blob: c85834d0d822545f55ce7b2224f3bb18a49297ea [file] [log] [blame]
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with minimum options in a mock u2f authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with excludeCredentials in a mock u2f authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with excludeCredentials in a mock u2f authenticator. 2
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with test of user presence in a mock u2f authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with none attestation in a mock u2f authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with indirect attestation in a mock u2f authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with direct attestation in a mock u2f authenticator.