blob: 0d5545d1b7a27a33983b134cc455f8d5ee966924 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Resolution of width is correct for ::before and ::after pseudo-elements
PASS Resolution of width is correct for ::before and ::after pseudo-elements of display: contents elements
PASS Resolution of nonexistent pseudo-element styles
FAIL Resolution of pseudo-element styles in display: none elements assert_equals: Pseudo-styles of display: none elements should be correct expected "\"Foo\"" but got "Foo"
PASS Item-based blockification of pseudo-elements
FAIL Item-based blockification of nonexistent pseudo-elements assert_equals: Pseudo-styles of display: flex elements should get blockified expected "block" but got "inline"
PASS display: contents on pseudo-elements
FAIL Unknown pseudo-elements throw assert_throws: getComputedStyle with an unknown pseudo-element throws function "() => getComputedStyle(div, "totallynotapseudo")" did not throw