blob: 415149076dd03107a568aa121bc3925470d48914 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with an empty keyframe
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property two value property-indexed keyframes specification
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one shorthand property two value property-indexed keyframes specification
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a two property (one shorthand and one of its longhand components) two value property-indexed keyframes specification
FAIL Keyframes can be replaced with a two property (one shorthand and one of its shorthand components) two value property-indexed keyframes specification assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #0 should match expected "border,borderColor,composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" but got "border,borderTopColor,composite,computedOffset,easing,offset"
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a two property two value property-indexed keyframes specification
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a two property property-indexed keyframes specification with different numbers of values
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframes specification with an invalid value
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property two value property-indexed keyframes specification that needs to stringify its values
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframes specification with a CSS variable reference
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframes specification with a CSS variable reference in a shorthand property
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property one value property-indexed keyframes specification
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property one non-array value property-indexed keyframes specification
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property two value property-indexed keyframes specification where the first value is invalid
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property two value property-indexed keyframes specification where the second value is invalid
FAIL Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframes specification with a CSS variable as the property assert_equals: number of frames expected 2 but got 0
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with a single offset
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets that is too short
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets that is too long
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an empty array of offsets
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets with an embedded null value
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets with a trailing null value
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets with leading and trailing null values
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets with adjacent null values
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets with all null values (and too many at that)
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with a single null offset
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets that is not strictly ascending in the unused part of the array
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe without any specified easing
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with a single easing
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of easings
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of easings that is too short
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with a single-element array of easings
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an empty array of easings
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with an array of easings that is too long
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with a single composite operation
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with a composite array
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with a composite array that is too short
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with a composite array that is too long
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a property-indexed keyframe with a single-element composite array
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property one keyframe sequence
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property two keyframe sequence
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a two property two keyframe sequence
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one shorthand property two keyframe sequence
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a two property (a shorthand and one of its component longhands) two keyframe sequence
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a two property keyframe sequence where one property is missing from the first keyframe
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a two property keyframe sequence where one property is missing from the last keyframe
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property two keyframe sequence that needs to stringify its values
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a keyframe sequence with a CSS variable reference
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a keyframe sequence with a CSS variable reference in a shorthand property
FAIL Keyframes can be replaced with a keyframe sequence with a CSS variable as its property assert_equals: properties on ComputedKeyframe #0 should match expected "--custom,composite,computedOffset,easing,offset" but got "composite,computedOffset,easing,offset"
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a keyframe sequence with duplicate values for a given interior offset
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a keyframe sequence with duplicate values for offsets 0 and 1
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a two property four keyframe sequence
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a single keyframe sequence with omitted offset
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a single keyframe sequence with null offset
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a single keyframe sequence with string offset
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property keyframe sequence with some omitted offsets
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property keyframe sequence with some null offsets
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a two property keyframe sequence with some omitted offsets
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a one property keyframe sequence with all omitted offsets
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a keyframe sequence with different easing values, but the same easing value for a given offset
PASS Keyframes can be replaced with a keyframe sequence with different composite values, but the same composite value for a given offset
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with keyframes with an out-of-bounded positive offset
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with keyframes with an out-of-bounded negative offset
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with property-indexed keyframes not loosely sorted by offset
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with property-indexed keyframes not loosely sorted by offset even though not all offsets are specified
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with property-indexed keyframes with offsets out of range
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with keyframes not loosely sorted by offset
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with property-indexed keyframes with an invalid easing value
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with property-indexed keyframes with an invalid easing value as one of the array values
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with property-indexed keyframe with an invalid easing in the unused part of the array of easings
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with empty property-indexed keyframe with an invalid easing
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with empty property-indexed keyframe with an invalid easings array
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with a keyframe sequence with an invalid easing value
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with property-indexed keyframes with an invalid composite value
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with property-indexed keyframes with an invalid composite value as one of the array values
PASS KeyframeEffect constructor throws with keyframes with an invalid composite value
FAIL Changes made via setKeyframes should be immediately visible in style assert_equals: expected "250px" but got "150px"