blob: 159f897667dbd78a9cb899927ed71b84e40c266d [file] [log] [blame]
layer at (0,0) size 800x600
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layer at (0,0) size 800x600
RenderBlock {HTML} at (0,0) size 800x600
RenderBody {BODY} at (8,8) size 784x584
RenderBlock {P} at (0,0) size 784x60
RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 783x59
text run at (0,0) width 321: "You should see a 300x100 green rectangle below. "
text run at (320,0) width 424: "If you see any red, the test has failed. This test makes a positioned"
text run at (0,20) width 209: "vertical box with three children. "
text run at (208,20) width 494: "The first and third children are absolutely positioned at the edges of the box. "
text run at (701,20) width 82: "Box-align of"
text run at (0,40) width 404: "center is used to align the second child in the center of the box."
layer at (8,84) size 300x100
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