blob: e2f3a4b592f5929bf0565e19b204c08afa27ea5a [file] [log] [blame]
PASS ReadableStream teeing: rs.tee() returns an array of two ReadableStreams
PASS ReadableStream teeing: should be able to read one branch to the end without affecting the other
PASS ReadableStream teeing: values should be equal across each branch
PASS ReadableStream teeing: errors in the source should propagate to both branches
PASS ReadableStream teeing: canceling branch1 should not impact branch2
PASS ReadableStream teeing: canceling branch2 should not impact branch2
PASS ReadableStream teeing: canceling both branches should aggregate the cancel reasons into an array
PASS ReadableStream teeing: failing to cancel the original stream should cause cancel() to reject on branches
PASS ReadableStream teeing: closing the original should immediately close the branches
PASS ReadableStream teeing: erroring the original should immediately error the branches
FAIL Load tee.js with SharedWorker assert_unreached: SharedWorker is unavailable Reached unreachable code
FAIL Untitled undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration')
FAIL ReadableStream teeing: rs.tee() returns an array of two ReadableStreams Can't find variable: ReadableStream
FAIL ReadableStream teeing: should be able to read one branch to the end without affecting the other Can't find variable: ReadableStream
FAIL ReadableStream teeing: values should be equal across each branch Can't find variable: ReadableStream
FAIL ReadableStream teeing: errors in the source should propagate to both branches Can't find variable: ReadableStream
FAIL ReadableStream teeing: canceling branch1 should not impact branch2 Can't find variable: ReadableStream
FAIL ReadableStream teeing: canceling branch2 should not impact branch2 Can't find variable: ReadableStream
FAIL ReadableStream teeing: canceling both branches should aggregate the cancel reasons into an array Can't find variable: ReadableStream
FAIL ReadableStream teeing: failing to cancel the original stream should cause cancel() to reject on branches Can't find variable: ReadableStream
FAIL ReadableStream teeing: closing the original should immediately close the branches Can't find variable: ReadableStream
FAIL ReadableStream teeing: erroring the original should immediately error the branches Can't find variable: ReadableStream