| Tests that checks whether setting selection at the given index works correctly |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS selectElement.selectedChildrenCount is 0 |
| PASS selectElement.selectedChildrenCount is 1 |
| PASS option1.isSelected is true |
| PASS selectElement.selectedChildAtIndex(0).isEqual(option1) is true |
| PASS selectElement.selectedChildrenCount is 2 |
| PASS option2.isSelected is true |
| PASS selectElement.selectedChildAtIndex(1).isEqual(option2) is true |
| PASS option3.isSelected is false |
| PASS selectElement.selectedChildrenCount is 3 |
| PASS option4.isSelected is true |
| PASS selectElement.selectedChildAtIndex(3).isEqual(option4) is true |
| PASS option4.isSelected is false |
| PASS selectElement.selectedChildrenCount is 2 |
| PASS option2.isSelected is false |
| PASS selectElement.selectedChildrenCount is 1 |
| PASS option1.isSelected is false |
| PASS selectElement.selectedChildrenCount is 0 |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |