blob: ec273e53d0fe921401932f1a3699e742ce265c59 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Unrecognized Content-Security-Policy directive 'report-to'.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Refused to load https://localhost:9443/content-security-policy/support/fail.png because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Refused to load https://localhost:9443/content-security-policy/support/fail.png because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
Harness Error (TIMEOUT), message = null
PASS Test that image does not load
TIMEOUT Event is fired Test timed out
FAIL Report is observable to ReportingObserver Can't find variable: ReportingObserver
FAIL Violation report status OK. assert_equals: No such report. expected "" but got "false"