blob: f8907567286691b9ef461b54c680a8f3375b6501 [file] [log] [blame]
Test 1: Simple case with single block-scoped function
function f() { }
function f() { }
function g() { }
function g() { }
function h() { }
Test 2: Block-scoped function shadows outer let binding, but leaks into function scope
let f
function f() { }
let f
function f() { }
Test 3: Assignment to function in block behaves like assigning let variable; function still leaks out to function scope; assignment does not affect function scope binding
let f
reassigned inner function declared "let" f
let f
reassigned outer let f
function f() { }
Test 4: Last executed declaration wins; simple case
function f(one) { }
function f(one) { }
function f(two) { }
function f(two) { }
Test 5: Inner shadows outer and last executed (inner) wins for function scope
function f(outer) { }
function f(inner) { }
function f(outer) { }
function f(inner) { }
Test 6: Last declaration executed wins; loop and conditionals
function f(one) { }
function f(one) { }
function f(one) { }
function f(two) { }
function f(two) { }
function f(two) { }
function f(one) { }
function f(one) { }
function f(one) { }
Test 7: Make sure function scope binding is initialized even when it is an activation object (imposed by presence of eval)
function f() { }
function f() { }
Test 8: Function scope binding does not occur in strict mode
ReferenceError: 'f' is undefined
function f() { }
ReferenceError: 'f' is undefined
Test 9: Overwriting user declared var
var f
function f() { }
function f() { }
Test 10: inner functions before block scope function should bind to function scoped binding, not outer scope
inner block-scope f()
Test 11: Function declarations shadow with object but also do not assign to with object properties
function f() { }
function g() { }
with g
function h() { }
function f() { }
function g() { }
function h() { }
Test 12: Ensure redeclaration errors do not occur with var binding of block scoped functions
let f
function f() { }
function g() { }
let f
let g
Test 13: Eval does not leak let and const bindings
var f
ReferenceError: 'g' is undefined
eval var f
function g() { }
ReferenceError: 'h' is undefined
ReferenceError: 'i' is undefined
eval blockscoped var j
ReferenceError: 'k' is undefined
Test 14: Eval leaks vars, and var declarations bind to block scoped bindings for rhs initialization
eval var f
eval var g
eval var f
eval var g
var f
eval var g
Test 15: Eval should have TDZ use before declaration error
ReferenceError: Use before declaration
Test 16: Eval function declarations create/assign to a var binding and assign to let binding, and create a let binding if not at eval global scope
function h(ineval) { }
function h(notineval) { }
function f(ineval) { }
function g(ineval) { }
function h(notineval) { }
function f(ineval) { }
function g(ineval) { }
function h(ineval) { }
Test 17: var initializations should find block scoped lets but still create properties at function scope
var f in eval
var g in eval
var f in eval
Test 18: function declaration in eval should shadow variables declared outside eval (strict)
function f() { }
function g() { }
let g
var f
ReferenceError: 'g' is undefined
Test 19: function declaration var binding should be ignored when same named let/const variable is at function scope
function f() { }
let f
function g() { }
const g
function h() { }
function h() { }
function i() { }
let i
function j() { }
const j
function k() { }
var k
function l(one) { }
function l(one) { }
function l(one) { }
function l(two) { }
function l(two) { }
outer let l
TypeError: Assignment to const
const m
const m
TypeError: Assignment to const
inner const m
const m
function m(three) { }
function m(three) { }
const m
function n() { }
function n() { }
function n() { }
ReferenceError: Use before declaration
let o
TypeError: Assignment to const
const p
function q() { }
var q
Test 20: Function declaration in statement context without {}
Test 21: Function declaration in statement context without {}, strict mode
21.1: Syntax error
21.2: Syntax error
21.3: Syntax error
21.4: Syntax error
Test 22: Function declaration in statement context without {}, illegal in sloppy mode
22.1: Syntax error
22.2: Syntax error
22.3: Syntax error
22.4: Syntax error
22.5: Syntax error
22.6: Syntax error
22.7: Syntax error
22.8: Syntax error
22.8: Syntax error
Test Global: Global scope has the same semantics for block-scoped function declarations
function glo_f() { }
function glo_f() { }
function glo_g(globalscope) { }
function glo_g(blockscope) { }
function glo_g(blockscope) { }
function glo_h(one) { }
function glo_h(one) { }
function glo_h(two) { }
function glo_h(two) { }
Global version of Test 19: function declaration's var binding should be ignored when same named let/const variable is at global scope
function glo_t19_f() { }
let glo_t19_f
function glo_t19_g() { }
const glo_t19_g
function glo_t19_h() { }
function glo_t19_h() { }
function glo_t19_i() { }
let glo_t19_i
function glo_t19_j() { }
const glo_t19_j
function glo_t19_k() { }
var glo_t19_k
function glo_t19_l(one) { }
function glo_t19_l(one) { }
function glo_t19_l(one) { }
function glo_t19_l(two) { }
function glo_t19_l(two) { }
outer let glo_t19_l
TypeError: Assignment to const
const glo_t19_m
const glo_t19_m
TypeError: Assignment to const
inner const m
const glo_t19_m
function glo_t19_m(three) { }
function glo_t19_m(three) { }
const glo_t19_m
function glo_t19_n() { }
function glo_t19_n() { }
function glo_t19_n() { }
ReferenceError: Use before declaration
let glo_t19_o
TypeError: Assignment to const
const glo_t19_p
function glo_t19_q() { }
var glo_t19_q
ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment