blob: 89cae2e485d087931ea3f9fbb670eebe3e1263ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef RenderView_h
#define RenderView_h
#include "FrameView.h"
#include "LayoutState.h"
#include "PODFreeListArena.h"
#include "RenderBlockFlow.h"
#include <wtf/OwnPtr.h>
namespace WebCore {
class FlowThreadController;
class ImageQualityController;
class RenderQuote;
class RenderLayerCompositor;
class CustomFilterGlobalContext;
class RenderView FINAL : public RenderBlockFlow {
RenderView(Document&, PassRef<RenderStyle>);
virtual ~RenderView();
bool hitTest(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&);
bool hitTest(const HitTestRequest&, const HitTestLocation&, HitTestResult&);
virtual const char* renderName() const OVERRIDE { return "RenderView"; }
virtual bool requiresLayer() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
virtual bool isChildAllowed(const RenderObject&, const RenderStyle&) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void layout() OVERRIDE;
virtual void updateLogicalWidth() OVERRIDE;
virtual void computeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit logicalHeight, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const OVERRIDE;
virtual LayoutUnit availableLogicalHeight(AvailableLogicalHeightType) const OVERRIDE;
// The same as the FrameView's layoutHeight/layoutWidth but with null check guards.
int viewHeight() const;
int viewWidth() const;
int viewLogicalWidth() const { return style()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? viewWidth() : viewHeight(); }
int viewLogicalHeight() const;
float zoomFactor() const;
FrameView& frameView() const { return m_frameView; }
virtual LayoutRect visualOverflowRect() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void computeRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, LayoutRect&, bool fixed = false) const OVERRIDE;
void repaintRootContents();
void repaintViewRectangle(const LayoutRect&, bool immediate = false) const;
// Repaint the view, and all composited layers that intersect the given absolute rectangle.
// FIXME: ideally we'd never have to do this, if all repaints are container-relative.
void repaintRectangleInViewAndCompositedLayers(const LayoutRect&, bool immediate = false);
void repaintViewAndCompositedLayers();
virtual void paint(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) OVERRIDE;
virtual void paintBoxDecorations(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) OVERRIDE;
enum SelectionRepaintMode { RepaintNewXOROld, RepaintNewMinusOld, RepaintNothing };
void setSelection(RenderObject* start, int startPos, RenderObject* end, int endPos, SelectionRepaintMode = RepaintNewXOROld);
void getSelection(RenderObject*& startRenderer, int& startOffset, RenderObject*& endRenderer, int& endOffset) const;
void clearSelection();
RenderObject* selectionStart() const { return m_selectionStart; }
RenderObject* selectionEnd() const { return m_selectionEnd; }
IntRect selectionBounds(bool clipToVisibleContent = true) const;
void selectionStartEnd(int& startPos, int& endPos) const;
void repaintSelection() const;
bool printing() const;
virtual void absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>&, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>&, bool* wasFixed) const OVERRIDE;
void setMaximalOutlineSize(int o);
void setMaximalOutlineSize(int o) { m_maximalOutlineSize = o; }
int maximalOutlineSize() const { return m_maximalOutlineSize; }
LayoutRect viewRect() const;
// layoutDelta is used transiently during layout to store how far an object has moved from its
// last layout location, in order to repaint correctly.
// If we're doing a full repaint m_layoutState will be 0, but in that case layoutDelta doesn't matter.
LayoutSize layoutDelta() const
return m_layoutState ? m_layoutState->m_layoutDelta : LayoutSize();
void addLayoutDelta(const LayoutSize& delta)
if (m_layoutState) {
m_layoutState->m_layoutDelta += delta;
m_layoutState->m_layoutDeltaXSaturated |= m_layoutState->m_layoutDelta.width() == LayoutUnit::max() || m_layoutState->m_layoutDelta.width() == LayoutUnit::min();
m_layoutState->m_layoutDeltaYSaturated |= m_layoutState->m_layoutDelta.height() == LayoutUnit::max() || m_layoutState->m_layoutDelta.height() == LayoutUnit::min();
bool layoutDeltaMatches(const LayoutSize& delta)
if (!m_layoutState)
return false;
return (delta.width() == m_layoutState->m_layoutDelta.width() || m_layoutState->m_layoutDeltaXSaturated) && (delta.height() == m_layoutState->m_layoutDelta.height() || m_layoutState->m_layoutDeltaYSaturated);
return delta == m_layoutState->m_layoutDelta;
bool doingFullRepaint() const { return frameView().needsFullRepaint(); }
// Subtree push/pop
void pushLayoutState(RenderObject*);
void popLayoutState(RenderObject*) { return popLayoutState(); } // Just doing this to keep popLayoutState() private and to make the subtree calls symmetrical.
bool shouldDisableLayoutStateForSubtree(RenderObject*) const;
// Returns true if layoutState should be used for its cached offset and clip.
bool layoutStateEnabled() const { return m_layoutStateDisableCount == 0 && m_layoutState; }
LayoutState* layoutState() const { return m_layoutState.get(); }
virtual void updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult&, const LayoutPoint&) OVERRIDE;
LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight() const { return m_pageLogicalHeight; }
void setPageLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit height)
if (m_pageLogicalHeight != height) {
m_pageLogicalHeight = height;
m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = true;
LayoutUnit pageOrViewLogicalHeight() const;
// FIXME: These functions are deprecated. No code should be added that uses these.
int bestTruncatedAt() const { return m_legacyPrinting.m_bestTruncatedAt; }
void setBestTruncatedAt(int y, RenderBoxModelObject* forRenderer, bool forcedBreak = false);
int truncatedAt() const { return m_legacyPrinting.m_truncatedAt; }
void setTruncatedAt(int y)
m_legacyPrinting.m_truncatedAt = y;
m_legacyPrinting.m_bestTruncatedAt = 0;
m_legacyPrinting.m_truncatorWidth = 0;
m_legacyPrinting.m_forcedPageBreak = false;
const IntRect& printRect() const { return m_legacyPrinting.m_printRect; }
void setPrintRect(const IntRect& r) { m_legacyPrinting.m_printRect = r; }
// End deprecated functions.
// Notification that this view moved into or out of a native window.
void setIsInWindow(bool);
RenderLayerCompositor& compositor();
bool usesCompositing() const;
CustomFilterGlobalContext* customFilterGlobalContext();
IntRect unscaledDocumentRect() const;
LayoutRect backgroundRect(RenderBox* backgroundRenderer) const;
IntRect documentRect() const;
// Renderer that paints the root background has background-images which all have background-attachment: fixed.
bool rootBackgroundIsEntirelyFixed() const;
bool hasRenderNamedFlowThreads() const;
bool checkTwoPassLayoutForAutoHeightRegions() const;
FlowThreadController& flowThreadController();
virtual void styleDidChange(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle* oldStyle) OVERRIDE;
IntervalArena* intervalArena();
IntSize viewportSize() const;
void setRenderQuoteHead(RenderQuote* head) { m_renderQuoteHead = head; }
RenderQuote* renderQuoteHead() const { return m_renderQuoteHead; }
// FIXME: This is a work around because the current implementation of counters
// requires walking the entire tree repeatedly and most pages don't actually use either
// feature so we shouldn't take the performance hit when not needed. Long term we should
// rewrite the counter and quotes code.
void addRenderCounter() { m_renderCounterCount++; }
void removeRenderCounter() { ASSERT(m_renderCounterCount > 0); m_renderCounterCount--; }
bool hasRenderCounters() { return m_renderCounterCount; }
virtual void addChild(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild = 0) OVERRIDE;
IntRect pixelSnappedLayoutOverflowRect() const { return pixelSnappedIntRect(layoutOverflowRect()); }
ImageQualityController& imageQualityController();
void setHasSoftwareFilters(bool hasSoftwareFilters) { m_hasSoftwareFilters = hasSoftwareFilters; }
bool hasSoftwareFilters() const { return m_hasSoftwareFilters; }
virtual void mapLocalToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, TransformState&, MapCoordinatesFlags = ApplyContainerFlip, bool* wasFixed = 0) const OVERRIDE;
virtual const RenderObject* pushMappingToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, RenderGeometryMap&) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags, TransformState&) const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool requiresColumns(int desiredColumnCount) const OVERRIDE;
bool initializeLayoutState(LayoutState&);
virtual void calcColumnWidth() OVERRIDE;
virtual ColumnInfo::PaginationUnit paginationUnit() const OVERRIDE;
bool shouldRepaint(const LayoutRect&) const;
// These functions may only be accessed by LayoutStateMaintainer.
bool pushLayoutState(RenderBox* renderer, const LayoutSize& offset, LayoutUnit pageHeight = 0, bool pageHeightChanged = false, ColumnInfo* colInfo = 0)
// We push LayoutState even if layoutState is disabled because it stores layoutDelta too.
if (!doingFullRepaint() || m_layoutState->isPaginated() || renderer->hasColumns() || renderer->flowThreadContainingBlock()
|| m_layoutState->lineGrid() || (renderer->style()->lineGrid() != RenderStyle::initialLineGrid() && renderer->isRenderBlockFlow())
|| (renderer->isRenderBlock() && toRenderBlock(renderer)->shapeInsideInfo())
|| (m_layoutState->shapeInsideInfo() && renderer->isRenderBlock() && !toRenderBlock(renderer)->allowsShapeInsideInfoSharing())
) {
m_layoutState = std::make_unique<LayoutState>(std::move(m_layoutState), renderer, offset, pageHeight, pageHeightChanged, colInfo);
return true;
return false;
void popLayoutState()
m_layoutState = std::move(m_layoutState->m_next);
// Suspends the LayoutState optimization. Used under transforms that cannot be represented by
// LayoutState (common in SVG) and when manipulating the render tree during layout in ways
// that can trigger repaint of a non-child (e.g. when a list item moves its list marker around).
// Note that even when disabled, LayoutState is still used to store layoutDelta.
// These functions may only be accessed by LayoutStateMaintainer or LayoutStateDisabler.
void disableLayoutState() { m_layoutStateDisableCount++; }
void enableLayoutState() { ASSERT(m_layoutStateDisableCount > 0); m_layoutStateDisableCount--; }
void layoutContent(const LayoutState&);
void layoutContentInAutoLogicalHeightRegions(const LayoutState&);
void layoutContentToComputeOverflowInRegions(const LayoutState&);
#ifndef NDEBUG
void checkLayoutState(const LayoutState&);
void pushLayoutStateForCurrentFlowThread(const RenderObject*);
void popLayoutStateForCurrentFlowThread();
friend class LayoutStateMaintainer;
friend class LayoutStateDisabler;
FrameView& m_frameView;
RenderObject* m_selectionStart;
RenderObject* m_selectionEnd;
int m_selectionStartPos;
int m_selectionEndPos;
// FIXME: Only used by embedded WebViews inside AppKit NSViews. Find a way to remove.
struct LegacyPrinting {
: m_bestTruncatedAt(0)
, m_truncatedAt(0)
, m_truncatorWidth(0)
, m_forcedPageBreak(false)
{ }
int m_bestTruncatedAt;
int m_truncatedAt;
int m_truncatorWidth;
IntRect m_printRect;
bool m_forcedPageBreak;
LegacyPrinting m_legacyPrinting;
// End deprecated members.
int m_maximalOutlineSize; // Used to apply a fudge factor to dirty-rect checks on blocks/tables.
bool shouldUsePrintingLayout() const;
OwnPtr<ImageQualityController> m_imageQualityController;
LayoutUnit m_pageLogicalHeight;
bool m_pageLogicalHeightChanged;
std::unique_ptr<LayoutState> m_layoutState;
unsigned m_layoutStateDisableCount;
OwnPtr<RenderLayerCompositor> m_compositor;
OwnPtr<CustomFilterGlobalContext> m_customFilterGlobalContext;
OwnPtr<FlowThreadController> m_flowThreadController;
RefPtr<IntervalArena> m_intervalArena;
RenderQuote* m_renderQuoteHead;
unsigned m_renderCounterCount;
bool m_selectionWasCaret;
bool m_hasSoftwareFilters;
inline RenderView& toRenderView(RenderObject& object)
return static_cast<RenderView&>(object);
inline const RenderView& toRenderView(const RenderObject& object)
return static_cast<const RenderView&>(object);
void toRenderView(const RenderView&);
// Stack-based class to assist with LayoutState push/pop
class LayoutStateMaintainer {
// ctor to push now
LayoutStateMaintainer(RenderView* view, RenderBox* root, LayoutSize offset, bool disableState = false, LayoutUnit pageHeight = 0, bool pageHeightChanged = false, ColumnInfo* colInfo = 0)
: m_view(view)
, m_disabled(disableState)
, m_didStart(false)
, m_didEnd(false)
, m_didCreateLayoutState(false)
push(root, offset, pageHeight, pageHeightChanged, colInfo);
// ctor to maybe push later
LayoutStateMaintainer(RenderView* view)
: m_view(view)
, m_disabled(false)
, m_didStart(false)
, m_didEnd(false)
, m_didCreateLayoutState(false)
ASSERT(m_didStart == m_didEnd); // if this fires, it means that someone did a push(), but forgot to pop().
void push(RenderBox* root, LayoutSize offset, LayoutUnit pageHeight = 0, bool pageHeightChanged = false, ColumnInfo* colInfo = 0)
// We push state even if disabled, because we still need to store layoutDelta
m_didCreateLayoutState = m_view->pushLayoutState(root, offset, pageHeight, pageHeightChanged, colInfo);
if (m_disabled && m_didCreateLayoutState)
m_didStart = true;
void pop()
if (m_didStart) {
if (m_didCreateLayoutState) {
if (m_disabled)
m_didEnd = true;
bool didPush() const { return m_didStart; }
RenderView* m_view;
bool m_disabled : 1; // true if the offset and clip part of layoutState is disabled
bool m_didStart : 1; // true if we did a push or disable
bool m_didEnd : 1; // true if we popped or re-enabled
bool m_didCreateLayoutState : 1; // true if we actually made a layout state.
class LayoutStateDisabler {
LayoutStateDisabler(RenderView* view)
: m_view(view)
if (m_view)
if (m_view)
RenderView* m_view;
class FragmentationDisabler {
FragmentationDisabler(RenderObject* root);
RenderObject* m_root;
RenderObject::FlowThreadState m_flowThreadState;
bool m_fragmenting;
#ifndef NDEBUG
LayoutState* m_layoutState;
inline Frame& RenderObject::frame() const
return view().frameView().frame();
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // RenderView_h