blob: 8275e1bbf85f612afc8f7afbbcf4fd704b23f24f [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../resources/inspector-test.js"></script>
function test()
let suite = InspectorTest.createAsyncSuite("CommandLineAPI.$0.cross-frame");
let mainFrame = WI.networkManager.mainFrame;
let childFrames = Array.from(mainFrame.childFrameCollection);
InspectorTest.expectEqual(childFrames.length, 1, "Page should have a subframe.");
let nodeInMainFrameId;
let nodeInSubFrameId;
name: "AttemptCrossFrame$0AccessFromMainFrame",
description: "Should not be able to access $0 node in different domain subframe from the main frame.",
test(resolve, reject) {
InspectorTest.log("Setting $0 to node within subframe.");
RuntimeAgent.evaluate.invoke({expression: "$0", includeCommandLineAPI: true}, (error, remoteObjectPayload, wasThrown) => {
InspectorTest.assert(!error, "Should not be a protocol error.");
InspectorTest.assert(!wasThrown, "Should not be an exception.");
let remoteObject = WI.RemoteObject.fromPayload(remoteObjectPayload);
InspectorTest.expectThat(remoteObject.value === null, "MainFrame access to $0 node in subframe should be null.");
name: "AttemptSameFrame$0AccessFromMainFrame",
description: "Should be able to access $0 node in the same frame.",
test(resolve, reject) {
InspectorTest.log("Setting $0 to node within the main frame.");
RuntimeAgent.evaluate.invoke({expression: "$0", includeCommandLineAPI: true}, (error, remoteObjectPayload, wasThrown) => {
InspectorTest.assert(!error, "Should not be a protocol error.");
InspectorTest.assert(!wasThrown, "Should not be an exception.");
let remoteObject = WI.RemoteObject.fromPayload(remoteObjectPayload);
InspectorTest.expectThat(remoteObject.isNode(), "MainFrame access to $0 node in main frame should be a node.");
name: "AttemptCrossFrame$0AccessFromSubFrame",
description: "Should not be able to access $0 node in different domain main frame from the subframe.",
test(resolve, reject) {
InspectorTest.log("Setting $0 to node within the main frame.");
RuntimeAgent.evaluate.invoke({expression: "$0", includeCommandLineAPI: true, contextId: childFrames[0]}, (error, remoteObjectPayload, wasThrown) => {
InspectorTest.assert(!error, "Should not be a protocol error.");
InspectorTest.assert(!wasThrown, "Should not be an exception.");
let remoteObject = WI.RemoteObject.fromPayload(remoteObjectPayload);
InspectorTest.expectThat(remoteObject.value === null, "SubFrame access to $0 node in main frame should be null.");
name: "AttemptSameFrame$0AccessFromSubFrame",
description: "Should be able to access $0 node in the same frame.",
test(resolve, reject) {
InspectorTest.log("Setting $0 to node within the subframe.");
RuntimeAgent.evaluate.invoke({expression: "$0", includeCommandLineAPI: true, contextId: childFrames[0]}, (error, remoteObjectPayload, wasThrown) => {
InspectorTest.assert(!error, "Should not be a protocol error.");
InspectorTest.assert(!wasThrown, "Should not be an exception.");
let remoteObject = WI.RemoteObject.fromPayload(remoteObjectPayload);
InspectorTest.expectThat(remoteObject.isNode(), "SubFrame access to $0 node in sub frame should be a node.");
WI.domManager.requestDocument((documentNode) => {
WI.domManager.querySelector(, "iframe#myframe", (nodeId) => {
let iframeNode = WI.domManager.nodeForId(nodeId);
let iframeDocumentNodeId = iframeNode.children[0].id;
WI.domManager.querySelector(iframeDocumentNodeId, "div#rootDiv", (nodeId) => {
nodeInMainFrameId =;
nodeInSubFrameId = nodeId;
<p>Test that code evaluated in the main frame cannot access $0 that resolves to a node in a frame from a different domain. <a href="">Bug 105423.</a></p>
<iframe id="myframe" src="http://localhost:8000/inspector/page/resources/test-page.html" onload="runTest()"></iframe>