blob: 88425a91b28bf6d8249f695b532dc5689a31b1de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
function asmModule(stdlib, imports) {
"use asm";
var i8 = stdlib.SIMD.Int16x8;
var i8check = i8.check;
var i8shiftLeftByScalar = i8.shiftLeftByScalar;
var i8shiftRightByScalar = i8.shiftRightByScalar;
var globImporti8 = i8check(imports.g1);
var i8g1 = i8(106, 0, -10, 1082, 3192, 32, 19, 5);
var loopCOUNT = 8;
function testShiftLeftScalarLocal()
var a = i8(5000, -3401, 665, -3224, -948, 2834, 7748, -25);
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0)
a = i8shiftLeftByScalar(a, 1);
return i8check(a);
function testShiftRightScalarLocal()
var a = i8(5000, -3401, 665, -3224, -948, 2834, 7748, -25);
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
a = i8shiftRightByScalar(a, 1);
return i8check(a);
function testShiftLeftScalarGlobal()
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
i8g1 = i8shiftLeftByScalar(i8g1, 1);
return i8check(i8g1);
function testShiftRightScalarGlobal()
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
i8g1 = i8shiftRightByScalar(i8g1, 1);
return i8check(i8g1);
function testShiftLeftScalarGlobalImport()
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
globImporti8 = i8shiftLeftByScalar(globImporti8, 1);
return i8check(globImporti8);
function testShiftRightScalarGlobalImport()
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
globImporti8 = i8shiftRightByScalar(globImporti8, 1);
return i8check(globImporti8);
function testShiftLeftScalarLocal1()
var a = i8(5000, -3401, 665, -3224, -948, 2834, 7748, -25);
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0)
a = i8shiftLeftByScalar(a, 16);
a = i8shiftLeftByScalar(a, 17);
return i8check(a);
function testShiftRightScalarLocal1()
var a = i8(5000, -3401, 665, -3224, -948, 2834, 7748, -25);
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
a = i8shiftRightByScalar(a, 16);
a = i8shiftRightByScalar(a, 17);
return i8check(a);
function testShiftLeftScalarGlobal1()
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
i8g1 = i8shiftLeftByScalar(i8g1, 16);
i8g1 = i8shiftLeftByScalar(i8g1, 17);
return i8check(i8g1);
function testShiftRightScalarGlobal1()
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
i8g1 = i8shiftRightByScalar(i8g1, 16);
i8g1 = i8shiftRightByScalar(i8g1, 17);
return i8check(i8g1);
function testShiftLeftScalarGlobalImport1()
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
globImporti8 = i8shiftLeftByScalar(globImporti8, 16);
globImporti8 = i8shiftLeftByScalar(globImporti8, 17);
return i8check(globImporti8);
function testShiftRightScalarGlobalImport1()
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
globImporti8 = i8shiftRightByScalar(globImporti8, 16);
globImporti8 = i8shiftRightByScalar(globImporti8, 17);
return i8check(globImporti8);
return {
testShiftLeftScalarLocal: testShiftLeftScalarLocal, testShiftRightScalarLocal: testShiftRightScalarLocal, testShiftLeftScalarGlobal: testShiftLeftScalarGlobal,
testShiftRightScalarGlobal: testShiftRightScalarGlobal, testShiftLeftScalarGlobalImport: testShiftLeftScalarGlobalImport, testShiftRightScalarGlobalImport: testShiftRightScalarGlobalImport,
testShiftLeftScalarLocal1: testShiftLeftScalarLocal1, testShiftRightScalarLocal1: testShiftRightScalarLocal1, testShiftLeftScalarGlobal1: testShiftLeftScalarGlobal1,
testShiftRightScalarGlobal1: testShiftRightScalarGlobal1, testShiftLeftScalarGlobalImport1: testShiftLeftScalarGlobalImport1, testShiftRightScalarGlobalImport1: testShiftRightScalarGlobalImport1
var m = asmModule(this, {g1:SIMD.Int16x8(-50, 1000, 3092, -3393, 0, -39283838, 0, -838)});
equalSimd([-30720, -18688, -26368, 26624, 19456, 4608, 17408, -6400], m.testShiftLeftScalarLocal(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMinLocal");
equalSimd([19, -14, 2, -13, -4, 11, 30, -1], m.testShiftRightScalarLocal(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMaxLocal");
equalSimd([27136, 0, -2560, 14848, 30720, 8192, 4864, 1280], m.testShiftLeftScalarGlobal(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMinGlobal");
equalSimd([106, 0, -10, 58, 120, 32, 19, 5], m.testShiftRightScalarGlobal(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMaxGlobal");
equalSimd([-12800, -6144, 5120, -16640, 0, -32256, 0, -17920], m.testShiftLeftScalarGlobalImport(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMinGlobalImport");
equalSimd([-50, -24, 20, -65, 0, -126, 0, -70], m.testShiftRightScalarGlobalImport(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMaxGlobalImport");
equalSimd([-30720, -18688, -26368, 26624, 19456, 4608, 17408, -6400], m.testShiftLeftScalarLocal1(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMinLocal1");
equalSimd([19, -14, 2, -13, -4, 11, 30, -1], m.testShiftRightScalarLocal1(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMaxLocal1");
equalSimd([27136, 0, -2560, 14848, 30720, 8192, 4864, 1280], m.testShiftLeftScalarGlobal1(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMinGlobal1");
equalSimd([106, 0, -10, 58, 120, 32, 19, 5], m.testShiftRightScalarGlobal(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMaxGlobal1");
equalSimd([-12800, -6144, 5120, -16640, 0, -32256, 0, -17920], m.testShiftLeftScalarGlobalImport1(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMinGlobalImport1");
equalSimd([-50, -24, 20, -65, 0, -126, 0, -70], m.testShiftRightScalarGlobalImport1(), SIMD.Int16x8, "testMaxGlobalImport1");