| This test exercises the CSSMatrix interface |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| CSSMatrix constructors |
| PASS m is non-null. |
| PASS new WebKitCSSMatrix() is non-null. |
| PASS new WebKitCSSMatrix(m) is non-null. |
| PASS new WebKitCSSMatrix("matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)") is non-null. |
| PASS new WebKitCSSMatrix("") is non-null. |
| PASS new WebKitCSSMatrix("none") is non-null. |
| PASS new WebKitCSSMatrix(" none ") is non-null. |
| |
| Test toString |
| PASS a[0] is "matrix" |
| PASS parseFloat(a2[0]) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(a2[1]) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(a2[2]) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(a2[3]) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(a2[4]) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(a3[0]) is 0 |
| PASS a3[1] is "" |
| |
| Test bad input to string constructor |
| PASS new WebKitCSSMatrix("banana") threw exception Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12. |
| |
| Test attributes on default matrix |
| PASS m.a is 1 |
| PASS m.b is 0 |
| PASS m.c is 0 |
| PASS m.d is 1 |
| PASS m.e is 0 |
| PASS m.f is 0 |
| |
| Test attributes on custom matrix |
| PASS m.a is 11 |
| PASS m.b is 12 |
| PASS m.c is 21 |
| PASS m.d is 22 |
| PASS m.e is 41 |
| PASS m.f is 42 |
| |
| Test setMatrixValue - set to matrix() |
| PASS m.a is 11 |
| PASS m.b is 12 |
| PASS m.c is 21 |
| PASS m.d is 22 |
| PASS m.e is 41 |
| PASS m.f is 42 |
| |
| Test setMatrixValue - set to translate(10px, 20px) scale(2, 3) |
| PASS m.a is 2 |
| PASS m.b is 0 |
| PASS m.c is 0 |
| PASS m.d is 3 |
| PASS m.e is 10 |
| PASS m.f is 20 |
| |
| Test throwing exception from setMatrixValue |
| PASS m.setMatrixValue("banana") threw exception Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12. |
| PASS m.setMatrixValue("translate(10em, 20%)") threw exception Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12. |
| PASS m.setMatrixValue("translate(10px, 20px) scale()") threw exception Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12. |
| |
| Test attributes on translate() and accumulation |
| PASS m2.a is 1 |
| PASS m2.b is 0 |
| PASS m2.c is 0 |
| PASS m2.d is 1 |
| PASS m2.e is 100 |
| PASS m2.f is 50 |
| |
| Test immutability of translate |
| PASS parseFloat(m.a) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.b) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.c) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.d) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.e) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.f) is 0 |
| |
| Test attributes on scale() |
| PASS m3.a is 5 |
| PASS m3.b is 0 |
| PASS m3.c is 0 |
| PASS m3.d is 5 |
| PASS m3.e is 100 |
| PASS m3.f is 50 |
| |
| Test immutability of scale() |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.a) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.b) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.c) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.d) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.e) is 100 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.f) is 50 |
| |
| Test attributes on non-uniform scale() |
| PASS m4.a is 10 |
| PASS m4.b is 0 |
| PASS m4.c is 0 |
| PASS m4.d is 5 |
| PASS m4.e is 100 |
| PASS m4.f is 50 |
| |
| Test immutability of non-uniform scale() |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.a) is 5 |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.b) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.c) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.d) is 5 |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.e) is 100 |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.f) is 50 |
| |
| Test rotate |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.a.toPrecision(6)) is 0.984808 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.b.toPrecision(6)) is 0.173648 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.c.toPrecision(6)) is -0.173648 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.d.toPrecision(6)) is 0.984808 |
| PASS m.e is 0 |
| PASS m.f is 0 |
| |
| Test immutability of rotate |
| PASS parseFloat(m.a) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.b) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.c) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.d) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.e) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.f) is 0 |
| |
| Test skew in horizontal direction |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.a) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.b) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.c.toPrecision(6)) is 0.176327 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.d) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.e) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.f) is 0 |
| |
| Test immutability of horizontal skew |
| PASS parseFloat(m.a) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.b) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.c) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.d) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.e) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.f) is 0 |
| |
| Test skew in vertical direction |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.a) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.b.toPrecision(6)) is 0.700208 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.c) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.d) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.e) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.f) is 0 |
| |
| Test immutability of vertical skew |
| PASS parseFloat(m.a) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.b) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.c) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.d) is 1 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.e) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.f) is 0 |
| |
| Test multiply |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.a) is 31 |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.b) is 46 |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.c) is 39 |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.d) is 58 |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.e) is 52 |
| PASS parseFloat(m3.f) is 76 |
| |
| Test that multiply works in the right direction |
| PASS m.a is 2 |
| PASS m.b is 0 |
| PASS m.c is 0 |
| PASS m.d is 1 |
| PASS m.e is 100 |
| PASS m.f is 0 |
| |
| Test immutability of multiply |
| PASS tx.a is 1 |
| PASS tx.b is 0 |
| PASS tx.c is 0 |
| PASS tx.d is 1 |
| PASS tx.e is 100 |
| PASS tx.f is 0 |
| PASS sx.a is 2 |
| PASS sx.b is 0 |
| PASS sx.c is 0 |
| PASS sx.d is 1 |
| PASS sx.e is 0 |
| PASS sx.f is 0 |
| |
| Test multiply with missing argument |
| PASS m2 is null |
| |
| Test inverse |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.a) is 0.5 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.b) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.c) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.d) is 0.5 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.e) is -5 |
| PASS parseFloat(m2.f) is -10 |
| |
| Test immutability of inverse |
| PASS parseFloat(m.a) is 2 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.b) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.c) is 0 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.d) is 2 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.e) is 10 |
| PASS parseFloat(m.f) is 20 |
| |
| Test throwing exception from inverse |
| PASS m.inverse() threw exception Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9. |
| |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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