| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) |
| * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Library General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef StyleResolver_h |
| #define StyleResolver_h |
| |
| #include "CSSRule.h" |
| #include "CSSToStyleMap.h" |
| #include "CSSValueList.h" |
| #include "LinkHash.h" |
| #include "MediaQueryExp.h" |
| #include "RenderStyle.h" |
| #include "RuleFeature.h" |
| #include "SelectorChecker.h" |
| #include "StyleInheritedData.h" |
| #include <wtf/HashMap.h> |
| #include <wtf/HashSet.h> |
| #include <wtf/RefPtr.h> |
| #include <wtf/Vector.h> |
| #include <wtf/text/AtomicStringHash.h> |
| #include <wtf/text/StringHash.h> |
| |
| namespace WebCore { |
| |
| enum ESmartMinimumForFontSize { DoNotUseSmartMinimumForFontSize, UseSmartMinimumForFontFize }; |
| |
| class CSSFontSelector; |
| class CSSPageRule; |
| class CSSPrimitiveValue; |
| class CSSProperty; |
| class CSSRuleList; |
| class CSSFontFace; |
| class CSSFontFaceRule; |
| class CSSImageGeneratorValue; |
| class CSSImageSetValue; |
| class CSSImageValue; |
| class CSSSelector; |
| class CSSStyleRule; |
| class CSSStyleSheet; |
| class CSSValue; |
| class ContainerNode; |
| class CustomFilterOperation; |
| class CustomFilterParameter; |
| class Document; |
| class Element; |
| class Frame; |
| class FrameView; |
| class KURL; |
| class KeyframeList; |
| class KeyframeValue; |
| class MediaQueryEvaluator; |
| class Node; |
| class RenderRegion; |
| class RuleData; |
| class RuleSet; |
| class Settings; |
| class StaticCSSRuleList; |
| class StyleBuilder; |
| class StyleScopeResolver; |
| class StyleImage; |
| class StyleKeyframe; |
| class StylePendingImage; |
| class StylePropertySet; |
| class StyleRule; |
| class StyleRuleKeyframes; |
| class StyleRulePage; |
| class StyleRuleRegion; |
| class StyleShader; |
| class StyleSheet; |
| class StyleSheetContents; |
| class StyleSheetList; |
| class StyledElement; |
| class WebKitCSSFilterValue; |
| class WebKitCSSShaderValue; |
| class WebKitCSSSVGDocumentValue; |
| |
| typedef Vector<RefPtr<CustomFilterParameter> > CustomFilterParameterList; |
| #endif |
| |
| class MediaQueryResult { |
| public: |
| MediaQueryResult(const MediaQueryExp& expr, bool result) |
| : m_expression(expr) |
| , m_result(result) |
| { |
| } |
| void reportMemoryUsage(MemoryObjectInfo*) const; |
| |
| MediaQueryExp m_expression; |
| bool m_result; |
| }; |
| |
| enum StyleSharingBehavior { |
| AllowStyleSharing, |
| DisallowStyleSharing, |
| }; |
| |
| // MatchOnlyUserAgentRules is used in media queries, where relative units |
| // are interpreted according to the document root element style, and styled only |
| // from the User Agent Stylesheet rules. |
| |
| enum RuleMatchingBehavior { |
| MatchAllRules, |
| MatchAllRulesExcludingSMIL, |
| MatchOnlyUserAgentRules, |
| }; |
| |
| // This class selects a RenderStyle for a given element based on a collection of stylesheets. |
| class StyleResolver { |
| public: |
| StyleResolver(Document*, bool matchAuthorAndUserStyles); |
| ~StyleResolver(); |
| |
| // Using these during tree walk will allow style selector to optimize child and descendant selector lookups. |
| void pushParentElement(Element*); |
| void popParentElement(Element*); |
| void pushParentShadowRoot(const ShadowRoot*); |
| void popParentShadowRoot(const ShadowRoot*); |
| |
| PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> styleForElement(Element*, RenderStyle* parentStyle = 0, StyleSharingBehavior = AllowStyleSharing, |
| RuleMatchingBehavior = MatchAllRules, RenderRegion* regionForStyling = 0); |
| |
| void keyframeStylesForAnimation(Element*, const RenderStyle*, KeyframeList&); |
| |
| PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> pseudoStyleForElement(PseudoId, Element*, RenderStyle* parentStyle); |
| |
| PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> styleForPage(int pageIndex); |
| |
| static PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> styleForDocument(Document*, CSSFontSelector* = 0); |
| |
| RenderStyle* style() const { return m_style.get(); } |
| RenderStyle* parentStyle() const { return m_parentStyle; } |
| RenderStyle* rootElementStyle() const { return m_rootElementStyle; } |
| Element* element() const { return m_element; } |
| Document* document() const { return m_checker.document(); } |
| const FontDescription& fontDescription() { return style()->fontDescription(); } |
| const FontDescription& parentFontDescription() { return parentStyle()->fontDescription(); } |
| void setFontDescription(const FontDescription& fontDescription) { m_fontDirty |= style()->setFontDescription(fontDescription); } |
| void setZoom(float f) { m_fontDirty |= style()->setZoom(f); } |
| void setEffectiveZoom(float f) { m_fontDirty |= style()->setEffectiveZoom(f); } |
| void setTextSizeAdjust(bool b) { m_fontDirty |= style()->setTextSizeAdjust(b); } |
| bool hasParentNode() const { return m_parentNode; } |
| |
| void resetAuthorStyle(); |
| void appendAuthorStylesheets(unsigned firstNew, const Vector<RefPtr<StyleSheet> >&); |
| |
| // Find the ids or classes the selectors on a stylesheet are scoped to. The selectors only apply to elements in subtrees where the root element matches the scope. |
| static bool determineStylesheetSelectorScopes(StyleSheetContents*, HashSet<AtomicStringImpl*>& idScopes, HashSet<AtomicStringImpl*>& classScopes); |
| |
| private: |
| void initForStyleResolve(Element*, RenderStyle* parentStyle = 0, PseudoId = NOPSEUDO); |
| void initElement(Element*); |
| void collectFeatures(); |
| RenderStyle* locateSharedStyle(); |
| bool styleSharingCandidateMatchesRuleSet(RuleSet*); |
| Node* locateCousinList(Element* parent, unsigned& visitedNodeCount) const; |
| StyledElement* findSiblingForStyleSharing(Node*, unsigned& count) const; |
| bool canShareStyleWithElement(StyledElement*) const; |
| |
| PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> styleForKeyframe(const RenderStyle*, const StyleKeyframe*, KeyframeValue&); |
| |
| public: |
| // These methods will give back the set of rules that matched for a given element (or a pseudo-element). |
| enum CSSRuleFilter { |
| UAAndUserCSSRules = 1 << 1, |
| AuthorCSSRules = 1 << 2, |
| EmptyCSSRules = 1 << 3, |
| CrossOriginCSSRules = 1 << 4, |
| AllButEmptyCSSRules = UAAndUserCSSRules | AuthorCSSRules | CrossOriginCSSRules, |
| AllCSSRules = AllButEmptyCSSRules | EmptyCSSRules, |
| }; |
| PassRefPtr<CSSRuleList> styleRulesForElement(Element*, unsigned rulesToInclude = AllButEmptyCSSRules); |
| PassRefPtr<CSSRuleList> pseudoStyleRulesForElement(Element*, PseudoId, unsigned rulesToInclude = AllButEmptyCSSRules); |
| |
| // Given a CSS keyword in the range (xx-small to -webkit-xxx-large), this function will return |
| // the correct font size scaled relative to the user's default (medium). |
| static float fontSizeForKeyword(Document*, int keyword, bool shouldUseFixedDefaultSize); |
| |
| // Given a font size in pixel, this function will return legacy font size between 1 and 7. |
| static int legacyFontSize(Document*, int pixelFontSize, bool shouldUseFixedDefaultSize); |
| |
| public: |
| void applyPropertyToStyle(CSSPropertyID, CSSValue*, RenderStyle*); |
| |
| void applyPropertyToCurrentStyle(CSSPropertyID, CSSValue*); |
| |
| void updateFont(); |
| void initializeFontStyle(Settings*); |
| |
| static float getComputedSizeFromSpecifiedSize(Document*, float zoomFactor, bool isAbsoluteSize, float specifiedSize, ESmartMinimumForFontSize = UseSmartMinimumForFontFize); |
| |
| void setFontSize(FontDescription&, float size); |
| |
| private: |
| static float getComputedSizeFromSpecifiedSize(Document*, RenderStyle*, bool isAbsoluteSize, float specifiedSize, bool useSVGZoomRules); |
| |
| public: |
| bool useSVGZoomRules(); |
| |
| static bool colorFromPrimitiveValueIsDerivedFromElement(CSSPrimitiveValue*); |
| Color colorFromPrimitiveValue(CSSPrimitiveValue*, bool forVisitedLink = false) const; |
| |
| bool hasSelectorForAttribute(const AtomicString&) const; |
| |
| CSSFontSelector* fontSelector() const { return m_fontSelector.get(); } |
| |
| void addViewportDependentMediaQueryResult(const MediaQueryExp*, bool result); |
| bool hasViewportDependentMediaQueries() const { return !m_viewportDependentMediaQueryResults.isEmpty(); } |
| bool affectedByViewportChange() const; |
| |
| void allVisitedStateChanged() { m_checker.allVisitedStateChanged(); } |
| void visitedStateChanged(LinkHash visitedHash) { m_checker.visitedStateChanged(visitedHash); } |
| |
| void addKeyframeStyle(PassRefPtr<StyleRuleKeyframes>); |
| |
| bool checkRegionStyle(Element* regionElement); |
| |
| bool usesSiblingRules() const { return !m_features.siblingRules.isEmpty(); } |
| bool usesFirstLineRules() const { return m_features.usesFirstLineRules; } |
| bool usesBeforeAfterRules() const { return m_features.usesBeforeAfterRules; } |
| |
| static bool createTransformOperations(CSSValue* inValue, RenderStyle* inStyle, RenderStyle* rootStyle, TransformOperations& outOperations); |
| |
| void invalidateMatchedPropertiesCache(); |
| |
| // WARNING. This will construct CSSOM wrappers for all style rules and cache then in a map for significant memory cost. |
| // It is here to support inspector. Don't use for any regular engine functions. |
| CSSStyleRule* ensureFullCSSOMWrapperForInspector(StyleRule*); |
| |
| bool createFilterOperations(CSSValue* inValue, RenderStyle* inStyle, RenderStyle* rootStyle, FilterOperations& outOperations); |
| StyleShader* styleShader(CSSValue*); |
| StyleShader* cachedOrPendingStyleShaderFromValue(WebKitCSSShaderValue*); |
| bool parseCustomFilterParameterList(CSSValue*, CustomFilterParameterList&); |
| PassRefPtr<CustomFilterParameter> parseCustomFilterParameter(const String& name, CSSValue*); |
| PassRefPtr<CustomFilterParameter> parseCustomFilterArrayParameter(const String& name, CSSValueList*); |
| PassRefPtr<CustomFilterParameter> parseCustomFilterNumberParameter(const String& name, CSSValueList*); |
| PassRefPtr<CustomFilterParameter> parseCustomFilterTransformParameter(const String& name, CSSValueList*); |
| PassRefPtr<CustomFilterOperation> createCustomFilterOperation(WebKitCSSFilterValue*); |
| void loadPendingShaders(); |
| #endif |
| #if ENABLE(SVG) |
| void loadPendingSVGDocuments(); |
| #endif |
| #endif // ENABLE(CSS_FILTERS) |
| |
| void loadPendingResources(); |
| |
| private: |
| // This function fixes up the default font size if it detects that the current generic font family has changed. -dwh |
| void checkForGenericFamilyChange(RenderStyle*, RenderStyle* parentStyle); |
| void checkForZoomChange(RenderStyle*, RenderStyle* parentStyle); |
| void checkForTextSizeAdjust(); |
| |
| void adjustRenderStyle(RenderStyle* styleToAdjust, RenderStyle* parentStyle, Element*); |
| |
| void addMatchedRule(const RuleData* rule) { m_matchedRules.append(rule); } |
| |
| struct MatchRanges { |
| MatchRanges() : firstUARule(-1), lastUARule(-1), firstAuthorRule(-1), lastAuthorRule(-1), firstUserRule(-1), lastUserRule(-1) { } |
| int firstUARule; |
| int lastUARule; |
| int firstAuthorRule; |
| int lastAuthorRule; |
| int firstUserRule; |
| int lastUserRule; |
| }; |
| |
| struct MatchedProperties { |
| MatchedProperties() : possiblyPaddedMember(0) { } |
| void reportMemoryUsage(MemoryObjectInfo*) const; |
| |
| RefPtr<StylePropertySet> properties; |
| union { |
| struct { |
| unsigned linkMatchType : 2; |
| unsigned isInRegionRule : 1; |
| }; |
| // Used to make sure all memory is zero-initialized since we compute the hash over the bytes of this object. |
| void* possiblyPaddedMember; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| struct MatchResult { |
| MatchResult() : isCacheable(true) { } |
| Vector<MatchedProperties, 64> matchedProperties; |
| Vector<StyleRule*, 64> matchedRules; |
| MatchRanges ranges; |
| bool isCacheable; |
| }; |
| |
| struct MatchOptions { |
| MatchOptions(bool includeEmptyRules, const ContainerNode* scope = 0) : scope(scope), includeEmptyRules(includeEmptyRules) { } |
| const ContainerNode* scope; |
| bool includeEmptyRules; |
| }; |
| |
| static void addMatchedProperties(MatchResult&, const StylePropertySet* properties, StyleRule* = 0, unsigned linkMatchType = SelectorChecker::MatchAll, bool inRegionRule = false); |
| void addElementStyleProperties(MatchResult&, const StylePropertySet*, bool isCacheable = true); |
| |
| void matchAllRules(MatchResult&, bool includeSMILProperties); |
| void matchUARules(MatchResult&); |
| void matchUARules(MatchResult&, RuleSet*); |
| void matchAuthorRules(MatchResult&, bool includeEmptyRules); |
| void matchUserRules(MatchResult&, bool includeEmptyRules); |
| void matchScopedAuthorRules(MatchResult&, bool includeEmptyRules); |
| void collectMatchingRules(RuleSet*, int& firstRuleIndex, int& lastRuleIndex, const MatchOptions&); |
| void collectMatchingRulesForRegion(RuleSet*, int& firstRuleIndex, int& lastRuleIndex, const MatchOptions&); |
| void collectMatchingRulesForList(const Vector<RuleData>*, int& firstRuleIndex, int& lastRuleIndex, const MatchOptions&); |
| bool fastRejectSelector(const RuleData&) const; |
| void sortMatchedRules(); |
| void sortAndTransferMatchedRules(MatchResult&); |
| |
| bool checkSelector(const RuleData&, const ContainerNode* scope = 0); |
| bool checkRegionSelector(CSSSelector* regionSelector, Element* regionElement); |
| void applyMatchedProperties(const MatchResult&, const Element*); |
| enum StyleApplicationPass { |
| VariableDefinitions, |
| #endif |
| HighPriorityProperties, |
| LowPriorityProperties |
| }; |
| template <StyleApplicationPass pass> |
| void applyMatchedProperties(const MatchResult&, bool important, int startIndex, int endIndex, bool inheritedOnly); |
| template <StyleApplicationPass pass> |
| void applyProperties(const StylePropertySet* properties, StyleRule*, bool isImportant, bool inheritedOnly, bool filterRegionProperties); |
| void resolveVariables(CSSPropertyID, CSSValue*, Vector<std::pair<CSSPropertyID, String> >& knownExpressions); |
| #endif |
| static bool isValidRegionStyleProperty(CSSPropertyID); |
| |
| void matchPageRules(MatchResult&, RuleSet*, bool isLeftPage, bool isFirstPage, const String& pageName); |
| void matchPageRulesForList(Vector<StyleRulePage*>& matchedRules, const Vector<StyleRulePage*>&, bool isLeftPage, bool isFirstPage, const String& pageName); |
| Settings* documentSettings() { return m_checker.document()->settings(); } |
| |
| bool isLeftPage(int pageIndex) const; |
| bool isRightPage(int pageIndex) const { return !isLeftPage(pageIndex); } |
| bool isFirstPage(int pageIndex) const; |
| String pageName(int pageIndex) const; |
| |
| OwnPtr<RuleSet> m_authorStyle; |
| OwnPtr<RuleSet> m_userStyle; |
| |
| RuleFeatureSet m_features; |
| OwnPtr<RuleSet> m_siblingRuleSet; |
| OwnPtr<RuleSet> m_uncommonAttributeRuleSet; |
| |
| bool m_hasUAAppearance; |
| BorderData m_borderData; |
| FillLayer m_backgroundData; |
| Color m_backgroundColor; |
| |
| typedef HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, RefPtr<StyleRuleKeyframes> > KeyframesRuleMap; |
| KeyframesRuleMap m_keyframesRuleMap; |
| |
| public: |
| static RenderStyle* styleNotYetAvailable() { return s_styleNotYetAvailable; } |
| |
| PassRefPtr<StyleImage> styleImage(CSSPropertyID, CSSValue*); |
| PassRefPtr<StyleImage> cachedOrPendingFromValue(CSSPropertyID, CSSImageValue*); |
| PassRefPtr<StyleImage> generatedOrPendingFromValue(CSSPropertyID, CSSImageGeneratorValue*); |
| PassRefPtr<StyleImage> setOrPendingFromValue(CSSPropertyID, CSSImageSetValue*); |
| #endif |
| |
| bool applyPropertyToRegularStyle() const { return m_applyPropertyToRegularStyle; } |
| bool applyPropertyToVisitedLinkStyle() const { return m_applyPropertyToVisitedLinkStyle; } |
| |
| static Length convertToIntLength(CSSPrimitiveValue*, RenderStyle*, RenderStyle* rootStyle, double multiplier = 1); |
| static Length convertToFloatLength(CSSPrimitiveValue*, RenderStyle*, RenderStyle* rootStyle, double multiplier = 1); |
| |
| CSSToStyleMap* styleMap() { return &m_styleMap; } |
| |
| void reportMemoryUsage(MemoryObjectInfo*) const; |
| |
| private: |
| static RenderStyle* s_styleNotYetAvailable; |
| |
| void addStylesheetsFromSeamlessParents(); |
| void addAuthorRulesAndCollectUserRulesFromSheets(const Vector<RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet> >*, RuleSet& userStyle); |
| |
| void cacheBorderAndBackground(); |
| |
| private: |
| bool canShareStyleWithControl(StyledElement*) const; |
| |
| void applyProperty(CSSPropertyID, CSSValue*); |
| |
| #if ENABLE(SVG) |
| void applySVGProperty(CSSPropertyID, CSSValue*); |
| #endif |
| |
| PassRefPtr<StyleImage> loadPendingImage(StylePendingImage*); |
| void loadPendingImages(); |
| |
| static unsigned computeMatchedPropertiesHash(const MatchedProperties*, unsigned size); |
| struct MatchedPropertiesCacheItem { |
| void reportMemoryUsage(MemoryObjectInfo*) const; |
| Vector<MatchedProperties> matchedProperties; |
| MatchRanges ranges; |
| RefPtr<RenderStyle> renderStyle; |
| RefPtr<RenderStyle> parentRenderStyle; |
| }; |
| const MatchedPropertiesCacheItem* findFromMatchedPropertiesCache(unsigned hash, const MatchResult&); |
| void addToMatchedPropertiesCache(const RenderStyle*, const RenderStyle* parentStyle, unsigned hash, const MatchResult&); |
| |
| // Every N additions to the matched declaration cache trigger a sweep where entries holding |
| // the last reference to a style declaration are garbage collected. |
| void sweepMatchedPropertiesCache(); |
| |
| unsigned m_matchedPropertiesCacheAdditionsSinceLastSweep; |
| |
| typedef HashMap<unsigned, MatchedPropertiesCacheItem> MatchedPropertiesCache; |
| MatchedPropertiesCache m_matchedPropertiesCache; |
| |
| // A buffer used to hold the set of matched rules for an element, and a temporary buffer used for |
| // merge sorting. |
| Vector<const RuleData*, 32> m_matchedRules; |
| |
| RefPtr<StaticCSSRuleList> m_ruleList; |
| |
| typedef HashMap<CSSPropertyID, RefPtr<CSSValue> > PendingImagePropertyMap; |
| PendingImagePropertyMap m_pendingImageProperties; |
| |
| OwnPtr<MediaQueryEvaluator> m_medium; |
| RefPtr<RenderStyle> m_rootDefaultStyle; |
| |
| PseudoId m_dynamicPseudo; |
| PseudoId m_pseudoStyle; |
| |
| SelectorChecker m_checker; |
| |
| RefPtr<RenderStyle> m_style; |
| RenderStyle* m_parentStyle; |
| RenderStyle* m_rootElementStyle; |
| Element* m_element; |
| StyledElement* m_styledElement; |
| RenderRegion* m_regionForStyling; |
| EInsideLink m_elementLinkState; |
| ContainerNode* m_parentNode; |
| CSSValue* m_lineHeightValue; |
| bool m_fontDirty; |
| bool m_matchAuthorAndUserStyles; |
| bool m_sameOriginOnly; |
| bool m_distributedToInsertionPoint; |
| bool m_hasUnknownPseudoElements; |
| |
| RefPtr<CSSFontSelector> m_fontSelector; |
| Vector<OwnPtr<MediaQueryResult> > m_viewportDependentMediaQueryResults; |
| |
| bool m_applyPropertyToRegularStyle; |
| bool m_applyPropertyToVisitedLinkStyle; |
| const StyleBuilder& m_styleBuilder; |
| |
| HashMap<StyleRule*, RefPtr<CSSStyleRule> > m_styleRuleToCSSOMWrapperMap; |
| HashSet<RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet> > m_styleSheetCSSOMWrapperSet; |
| |
| bool m_hasPendingShaders; |
| #endif |
| |
| HashMap<FilterOperation*, RefPtr<WebKitCSSSVGDocumentValue> > m_pendingSVGDocuments; |
| #endif |
| |
| OwnPtr<StyleScopeResolver> m_scopeResolver; |
| CSSToStyleMap m_styleMap; |
| |
| friend class StyleBuilder; |
| friend bool operator==(const MatchedProperties&, const MatchedProperties&); |
| friend bool operator!=(const MatchedProperties&, const MatchedProperties&); |
| friend bool operator==(const MatchRanges&, const MatchRanges&); |
| friend bool operator!=(const MatchRanges&, const MatchRanges&); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace WebCore |
| |
| #endif // StyleResolver_h |