blob: 63225206659410d4d0c08c9cfa98d19fab58c654 [file] [log] [blame]
When the parent document becomes composited, the layer trees should get connected together.
(bounds 800.00 600.00)
(children 1
(bounds 800.00 600.00)
(children 2
(position 8.00 108.00)
(bounds 370.00 220.00)
(drawsContent 1)
(children 1
(position 35.00 35.00)
(children 1
(bounds 285.00 150.00)
(children 1
(children 1
(bounds 285.00 230.00)
(children 1
(bounds 285.00 230.00)
(drawsContent 1)
(children 1
(position 18.00 10.00)
(bounds 210.00 210.00)
(drawsContent 1)
(position 8.00 8.00)
(bounds 100.00 100.00)
(drawsContent 1)