blob: 80afb1b75eeaadd6039d9b740056bbbf5b7f9272 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with minimum options in a mock hid authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with authenticatorSelection { 'cross-platform' } in a mock hid authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with requireResidentKey { false } in a mock hid authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with userVerification { 'preferred' } in a mock hid authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with userVerification { 'discouraged' } in a mock hid authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with mixed options in a mock hid authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with two consecutive requests.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with none attestation in a mock hid authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with direct attestation in a mock hid authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with indirect attestation in a mock hid authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with googleLegacyAppidSupport extension in a mock hid authenticator.
PASS PublicKeyCredential's [[create]] with googleLegacyAppidSupport and appid extensions in a mock hid authenticator.