blob: 6a692dc5e9c96300999a9fe5a999c0fe174ed33d [file] [log] [blame]
2019-07-11 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Layers: Uncaught Exception: Request with id = 2 failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Page' domain was not found","data":[{"code":-32601,"message":"'Page' domain was not found"}]}
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
Use modern inspected target support checking, and defer agent commands until a target is
* UserInterface/Views/Layers3DContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeContentView.js:
Drive-by: apply the same changes to the Elements tab for when the Layers tab isn't enabled.
2019-07-09 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Canvas: replace WTF::Vector with std::initializer_list in CallTracer to avoid dynamic allocations
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Models/Recording.js:
(WI.Recording.prototype.async swizzle):
Drive-by: handle the situation where a parameter is an array of deduplicated strings, which
would otherwise be treated as an array of numbers.
2019-07-09 Joseph Pecoraro <>
Web Inspector: Add another Protocol Version (iOS 13.0)
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Protocol/Legacy/13.0/InspectorBackendCommands.js: Added.
* Versions/Inspector-iOS-13.0.json: Added.
2019-07-08 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Debugger: special breakpoints and event targets should be sorted into separate "areas"
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
Move the special All Requests breakpoint down to be right above all other URL breakpoints.
Move the `window` object tree element below other DOM node tree elements.
* UserInterface/Views/DebuggerSidebarPanel.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SourcesNavigationSidebarPanel.js:
2019-07-08 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: DOM Debugger: there should be different icons for each type of DOM breakpoint
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
[S] for Subtree Modified
[A] for Attribute Modified
[R] for Node Removed
* UserInterface/Views/DOMBreakpointTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/DOMBreakpointTreeElement.css: Added.
(.breakpoint.dom.breakpoint-for-subtree-modified:not(.breakpoint-paused-icon) .icon):
(.breakpoint.dom.breakpoint-for-attribute-modified:not(.breakpoint-paused-icon) .icon):
(.breakpoint.dom.breakpoint-for-node-removed:not(.breakpoint-paused-icon) .icon):
* UserInterface/Main.html:
* UserInterface/Images/DOMBreakpointAttributeModified.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/DOMBreakpointNodeRemoved.svg: Added.
* UserInterface/Images/DOMBreakpointSubtreeModified.svg: Added.
2019-07-08 Devin Rousso <>
Uncaught Exception: Unexpected enum value: CPU
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Controllers/TimelineManager.js:
Filter the list of auto-capture instruments based on what's actually supported, instead of
directly using the saved list from the `WI.Setting`.
2019-07-08 Devin Rousso <>
Enabling the Layers tab hides the paint flashing button
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
Still show the Compositing Borders and Paint Flashing navigation items in the Elements tab
even when the Layers tab is enabled (just like the Layers details sidebar).
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeContentView.js:
(WI.DOMTreeContentView.prototype.get navigationItems):
2019-07-08 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION: Elements: pasting in the Styles sidebar adds a text node to the DOM tree
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
Bail if `event.defaultPrevented`, as that means that something else has handled (and likely
overrode) this event.
2019-07-08 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: the "x" in the Exception icon overlaps the border
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Images/Exception.svg:
* UserInterface/Images/Function.svg:
* UserInterface/Images/TailDeletedFunction.svg:
2019-07-08 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Debugger: there should be a different icon for URL breakpoints
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
Use the same (down|up) arrow icon for the Network Tab and the Network timeline.
* UserInterface/Views/URLBreakpointTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/URLBreakpointTreeElement.css:
(.breakpoint.url:not(.breakpoint-paused-icon) .icon): Added.
* UserInterface/Views/DebuggerSidebarPanel.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SourcesNavigationSidebarPanel.js:
* UserInterface/Images/URLBreakpoint.svg: Added.
2019-07-08 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Timelines: CPU: the Duration string isn't localized
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Views/CPUTimelineView.js:
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
2019-07-06 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Styles: unbalanced quotes and parenthesis aren't displayed as property closed after editing values
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
`}` gets added by WI.tokenizeCSSValue (called by SpreadsheetStyleProperty.prototype._renderValue)
when it encounters unbalanced quotes. Fix unbalanced quotes by re-rendering the value from the model,
not the DOM content.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
For consistency, render property name from the model as well.
2019-07-05 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: current call frame indicator not visible in dark mode
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Views/CallFrameTreeElement.css:
(.tree-outline .status > .status-image):
(.tree-outline .status > .status-image):
Replace the CSS variables used for `fill` with their actual color value (in `light` mode),
as the semantic "name" of the variable doesn't really match its usage. As an example, the
current call frame shouldn't rely on the value of `--border-color`, as it's not a "border".
2019-07-05 Matt Baker <>
Web Inspector: Elements: use a CSS transition when showing/hiding DOM breakpoint gutter
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeContentView.css:
(.content-view.dom-tree .tree-outline.dom):
2019-07-02 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Elements: allow nodes to be copied and pasted
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
Copy is already supported, so there's nothing that needs to be done there.
Pasting is as simple as calling `insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", ...)` on the selected node.
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
(WI._paste): Added.
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeContentView.js:
(WI.DOMTreeContentView.prototype.handlePasteEvent): Added.
2019-07-02 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: DOM Debugger: descendant breakpoints should be able to be enabled/disabled/deleted from a collapsed parent
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Controllers/DOMDebuggerManager.js:
(WI.DOMDebuggerManager.prototype.get domBreakpoints):
(WI.DOMDebuggerManager.prototype.domBreakpointsInSubtree): Added.
Provide a way of getting a "summary" array of `DOMBreakpoint`s for all descendant nodes.
Rework the data structure for holding `DOMBreakpoint`s to use a `Multimap` so no duplicates
can be added (it uses a `Set` instead of an `Array`).
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeElement.js:
(WI.DOMTreeElement.prototype.get hasBreakpoint):
(WI.DOMTreeElement.prototype.set breakpointStatus):
(WI.DOMTreeElement.prototype.bindRevealDescendantBreakpointsMenuItemHandler): Added.
(WI.DOMTreeElement.prototype._subtreeBreakpointChanged): Added.
(WI.DOMTreeElement.prototype.subtreeBreakpointCountDidChange): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeOutline.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ContextMenuUtilities.js:
Keep track of the actual descendant `DOMNodeTreeElement` that have breakpoints, rather than
just a count, so that the "Reveal Descendant Breakpoints" action is able to access them.
Change "Reveal Descendant Breakpoints" to reveal and select all descendant breakpoints
instead of just the first one.
Drive-by: don't remove specific (event) listener breakpoints when invoking the
"Delete Descendant Breakpoints" action, as that's not obvious from the UI.
* UserInterface/Controllers/BreakpointPopoverController.js:
* UserInterface/Views/DOMBreakpointTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/DOMNodeTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/EventBreakpointTreeElement.js:
* UserInterface/Views/URLBreakpointTreeElement.js:
Remove the separator before "Delete Breakpoint" so all breakpoint actions are in the same section.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
* UserInterface/Base/Multimap.js:
(Multimap.prototype.get size): Added.
2019-07-02 Matt Baker <>
REGRESSION (r238563): Web Inspector: Selection is erratic when holding Up/Down on Network Table
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Selecting and revealing a row after reloading Table data, but before the
layout that populates visible rows, could cause the Table to always be
scrolled so that the revealed row is first.
This patch fixes `revealRow` by calculating the position of the row being
revealed in the absence of its DOM element, so that the Table is only
scrolled when necessary.
* UserInterface/Views/Table.js:
Drive-by fix: use realOffsetWidth for consistency.
2019-07-02 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Debug: "Reset Web Inspector" should also clear the saved window size and attachment side
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
(WI.reset): Added.
* UserInterface/Views/SettingsTabContentView.js:
2019-07-02 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Audit: missing demo audits for WebInspectorAudit functions
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
Other than the LayoutTests, there's no way to see an example of the functionality of many of
the exposed `WebInspectorAudit` functions. There should be a demo audit for every exposed
function so they're more discoverable.
* UserInterface/Controllers/AuditManager.js:
(WI.AuditManager.prototype._addDefaultTests.removeWhitespace): Added.
Move all demo audit test functions to be actual JavaScript functions, which are then
stringified and stripped of unnecessary white-space.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
2019-07-01 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION(r245498): Timelines: CPU: discontinuities are filled in by the next record
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Controllers/TimelineManager.js:
* UserInterface/Models/TimelineRecording.js:
(WI.TimelineRecording.prototype.capturingStarted): Added.
(WI.TimelineRecording.prototype.capturingStopped): Added.
(WI.TimelineRecording.prototype.addDiscontinuity): Deleted.
Notify the `TimelineRecording` when capturing has started/stopped.
Adjust the first record after a discontinuity to have it's `startTime` match the `endTime`
of the most recent discontinuity.
* UserInterface/Models/Timeline.js:
* UserInterface/Models/CPUTimeline.js:
* UserInterface/Models/CPUTimelineRecord.js:
(WI.CPUTimelineRecord.prototype.adjustStartTime): Added.
(WI.CPUTimelineRecord.prototype.adjustStartTimeToLastRecord): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Models/MemoryTimeline.js:
* UserInterface/Models/MemoryTimelineRecord.js:
(WI.MemoryTimelineRecord.prototype.adjustStartTime): Added.
(WI.MemoryTimelineRecord.prototype.adjustStartTimeToLastRecord): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Models/NetworkTimeline.js:
* UserInterface/Views/CPUTimelineView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/MemoryTimelineOverviewGraph.js:
* UserInterface/Views/MemoryTimelineView.js:
Include discontinuities that exactly match the start/end time of the record immediately
before/after the discontinuity.
* UserInterface/Views/TimelineRecordingContentView.js:
Move the logic for handling discontinuity start/end times to the `TimelineRecording`.
* UserInterface/Base/Utilities.js:
2019-06-29 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Remove trailing white-space
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Controllers/NetworkManager.js:
* UserInterface/Images/Import.svg:
* UserInterface/Views/CanvasOverviewContentView.css:
(.navigation-bar > .item.canvas-recording-auto-capture > label > input):
* UserInterface/Views/DataGrid.css:
(.data-grid .resizer):
* UserInterface/Views/DatabaseContentView.css:
* UserInterface/Views/GoToLineDialog.css:
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)):
* UserInterface/Views/GradientSlider.css:
(.gradient-slider > .add-area):
(.gradient-slider-knob > :matches(img, div)):
* UserInterface/Views/ResourceDetailsSection.css:
* UserInterface/Views/ScrubberNavigationItem.css:
(.navigation-bar .item.scrubber > input[disabled]):
* UserInterface/Views/SourceCodeTextEditor.css:
(.popover .expandable):
* UserInterface/Views/TimelineRecordBar.css:
(.timeline-record-bar.timeline-record-type-script.garbage-collected > .segment,):
* UserInterface/Workers/HeapSnapshot/HeapSnapshotWorker.js:
2019-06-29 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Remove duplicate "Private" section and fix white space
Unreviewed code style fix.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetRulesStyleDetailsPanel.js:
2019-06-27 Beth Dakin <>
Upstream use of MACCATALYST
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
* Configurations/Base.xcconfig:
* Configurations/SDKVariant.xcconfig:
2019-06-27 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: throw an error if console.count/console.countReset is called with an object that throws an error from toString
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
Add entries for `console.countReset` and `console.timeLog`.
Rename `title` to `label` for `console.time`, `console.timeLog`, and `console.timeEnd` to
better match the spec.
* UserInterface/Models/NativeFunctionParameters.js:
2019-06-26 Joseph Pecoraro <>
Web Inspector: Update legacy backend commands after enum name change
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Protocol/Legacy/11.3/InspectorBackendCommands.js:
* UserInterface/Protocol/Legacy/12.0/InspectorBackendCommands.js:
* UserInterface/Protocol/Legacy/12.2/InspectorBackendCommands.js:
2019-06-26 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION: Elements: the forced pseudo-class indicator isn't visible when hovering
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
Make the pseudo-class indicator into its own element instead of being a `::before`.
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeElement.js:
(WI.DOMTreeElement.prototype._updatePseudoClassIndicator): Added.
(WI.DOMTreeElement.prototype.get pseudoClassesEnabled): Deleted.
(WI.DOMTreeElement.prototype._nodePseudoClassesDidChange): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeOutline.css:
(.tree-outline.dom li .pseudo-class-indicator): Added.
(body[dir=ltr] .tree-outline.dom li .pseudo-class-indicator): Added.
(body[dir=rtl] .tree-outline.dom li .pseudo-class-indicator): Added.
(.tree-outline.dom:focus li.selected .pseudo-class-indicator): Added.
(.tree-outline.dom li.pseudo-class-enabled > .selection-area::before): Deleted.
(body[dir=ltr] .tree-outline.dom li.pseudo-class-enabled > .selection-area::before): Deleted.
(body[dir=rtl] .tree-outline.dom li.pseudo-class-enabled > .selection-area::before): Deleted.
(.tree-outline.dom:focus li.selected.pseudo-class-enabled > .selection-area::before): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/FormattedValue.css:
(.formatted-node > .tree-outline.dom):
Adjust the indent of any `DOMTreeOutline` so there's more room for the pseudo-class
indicator, such as in the Console.
2019-06-25 Matt Baker <>
Web Inspector: Elements: show shadow DOM by default
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Base/Setting.js:
* UserInterface/Test/Test.js:
Overriding the default value isn't necessary since the default is now true.
2019-06-25 Nikita Vasilyev <>
REGRESSION(r246621): Web Inspector: Styles: property may get removed when editing after deleting value
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
r246621 affected when WI.CSSStyleDeclaration.Event.PropertiesChanged event is fired, which caused
SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationEditor to possibly enter a state when `focused` property is
incorrectly set to false.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationEditor.js:
(WI.SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationEditor.prototype.spreadsheetStylePropertyRemoved): Removed.
(WI.SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationEditor.prototype.spreadsheetStylePropertyWillRemove): Added.
Renamed from "removed" to "willRemove" since we need to call it before the property DOM element
is detached from the document.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
Don't set focused to false when the removed property wasn't focused.
This code need to exist because removing focused element from the DOM doesn't trigger blur event.
2019-06-25 Joseph Pecoraro <>
Web Inspector: Implement console.timeLog
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Views/ConsoleMessageView.js:
Time messages (like timeLog) do not include their messageText
in their parameters list. So to behave more like normal logs
build a parameter list that includes it at the front.
2019-06-23 Matt Baker <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION (r246684): Dark Mode: dashboard buttons should have no background
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Views/DefaultDashboardView.css:
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)):
(.toolbar .dashboard .item.button,):
2019-06-23 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Styles: show green highlight for newly added properties only when name and value are present
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
2019-06-22 Nikita Vasilyev <>
REGRESSION(r241980): Web Inspector: Styles: Pressing Tab/Enter on last property no longer focuses on selector on next rule
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
Since SpreadsheetSelectorField's focus handler was removed in r241980, focusing on the selector element
doesn't start editing it.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationSection.js:
2019-06-22 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: Styles: unbalanced quotes and parenthesis aren't displayed as property closed after editing values
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetStyleProperty.js:
Unbalanced quotes and parenthesis are fixed inside of CSSProperty's rawValue setter.
Render the value from the model, not the view.
2019-06-21 Matt Baker <>
Web Inspector: remove unused DataGrid style .force-focus
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Views/HeapAllocationsTimelineView.css:
(.timeline-view.heap-allocations > .data-grid:not(:focus) tr.selected.invalid):
(.timeline-view.heap-allocations > .data-grid:not(:focus, .force-focus) tr.selected.invalid): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/ResourceTreeElement.css:
(.item.resource.resource-type-websocket:not(.selected) .status,):
(.item.resource.resource-type-websocket:not(.selected) .status .ready-state.connecting,):
Missed in
2019-06-21 Matt Baker <>
Web Inspector: remove .legacy-mac/.latest-mac CSS classes, standardize on .latest-mac UI
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Drop legacy macOS version support from Web Inspector UI.
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
* UserInterface/Views/DefaultDashboardView.css:
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)):
(body.latest-mac .toolbar .dashboard .item.button): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/Toolbar.css:
(.toolbar .item.button,):
(.toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]):
(.toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]:focus):
(@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)):
(.toolbar .item.button:active):
(body.window-inactive .toolbar .item.button,):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)):
(.toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]::placeholder):
(body.window-inactive .toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]::placeholder):
(body.window-inactive .toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-button):
(.toolbar .dashboard-container):
(body .toolbar): Deleted.
(body.legacy-mac .toolbar .item.button,): Deleted.
(body.legacy-mac .toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]): Deleted.
(body.legacy-mac .toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]:focus): Deleted.
(body.legacy-mac .toolbar .item.button:active): Deleted.
(body.window-inactive.legacy-mac .toolbar .item.button,): Deleted.
(body.latest-mac .toolbar .item.button,): Deleted.
(body.latest-mac .toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]): Deleted.
(body.latest-mac .toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]:focus): Deleted.
(body.latest-mac .toolbar .item.button:active): Deleted.
(body.latest-mac.window-inactive .toolbar .item.button,): Deleted.
(body.latest-mac .toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]::placeholder): Deleted.
(body.latest-mac.window-inactive .toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]::placeholder): Deleted.
(body.latest-mac.window-inactive .toolbar .search-bar > input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-button): Deleted.
(body.latest-mac .toolbar .dashboard-container): Deleted.
2019-06-20 Matt Baker <>
Web Inspector: rename shadowRootPushed parameter to match protocol
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Protocol/DOMObserver.js:
2019-06-20 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Error "null is not an object (evaluating 'syntaxTree.containersOfPosition')" when setting a breakpoint
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Views/SourceCodeTextEditor.js:
The script syntax tree may be fetched even if the resource hasn't finished parsing (or had
a syntax error), so it's possible for it to be `null`.
2019-06-20 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Dark Mode: inactive tab bar item should get darker on hover
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
* UserInterface/Views/TabBar.css:
(.tab-bar:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover):
(@media not (prefers-color-scheme: dark) .tab-bar:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected, .disabled):hover > .icon):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) .tab-bar):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) .tab-bar > .item):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) .tab-bar > .item:not(.disabled).selected):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) .tab-bar:not(.animating) > .item:not(.selected):hover):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.window-inactive .tab-bar):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.window-inactive .tab-bar > .item):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body.window-inactive .tab-bar > .item.selected):
* UserInterface/Views/Toolbar.css:
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) body .toolbar):
2019-06-20 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Debugger: setting a breakpoint on a non-JavaScript line should immediately show as unresolved
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
Remove the `shouldSpeculativelyResolve` parameter, as it was resolving breakpoints even in
the case that there were no resolved locations for the given breakpoint.
In the case that there are resolved locations, the breakpoint would've already been resolved
by the time that `shouldSpeculativelyResolve` would've taken effect, so it's unnecessary.
This parameter was only used when setting a breakpoint from a `SourceCodeTextEditor` gutter.
* UserInterface/Controllers/DebuggerManager.js:
* UserInterface/Views/SourceCodeTextEditor.js:
2019-06-20 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Edit -> Tag doesn't do anything for html, head, and body elements
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeElement.js:
- Don't show an "Edit > Tag" for <html>, <head>, and <body> nodes
- Disable any "Edit" submenu item if it's target is already being edited
- Prevent "Add" submenu items from being shown for text nodes
2019-06-19 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION: Debugger: current call frame indicator isn't vertically centered
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Views/CallFrameTreeElement.css:
(.tree-outline .status):
2019-06-19 Nikita Vasilyev <>
REGRESSION(r240946): Web Inspector: Styles: Pasting multiple properties has issues
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
Since r240946, setting WI.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.text updates the text immediately.
When WI.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.update gets called after setting text, it exits early
without firing WI.CSSStyleDeclaration.Event.PropertiesChanged.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSStyleDeclaration.js:
(WI.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.set text):
2019-06-19 Matt Baker <>
Web Inspector: Remove unused _pendingFilter from NetworkTableContentView
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
This flag is no longer set as of
* UserInterface/Views/NetworkTableContentView.js:
2019-06-19 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Uncaught Exception: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'sourceCodePosition.lineNumber')
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Base/Main.js:
2019-06-19 Zhifei Fang <>
Correct the error object link color in dark mode.
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
* UserInterface/Views/ErrorObjectView.css:
(@media (prefers-dark-interface)):
2019-06-18 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Network: detail view shouldn't stay open when the related entry is removed
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Views/NetworkTableContentView.js:
Hide the detail view if the main resource changes and we aren't preserving the log.
* UserInterface/Views/Table.js:
Only attempt to populate cells for rows that the `_dataSource` actually has. Without this,
the `_delegate` may be asked to populate a cell for a row it doesn't have, which would error.
2019-06-18 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: parseQueryParameters fails to successfully parse query parameter values that contain "="
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Base/URLUtilities.js:
2019-06-18 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION: Heap: subsequent snapshots taken manually don't appear in the list
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
Since heap snapshot records can be added at any time, including when not actively recording,
when the "Entire Recording" range is selected, make sure to set the `filterEndTime` to be an
effectively infinite number so that records added later aren't filtered out.
This isn't done for other timeline views as they may have graphs that don't expect to render
from time 0 till infinity, not to mention being unable to add records when not recording.
* UserInterface/Views/TimelineRecordingContentView.js:
2019-06-18 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION: Canvas: cannot select saved recordings
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Views/TreeElement.js:
Don't early return if the `TreeElement` isn't `selectable` as the owner `TreeOutline` may
want to dispatch an event that it was clicked.
2019-06-18 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Canvas: the initial state should be selected when processing a new/imported recording if the navigation sidebar is collapsed
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
Prevent any content from being generated until `initialLayout` is called, as otherwise it's
possible for the `CanvasNavigationSidebar` to update the current action index before the
preview element has been created, which would throw an error.
* UserInterface/Views/RecordingContentView.js:
Drive-by: update the slider max each time the selected action index is changed.
2019-06-18 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Canvas: imported recordings aren't selectable from the overview if there are no canvases in the page
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Views/CanvasOverviewContentView.js:
Hide the content placeholder when a recording is imported. It won't be shown again because
the `subviews` list will never be empty, as there's no way to remove an imported recording.
* UserInterface/Views/CollectionContentView.js:
(WI.CollectionContentView.prototype.showContentPlaceholder): Added.
(WI.CollectionContentView.prototype.hideContentPlaceholder): Added.
(WI.CollectionContentView.prototype._showContentPlaceholder): Deleted.
(WI.CollectionContentView.prototype._hideContentPlaceholder): Deleted.
Make `showContentPlaceholder`/`hideContentPlaceholder` protected for any subclasses to call.
2019-06-17 Matt Baker <>
Web Inspector: Elements: remove ellipses from "Break on" context menu item title
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Update context menu title to comply with Apple HI guidelines.
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ContextMenuUtilities.js:
2019-06-17 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Debugger: adding a DOM/Event/URL breakpoint should enable breakpoints
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
Match the behavior of JavaScript breakpoints, which enable breakpoints globally when a new
breakpoint is set or an existing breakpoint is enabled.
This avoids the situation where setting a DOM breakpoint or a specific event listener
breakpoint appears to not "work" because breakpoints are globally disabled. There is no
"breakpoints disabled" banner in the Elements tab, so the user could be completely unaware
of this, and therefore be confused as to why these breakpoints aren't being hit.
* UserInterface/Controllers/DOMManager.js:
* UserInterface/Controllers/DOMDebuggerManager.js:
2019-06-17 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Sources: remove extra space above Breakpoints section when breakpoints are disabled
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
* UserInterface/Views/DebuggerSidebarPanel.css:
(.sidebar > .panel.navigation.debugger .warning-banner):
* UserInterface/Views/SourcesNavigationSidebarPanel.css:
(.sidebar > .panel.navigation.sources > .content > .warning-banner):
2019-06-17 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Settings: split the General panel into sub panels so it's less crowded
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Views/SettingsTabContentView.js:
Many of the settings in General only affect a specific part of Web Inspector, and therefore
aren't really "general".
(WI.SettingsTabContentView.prototype._createElementsSettingsView): Added.
- Element Selection
- CSS Changes
(WI.SettingsTabContentView.prototype._createSourcesSettingsView): Added.
- Debugger
- Source Maps
(WI.SettingsTabContentView.prototype._createConsoleSettingsView): Added.
- Traces (renamed from "Console")
- WebRTC Logging
- Media Logging
- MSE Logging
* Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
2019-06-17 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Sources: the Inspector Style Sheet is missing when grouped by path
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Controllers/CSSManager.js:
(WI.CSSManager.prototype.get styleSheets):
(WI.CSSManager.prototype._inspectorStyleSheetsForFrame): Deleted.
Expose a way to fetch all inspector stylesheets for a given frame.
Make sure to associate inspector stylesheets with their frame.
* UserInterface/Views/SourcesNavigationSidebarPanel.js:
Add paths for inspector stylesheet creation/fetching when grouping by path.
Sort inspector stylesheets as the first item of an origin/frame when grouping by path.
2019-06-17 Jamal Nasser <>
Web Inspector: Go To Line dialog is white when in Dark Mode
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Views/GoToLineDialog.css:
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)):
(.go-to-line-dialog > div > input):
(.go-to-line-dialog > div > input::placeholder):
(.go-to-line-dialog > div::before):
2019-06-17 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Sources: searching doesn't use the case sensitive or regex global settings
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Views/SourceCodeTextEditor.js:
2019-06-13 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION(r246178): extra spaces added in at-rules when formatting CSS
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Workers/Formatter/CSSFormatter.js:
Add more specific tests for at-rules, and add/remove whitespace depending on the type of
at-rule (e.g. `@supports` vs `@media`), as well as where the scanner is in the parameters of
the at at-rule (e.g. `@supports |` vs `@media (|`).
* UserInterface/Workers/Formatter/FormatterContentBuilder.js:
(FormatterContentBuilder.prototype.get lastToken): Added.
(FormatterContentBuilder.prototype.get currentLine):
Update `lastTokenWasNewline` and `lastTokenWasWhitespace` when removing newlines/whitespace.
Memoize the `currentLine` so it's less expensive to re-fetch.
2019-06-13 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Settings: indent type and size settings aren't respected everywhere
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Views/CodeMirrorEditor.js:
When creating a `CodeMirror` instance, default to using the global `Setting`s as the options.
If an override is specified in `options`, it will take precedence and the `CodeMirror` will
ignore any changes to the `Setting` as well.
* UserInterface/Views/TextEditor.js:
(WI.TextEditor.prototype.close): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/AuditTestCaseContentView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/BreakpointActionView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ConsolePrompt.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ScopeChainDetailsSidebarPanel.js:
Remove overrides that aren't necessary for `CodeMirror` to fit in the container element:
- `showWhitespaceCharacters`
- `indentWithTabs`
- `indentUnit`
* UserInterface/Views/SourceCodeTextEditor.js:
* UserInterface/Views/ShaderProgramContentView.js:
(WI.ShaderProgramContentView.prototype.closed): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/TextContentView.js:
(WI.TextContentView.prototype.closed): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/TextResourceContentView.js:
Delete the logic for removing event listeners from global `Setting`, as it didn't work
anyways, since none of the event listeners were added using a `thisObject`.
2019-06-13 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Settings: sticky header disappears when over scrolling
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Views/SettingsTabContentView.css:
(.content-view.settings .navigation-bar):
(.content-view.settings > .settings-view): Added.
(.content-view.settings): Deleted.
2019-06-10 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Timelines: imported recordings do not have JavaScript call trees
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Models/TimelineRecording.js:
Make sure to actually save the provided stack traces and samples in the export data.
* UserInterface/Models/ScriptTimelineRecord.js:
Drive-by: include `extraDetails`, which contains useful information like "default prevented".
2019-06-10 Nikita Vasilyev <>
REGRESSION(r244268): Web Inspector: Styles: navigating from Computed to Styles doesn't work
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
It didn't work because the detached sidebar panel tried to access its parent view (this.parentSidebar).
* UserInterface/Views/ComputedStyleDetailsSidebarPanel.js:
(WI.ComputedStyleDetailsSidebarPanel.prototype.computedStyleDetailsPanelShowProperty): Added.
* UserInterface/Views/GeneralStyleDetailsSidebarPanel.js:
(WI.GeneralStyleDetailsSidebarPanel.prototype.computedStyleDetailsPanelShowProperty): Deleted.
Move computedStyleDetailsPanelShowProperty to ComputedStyleDetailsSidebarPanel since it's the only
panel where it's needed.
2019-06-10 Alexey Shvayka <>
Web Inspector: "Copy Path to Property" doesn't work with multiline keys
Reviewed by Matt Baker.
Correctly escape line terminators to prevent doubleQuotedString from returning malformed strings.
* UserInterface/Base/Utilities.js: Use JSON.stringify.
2019-06-10 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION(r246025): prototypes in object previews are visible even when setting `showOnlyJSON`
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Views/ObjectTreeView.css:
( .object-tree-property.prototype-property): Added.
( .object-tree-property .prototype-property): Deleted.
2019-06-07 Nikita Vasilyev <>
Web Inspector: longhand CSS properties overridden by shorthands miss strikethrough
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Longhand CSS properties (e.g. "font-size") overriden by shorthands (e.g. "font") now have strikethroughs.
* UserInterface/Models/CSSProperty.js:
(WI.CSSProperty.prototype.set overridingProperty):
* UserInterface/Models/DOMNodeStyles.js:
Call _associateRelatedProperties before _markOverriddenProperties because
_associateRelatedProperties sets relatedShorthandProperty property, which
is now used by _markOverriddenProperties.
2019-06-06 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Timelines: remove always disabled details sidebar navigation item
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Views/TimelineTabContentView.js:
2019-06-06 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: REGRESSION(r245833): Timelines: CPU: JavaScript label is missing and JavaScript section of pie chart is black
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
* UserInterface/Views/CPUTimelineView.js:
* UserInterface/Views/CPUTimelineView.css:
(.timeline-view.cpu > .content > .overview .legend > .row > .swatch.sample-type-javascript):
(.timeline-view.cpu .circle-chart > svg > path.segment.sample-type-javascript): Added.
(.timeline-view.cpu .circle-chart > svg > path.segment.sample-type-script): Deleted.
* UserInterface/Views/CPUUsageCombinedView.css:
(.cpu-usage-combined-view > .graph > .range-chart .sample-type-javascript): Added.
(.cpu-usage-combined-view > .graph > .range-chart .sample-type-script): Deleted.
Use the enum string added in r245833 (`sample-type-javascript`) instead of what was there
before (`sample-type-script`).
* UserInterface/Views/Variables.css:
Rename `--cpu-script-*` to `--cpu-javascript-*`.
2019-06-06 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Formatter: pretty-print CSS using a Worker
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Proxies/FormatterWorkerProxy.js:
(WI.FormatterWorkerProxy.prototype.formatCSS): Added.
* UserInterface/Workers/Formatter/FormatterWorker.js:
(FormatterWorker.prototype.formatCSS): Added.
* UserInterface/Workers/Formatter/CSSFormatter.js: Added.
(CSSFormatter.prototype.get success):
(CSSFormatter.prototype.get formattedText):
(CSSFormatter.prototype.get sourceMapData):
* UserInterface/Workers/Formatter/FormatterContentBuilder.js:
(FormatterContentBuilder.prototype.get currentLine): Added.
* UserInterface/Views/TextEditor.js:
* .eslintrc:
2019-06-06 Devin Rousso <>
Web Inspector: Elements: print/rulers/compositing/paint navigation items shouldn't be visible if the inspected target doesn't have a PageAgent
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
* UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeContentView.js:
(WI.DOMTreeContentView.prototype.get navigationItems):
== Rolled over to ChangeLog-2019-06-05 ==