayName with DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH set to point to built WebKit in $productDir.\n";
return exitStatus(system("xcrun", "--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "simctl", "launch", $simulatedDeviceUDID, $appIdentifier, @$applicationArguments));
sub runIOSWebKitApp($)
my ($appBundle) = @_;
if (willUseIOSDeviceSDK()) {
die "Only running Safari in iOS Simulator is supported now.";
if (willUseIOSSimulatorSDK()) {
return runIOSWebKitAppInSimulator($appBundle);
die "Not using an iOS SDK."
sub archCommandLineArgumentsForRestrictedEnvironmentVariables()
my @arguments = ();
foreach my $key (keys(%ENV)) {
if ($key =~ /^DYLD_/) {
push @arguments, "-e", "$key=$ENV{$key}";
return @arguments;
sub runMacWebKitApp($;$)
my ($appPath, $useOpenCommand) = @_;
my $productDir = productDir();
print "Starting @{[basename($appPath)]} with DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH set to point to built WebKit in $productDir.\n";
local %ENV = %ENV;
if (defined($useOpenCommand) && $useOpenCommand == USE_OPEN_COMMAND) {
return system("open", "-W", "-a", $appPath, "--args", argumentsForRunAndDebugMacWebKitApp());
if (architecture()) {
return system "arch", "-" . architecture(), archCommandLineArgumentsForRestrictedEnvironmentVariables(), $appPath, argumentsForRunAndDebugMacWebKitApp();
return system { $appPath } $appPath, argumentsForRunAndDebugMacWebKitApp();
sub execMacWebKitAppForDebugging($)
my ($appPath) = @_;
my $architectureSwitch = "--arch";
my $argumentsSeparator = "--";
my $debuggerPath = `xcrun -find lldb`;
chomp $debuggerPath;
die "Can't find the lldb executable.\n" unless -x $debuggerPath;
my $productDir = productDir();
my @architectureFlags = ($architectureSwitch, architecture());
print "Starting @{[basename($appPath)]} under lldb with DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH set to point to built WebKit in $productDir.\n";
exec { $debuggerPath } $debuggerPath, @architectureFlags, $argumentsSeparator, $appPath, argumentsForRunAndDebugMacWebKitApp() or die;
sub execUnixAppForDebugging($)
my ($appPath) = @_;
my $debuggerPath = `which gdb | head -1`;
chomp $debuggerPath;
die "Can't find the gdb executable.\n" unless -x $debuggerPath;
my $productDir = productDir();
my @cmdline = wrapperPrefixIfNeeded();
push @cmdline, $debuggerPath, "--args", $appPath;
print "Starting @{[basename($appPath)]} under gdb with build WebKit in $productDir.\n";
exec @cmdline, @ARGV or die;
sub debugSafari
if (isAppleMacWebKit()) {
return 1; # Unsupported platform; can't debug Safari on this platform.
sub runSafari
if (isIOSWebKit()) {
return runIOSWebKitApp(mobileSafariBundle());
if (isAppleMacWebKit()) {
return runMacWebKitApp(safariPath());
if (isAppleWinWebKit() || isFTW()) {
my $result;
my $webKitLauncherPath = File::Spec->catfile(executableProductDir(), "MiniBrowser.exe");
return system { $webKitLauncherPath } $webKitLauncherPath, @ARGV;
return 1; # Unsupported platform; can't run Safari on this platform.
sub runMiniBrowser
if (isAppleMacWebKit()) {
return runMacWebKitApp(File::Spec->catfile(productDir(), "", "Contents", "MacOS", "MiniBrowser"));
if (isAppleWinWebKit() || isFTW()) {
my $webKitLauncherPath = File::Spec->catfile(executableProductDir(), "MiniBrowser.exe");
return system { $webKitLauncherPath } $webKitLauncherPath, @ARGV;
return 1;
sub debugMiniBrowser
if (isAppleMacWebKit()) {
execMacWebKitAppForDebugging(File::Spec->catfile(productDir(), "", "Contents", "MacOS", "MiniBrowser"));
return 1;
sub runWebKitTestRunner
if (isAppleMacWebKit()) {
return runMacWebKitApp(File::Spec->catfile(productDir(), "WebKitTestRunner"));
return 1;
sub debugWebKitTestRunner
if (isAppleMacWebKit()) {
execMacWebKitAppForDebugging(File::Spec->catfile(productDir(), "WebKitTestRunner"));
} elsif (isGtk() or isWPE()) {
execUnixAppForDebugging(File::Spec->catfile(productDir(), "bin", "WebKitTestRunner"));
return 1;
sub readRegistryString
my ($valueName) = @_;
chomp(my $string = `regtool --wow32 get "$valueName"`);
return $string;
sub writeRegistryString
my ($valueName, $string) = @_;
my $error = system "regtool", "--wow32", "set", "-s", $valueName, $string;
# On Windows Vista/7 with UAC enabled, regtool will fail to modify the registry, but will still
# return a successful exit code. So we double-check here that the value we tried to write to the
# registry was really written.
return !$error && readRegistryString($valueName) eq $string;
sub formatBuildTime($)
my ($buildTime) = @_;
my $buildHours = int($buildTime / 3600);
my $buildMins = int(($buildTime - $buildHours * 3600) / 60);
my $buildSecs = $buildTime - $buildHours * 3600 - $buildMins * 60;
if ($buildHours) {
return sprintf("%dh:%02dm:%02ds", $buildHours, $buildMins, $buildSecs);
return sprintf("%02dm:%02ds", $buildMins, $buildSecs);
sub runSvnUpdateAndResolveChangeLogs(@)
my @svnOptions = @_;
my $openCommand = "svn update " . join(" ", @svnOptions);
open my $update, "$openCommand |" or die "cannot execute command $openCommand";
my @conflictedChangeLogs;
while (my $line = <$update>) {
print $line;
$line =~ m/^C\s+(.+?)[\r\n]*$/;
if ($1) {
my $filename = normalizePath($1);
push @conflictedChangeLogs, $filename if basename($filename) eq "ChangeLog";
close $update or die;
if (@conflictedChangeLogs) {
print "Attempting to merge conflicted ChangeLogs.\n";
my $resolveChangeLogsPath = File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), "Tools", "Scripts", "resolve-ChangeLogs");
(system($resolveChangeLogsPath, "--no-warnings", @conflictedChangeLogs) == 0)
or die "Could not open resolve-ChangeLogs script: $!.\n";
sub runGitUpdate()
# Doing a git fetch first allows setups with svn-remote.svn.fetch = trunk:refs/remotes/origin/master
# to perform the rebase much much faster.
system("git", "fetch");
if (isGitSVNDirectory(".")) {
system("git", "svn", "rebase") == 0 or die;
} else {
# This will die if branch.$BRANCHNAME.merge isn't set, which is
# almost certainly what we want.
system("git", "pull") == 0 or die;