| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <!-- Submitted from TestTWF Paris --> |
| <meta charset="utf-8"> |
| <title>Keypath</title> |
| <link rel=help href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndexedDB/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#key-path-construct"> |
| <link rel=assert title="A key path is a DOMString that defines how to extract a key from a value. A valid key path is either the empty string, a JavaScript identifier, or multiple Javascript identifiers separated by periods (ASCII character code 46) [ECMA-262]."> |
| <script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script> |
| <script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
| <script src="support.js"></script> |
| |
| <script> |
| |
| var global_db = createdb_for_multiple_tests(); |
| |
| function keypath(keypath, objects, expected_keys, desc) { |
| var db, |
| t = async_test(document.title + " - " + (desc ? desc : keypath)), |
| |
| store_name = "store-"+(Date.now())+Math.random(); |
| |
| var open_rq = global_db.setTest(t); |
| open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) { |
| db = e.target.result; |
| var objStore = db.createObjectStore(store_name, { keyPath: keypath }); |
| |
| for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) |
| objStore.add(objects[i]); |
| }; |
| |
| open_rq.onsuccess = function(e) { |
| var actual_keys = [], |
| rq = db.transaction(store_name) |
| .objectStore(store_name) |
| .openCursor(); |
| |
| rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) { |
| var cursor = e.target.result; |
| |
| if (cursor) { |
| actual_keys.push(cursor.key.valueOf()); |
| cursor.continue(); |
| } |
| else { |
| assert_key_equals(actual_keys, expected_keys, "keyorder array"); |
| t.done(); |
| } |
| }); |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| keypath('my.key', |
| [ { my: { key: 10 } } ], |
| [ 10 ]); |
| |
| keypath('my.køi', |
| [ { my: { køi: 5 } } ], |
| [ 5 ]); |
| |
| keypath('my.key_ya', |
| [ { my: { key_ya: 10 } } ], |
| [ 10 ]); |
| |
| keypath('public.key$ya', |
| [ { public: { key$ya: 10 } } ], |
| [ 10 ]); |
| |
| keypath('true.$', |
| [ { true: { $: 10 } } ], |
| [ 10 ]); |
| |
| keypath('my._', |
| [ { my: { _: 10 } } ], |
| [ 10 ]); |
| |
| keypath('delete.a7', |
| [ { delete: { a7: 10 } } ], |
| [ 10 ]); |
| |
| keypath('p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p', |
| [ {p:{p:{p:{p:{p:{p:{p:{p:{p:{p:{p:{p:{p:{p:10}}}}}}}}}}}}}} ], |
| [ 10 ]); |
| |
| keypath('str.length', |
| [ { str: "pony" }, { str: "my" }, { str: "little" }, { str: "" } ], |
| [ 0, 2, 4, 6 ]); |
| |
| keypath('arr.length', |
| [ {arr: [0, 0, 0, 0]}, {arr: [{}, 0, "hei", "length", Infinity, []]}, {arr: [10, 10]}, { arr: []} ], |
| [ 0, 2, 4, 6 ]); |
| |
| keypath('length', |
| [ [10, 10], "123", { length: 20 } ], |
| [ 2, 3, 20 ]); |
| |
| keypath('', |
| [ ["bags"], "bean", 10 ], |
| [ 10, "bean", ["bags"] ], |
| "'' uses value as key"); |
| |
| keypath([''], |
| [ ["bags"], "bean", 10 ], |
| [ [10], ["bean"] , [["bags"]] ], |
| "[''] uses value as [key]"); |
| |
| keypath(['x', 'y'], |
| [ {x:10, y:20}, {y:1.337, x:100} ], |
| [ [10, 20], [100, 1.337] ], |
| "['x', 'y']"); |
| |
| keypath([['x'], ['y']], |
| [ {x:10, y:20}, {y:1.337, x:100} ], |
| [ [10, 20], [100, 1.337] ], |
| "[['x'], 'y'] (stringifies)"); |
| |
| keypath(['x', {toString:function(){return 'y'}}], |
| [ {x:10, y:20}, {y:1.337, x:100} ], |
| [ [10, 20], [100, 1.337] ], |
| "['x', {toString->'y'}] (stringifies)"); |
| |
| if (false) { |
| var myblob = Blob(["Yoda"], {type:'suprawsum'}); |
| keypath(['length', 'type'], |
| [ myblob ], |
| [ 4, 'suprawsum' ], |
| "[Blob.length, Blob.type]"); |
| } |
| |
| // File.name and File.lastModifiedDate is not testable automatically |
| |
| keypath(['name', 'type'], |
| [ { name: "orange", type: "fruit" }, { name: "orange", type: ["telecom", "french"] } ], |
| [ ["orange", "fruit"], ["orange", ["telecom", "french"]] ]); |
| |
| keypath(['name', 'type.name'], |
| [ { name: "orange", type: { name: "fruit" }}, { name: "orange", type: { name: "telecom" }} ], |
| [ ["orange", "fruit"], ["orange", "telecom" ] ]); |
| |
| loop_array = []; |
| loop_array.push(loop_array); |
| keypath(loop_array, |
| [ "a", 1, ["k"] ], |
| [ [1], ["a"], [["k"]] ], |
| "array loop -> stringify becomes ['']"); |
| </script> |
| |
| <div id=log></div> |