blob: 1cae447ae509235ca31aba991e6ddc2e1f902259 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Shadow DOM: Extensions to Event Interface</title>
<meta name="author" title="Ryosuke Niwa" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="Event interface must have composedPath() as a method">
<link rel="help" href="">
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/event-path-test-helpers.js"></script>
<div id="log"></div>
window.label = 'window';
document.label = 'document';
document.documentElement.label = 'html';
document.body.label = 'body';
// FIXME: Add a test for trimming event path.
-SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) *: indicates start digit: event path order
A ------------------------------- A-SR
+ B ------------ B-SR + A1 ------ A1-SR (1)
+ C + B1 --- B1-SR + A2-S + A1a (*; 0)
+ D --- D-SR + B1a + B1b --- B1b-SR
+ D1 + B1c-S + B1b1
+ B1b2
function testEventTargetAfterDispatching(mode) {
test(() => {
const nodes = createTestTree(mode);
const log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.A1a, new Event('my-event', {composed: false, bubbles: true}));
const expectedPath = ['A1a', 'A1-SR'];
assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.eventPath.length, log.pathAtTargets.length);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[0], expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[1], expectedPath);
assert_equals(, nodes.A1a);
assert_equals(log.event.currentTarget, null);
}, 'The event must propagate out of ' + mode + ' mode shadow boundaries when the composed flag is set');
-SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) *: indicates start digit: event path order
window (7)
+ document (6)
+ body (5)
+ A (4) --------------------------- A-SR (3)
+ B ------------ B-SR + A1 (2) --- A1-SR (1)
+ C + B1 --- B1-SR + A2-S + A1a (*; 0)
+ D --- D-SR + B1a + B1b --- B1b-SR
+ D1 + B1c-S + B1b1
+ B1b2
function testComposedEventInDocument(mode) {
test(() => {
const nodes = createTestTree(mode);
const log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.A1a, new Event('my-event', {composed: true, bubbles: true}));
let expectedPath = ['A1a', 'A1-SR', 'A1', 'A-SR', 'A', 'body', 'html', 'document', 'window'];
assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.eventPath.length, log.pathAtTargets.length);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[0], expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[1], expectedPath);
if (mode != 'open')
expectedPath = expectedPath.slice(expectedPath.indexOf('A1'));
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[2], expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[3], expectedPath);
if (mode != 'open')
expectedPath = expectedPath.slice(expectedPath.indexOf('A'));
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[4], expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[5], expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[6], expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[7], expectedPath);
assert_equals(, nodes.A);
assert_equals(log.event.currentTarget, null);
}, 'The event must propagate out of ' + mode + ' mode shadow boundaries when the composed flag is set');
-SR: ShadowRoot -S: Slot target: (~) relatedTarget: [~] *: indicates start digit: event path order
+ document
+ body
+ A ------------------------------- A-SR (3)
+ B ------------ B-SR + A1 (2) -------- A1-SR (1)
+ C + B1 --- B1-SR + A2-S [*; 0-3] + A1a (*; 0)
+ D --- D-SR + B1a + B1b --- B1b-SR
+ D1 + B1c-S + B1b1
+ B1b2
function testComposedEventWithRelatedTargetInDocument(mode) {
test(() => {
const nodes = createTestTree(mode);
const log = dispatchEventWithLog(nodes, nodes.A1a, new MouseEvent('foo', {composed: true, bubbles: true, relatedTarget: nodes['A2-S']}));
let expectedPath = ['A1a', 'A1-SR', 'A1', 'A-SR'];
assert_array_equals(log.eventPath, expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.eventPath.length, log.pathAtTargets.length);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[0], expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[1], expectedPath);
if (mode != 'open')
expectedPath = expectedPath.slice(expectedPath.indexOf('A1'));
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[2], expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.pathAtTargets[3], expectedPath);
assert_array_equals(log.relatedTargets, ['A2-S', 'A2-S', 'A2-S', 'A2-S']);
}, 'The event must not propagate out of ' + mode + ' mode shadow tree in which the relative target and the relative related target are the same');