blob: a273887827e73bffb81d1d1d478e2c6b108ca443 [file] [log] [blame]
// Content of this file was automatically extracted from the UI Events spec.
// See
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional UIEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=Window]
interface UIEvent : Event {
readonly attribute Window? view;
readonly attribute long detail;
dictionary UIEventInit : EventInit {
Window? view = null;
long detail = 0;
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional FocusEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=Window]
interface FocusEvent : UIEvent {
readonly attribute EventTarget? relatedTarget;
dictionary FocusEventInit : UIEventInit {
EventTarget? relatedTarget = null;
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional MouseEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=Window]
interface MouseEvent : UIEvent {
readonly attribute long screenX;
readonly attribute long screenY;
readonly attribute long clientX;
readonly attribute long clientY;
readonly attribute boolean ctrlKey;
readonly attribute boolean shiftKey;
readonly attribute boolean altKey;
readonly attribute boolean metaKey;
readonly attribute short button;
readonly attribute unsigned short buttons;
readonly attribute EventTarget? relatedTarget;
boolean getModifierState(DOMString keyArg);
dictionary MouseEventInit : EventModifierInit {
long screenX = 0;
long screenY = 0;
long clientX = 0;
long clientY = 0;
short button = 0;
unsigned short buttons = 0;
EventTarget? relatedTarget = null;
dictionary EventModifierInit : UIEventInit {
boolean ctrlKey = false;
boolean shiftKey = false;
boolean altKey = false;
boolean metaKey = false;
boolean modifierAltGraph = false;
boolean modifierCapsLock = false;
boolean modifierFn = false;
boolean modifierFnLock = false;
boolean modifierHyper = false;
boolean modifierNumLock = false;
boolean modifierScrollLock = false;
boolean modifierSuper = false;
boolean modifierSymbol = false;
boolean modifierSymbolLock = false;
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional WheelEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=Window]
interface WheelEvent : MouseEvent {
// DeltaModeCode
const unsigned long DOM_DELTA_PIXEL = 0x00;
const unsigned long DOM_DELTA_LINE = 0x01;
const unsigned long DOM_DELTA_PAGE = 0x02;
readonly attribute double deltaX;
readonly attribute double deltaY;
readonly attribute double deltaZ;
readonly attribute unsigned long deltaMode;
dictionary WheelEventInit : MouseEventInit {
double deltaX = 0.0;
double deltaY = 0.0;
double deltaZ = 0.0;
unsigned long deltaMode = 0;
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional InputEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=Window]
interface InputEvent : UIEvent {
readonly attribute DOMString? data;
readonly attribute boolean isComposing;
dictionary InputEventInit : UIEventInit {
DOMString? data = "";
boolean isComposing = false;
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional KeyboardEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=Window]
interface KeyboardEvent : UIEvent {
// KeyLocationCode
const unsigned long DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD = 0x00;
const unsigned long DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT = 0x01;
const unsigned long DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT = 0x02;
const unsigned long DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD = 0x03;
readonly attribute DOMString key;
readonly attribute DOMString code;
readonly attribute unsigned long location;
readonly attribute boolean ctrlKey;
readonly attribute boolean shiftKey;
readonly attribute boolean altKey;
readonly attribute boolean metaKey;
readonly attribute boolean repeat;
readonly attribute boolean isComposing;
boolean getModifierState(DOMString keyArg);
dictionary KeyboardEventInit : EventModifierInit {
DOMString key = "";
DOMString code = "";
unsigned long location = 0;
boolean repeat = false;
boolean isComposing = false;
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional CompositionEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=Window]
interface CompositionEvent : UIEvent {
readonly attribute DOMString data;
dictionary CompositionEventInit : UIEventInit {
DOMString data = "";
partial interface UIEvent {
// The following support legacy user agents
readonly attribute unsigned long which;
partial interface KeyboardEvent {
// The following support legacy user agents
readonly attribute unsigned long charCode;
readonly attribute unsigned long keyCode;