blob: 1e308f10d07326cf97ad9684e5352de6322f1c9c [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<script src="../../editing.js"></script>
<div id="dropzone" style="width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: grey;"></div>
description("Basic test coverage for fileSystemDirectoryEntry.getFile()");
jsTestIsAsync = true;
function getFileAsPromise(directory, path, flags)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
directory.getFile(path, flags, resolve, reject);
function test1() {
debug("* Error case: create flag is set to true");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "file1.txt", { create: true }).then(entry => {
testFailed("Should fail when create flag is true");
}, e => {
ex = e;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "SecurityError");
function test2() {
debug("* Regular case: getFile('file1.txt')");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "file1.txt", {}).then(entry => {
file1Entry = entry;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "file1.txt");
shouldBeEqualToString("file1Entry.fullPath", "/testFiles/file1.txt");
}, e => {
testFailed("getFile('file1.txt') should succeed");
function test3() {
debug("* Error case: calling getFile() with path to folder");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "subfolder1", {}).then(entry => {
testFailed("Should fail when path points to a folder");
}, e => {
ex = e;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "TypeMismatchError");
function test4() {
debug("* Error case: calling getFile() with path containing backslash");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "\\file1.txt", {}).then(entry => {
testFailed("Should fail when path is invalid");
}, e => {
ex = e;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "TypeMismatchError");
function test5() {
debug("* Error case: calling getFile() with path which does not exist");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "doesnotexist.txt", {}).then(entry => {
testFailed("Should fail when path does not exist");
}, e => {
ex = e;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "NotFoundError");
function test6() {
debug("* Error case: calling getFile() with path containing a NUL character");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "file1.txt\0", {}).then(entry => {
testFailed("Should fail when path is invalid");
}, e => {
ex = e;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "TypeMismatchError");
function test7() {
debug("* Error case: calling getFile() with path to root");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "/", {}).then(entry => {
testFailed("Should fail when path is not a directory");
}, e => {
ex = e;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "TypeMismatchError");
function test8() {
debug("* Regular case: calling getFile() with absolute path");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "/testFiles/subfolder1/file3.txt", {}).then(entry => {
file3Entry = entry;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "file3.txt");
shouldBeEqualToString("file3Entry.fullPath", "/testFiles/subfolder1/file3.txt");
}, e => {
testFailed("getFile('/testFiles/subfolder1/file3.txt') should succeed");
function test9() {
debug("* Edge case: calling getFile() with relative path containing '.' and '..'");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "../testFiles/././subfolder1/../subfolder1/./file3.txt", {}).then(entry => {
file3Entry = entry;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "file3.txt");
shouldBeEqualToString("file3Entry.fullPath", "/testFiles/subfolder1/file3.txt");
}, e => {
testFailed("getFile('../testFiles/././subfolder1/../subfolder1/./file3.txt') should succeed");
function test10() {
debug("* Edge case: calling getFile() with relative path containing too many '..'");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "../../../../../testFiles/file1.txt", {}).then(entry => {
file1Entry = entry;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "file1.txt");
shouldBeEqualToString("file1Entry.fullPath", "/testFiles/file1.txt");
}, e => {
testFailed("getFile('../../../../../testFiles/file1.txt') should succeed");
function test11() {
debug("* Edge case: calling getFile() with absolute path containing '..'");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "/testFiles/../testFiles/file1.txt", {}).then(entry => {
file1Entry = entry;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "file1.txt");
shouldBeEqualToString("file1Entry.fullPath", "/testFiles/file1.txt");
}, e => {
testFailed("getFile('../../../../../testFiles/file1.txt') should succeed");
function test12() {
debug("* Edge case: calling getFile() with absolute path containing too many '..'");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "/../../../../../testFiles/file1.txt", {}).then(entry => {
file1Entry = entry;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "file1.txt");
shouldBeEqualToString("file1Entry.fullPath", "/testFiles/file1.txt");
}, e => {
testFailed("getFile('../../../../../testFiles/file1.txt') should succeed");
function test13() {
debug("* Error case: calling getFile() with empty path");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "", {}).then(entry => {
testFailed("Should fail when path is invalid");
}, e => {
ex = e;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "TypeMismatchError");
function test14() {
debug("* Edge case: calling getFile() with absolute path starting with 2 slashes");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "//testFiles/file1.txt", {}).then(entry => {
file1Entry = entry;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "file1.txt");
shouldBeEqualToString("file1Entry.fullPath", "/testFiles/file1.txt");
}, e => {
testFailed("getFile('//testFiles/file1.txt') should succeed");
function test15() {
debug("* Edge case: calling getFile() with absolute path starting with 2 slashes and containing 2 following slashes");
return getFileAsPromise(directoryEntry, "//testFiles//file1.txt", {}).then(entry => {
file1Entry = entry;
shouldBeEqualToString("", "file1.txt");
shouldBeEqualToString("file1Entry.fullPath", "/testFiles/file1.txt");
}, e => {
testFailed("getFile('//testFiles//file1.txt') should succeed");
var dropzone = document.getElementById('dropzone');
dropzone.ondrop = function(e) {
dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer;
shouldBe("dataTransfer.items.length", "1");
directoryEntry = dataTransfer.items[0].webkitGetAsEntry();
dropzone.ondragover = function(ev) {
onload = function() {
dragFilesOntoElement(dropzone, ['../../../fast/forms/file/entries-api/resources/testFiles']);