blob: a418cec49a69b945df6bc3ddc7e764059df5fdce [file] [log] [blame]
Test of JavaScript date parsing.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00Z") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00.5Z") == 819855000500 is true
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00.009Z") == 819855000009 is true
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00+00:00") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00.0+00:01") == 819854940000 is true
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00.0-00:01") == 819855060000 is true
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00.0+01:01") == 819851340000 is true
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00.0-01:01") == 819858660000 is true
PASS Date.parse("0000-01-01T00:00:00Z") == -62167219200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("+99999-12-31T24:00:00Z") == 3093527980800000 is true
PASS Date.parse("-99999-01-01T00:00:00Z") == -3217830796800000 is true
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-31T23:59:60Z") == 820454400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-31T23:59:60.5Z") == 820454400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("1995-13-25T01:30:00Z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995-00-25T01:30:00Z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995--1-25T01:30:00Z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995-01-25T01:05:-0.3Z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995/12/25T01:30:00Z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T1:30:00Z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00.Z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00.+1Z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00Z ") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00+00:00 ") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995-02-29T00:00:00Z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25 01:30:00Z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("1995-12-25T01:30:00z") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 GMT") == 819849600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 GMT") == 819849600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 gmt") == 819849600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995") == 819849600000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995") == 819849600000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995") == 819849600000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 GMT") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 GMT") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 gmt") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 ") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 ") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 ") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 AM GMT") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 AM GMT") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 am gmt") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 AM") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 AM") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 am") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30AM") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30AM") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30am") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 AM ") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 AM ") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 am ") == 819855000000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 13:30 GMT") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 13:30 GMT") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 13:30 gmt") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 13:30 1995") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 13:30 1995") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 13:30 1995") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 13:30 ") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 13:30 ") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 13:30 ") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 PM GMT") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 PM GMT") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 pm gmt") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 PM") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 PM") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 pm") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30PM") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30PM") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30pm") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 PM ") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 PM ") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 pm ") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 UTC") == 819849600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 UTC") == 819849600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 utc") == 819849600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 UT") == 819849600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 UT") == 819849600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 ut") == 819849600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 PST") == 819878400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 PST") == 819878400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 pst") == 819878400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 PDT") == 819874800000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 PDT") == 819874800000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 pdt") == 819874800000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 UTC") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 UTC") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 utc") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 UT") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 UT") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 ut") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 PST") == 819883800000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 PST") == 819883800000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 pst") == 819883800000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 PDT") == 819880200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 PDT") == 819880200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 pdt") == 819880200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 PM UTC") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 PM UTC") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 pm utc") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 PM UT") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 PM UT") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 pm ut") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 PM PST") == 819927000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 PM PST") == 819927000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 pm pst") == 819927000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 PM PDT") == 819923400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 PM PDT") == 819923400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 pm pdt") == 819923400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 XXX") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 XXX") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 xxx") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 XXX") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 XXX") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 xxx") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 U") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 U") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 u") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 V") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 V") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 v") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 W") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 W") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 w") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 1:30 X") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 1:30 X") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 1:30 x") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 0:30 GMT") == 819851400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 0:30 GMT") == 819851400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 0:30 gmt") == 819851400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 0:30 AM GMT") == 819851400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 0:30 AM GMT") == 819851400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 0:30 am gmt") == 819851400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 0:30 PM GMT") == 819894600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 0:30 PM GMT") == 819894600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 0:30 pm gmt") == 819894600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 12:30 AM GMT") == 819851400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 12:30 AM GMT") == 819851400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 12:30 am gmt") == 819851400000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 12:30 PM GMT") == 819894600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 12:30 PM GMT") == 819894600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 12:30 pm gmt") == 819894600000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 13:30 AM GMT") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 13:30 AM GMT") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 13:30 am gmt") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995 13:30 PM GMT") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995 13:30 PM GMT") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995 13:30 pm gmt") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Anf 25 1995 GMT") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("ANF 25 1995 GMT") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("anf 25 1995 gmt") is NaN
PASS Date.parse("Wed Dec 25 1995 1:30 GMT") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("WED DEC 25 1995 1:30 GMT") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("wed dec 25 1995 1:30 gmt") == 819855000000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25" + String.fromCharCode(9) + "1995 13:30 GMT") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse(("Dec 25" + String.fromCharCode(9) + "1995 13:30 GMT").toUpperCase()) == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse(("Dec 25" + String.fromCharCode(9) + "1995 13:30 GMT").toLowerCase()) == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25" + String.fromCharCode(10) + "1995 13:30 GMT") == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse(("Dec 25" + String.fromCharCode(10) + "1995 13:30 GMT").toUpperCase()) == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse(("Dec 25" + String.fromCharCode(10) + "1995 13:30 GMT").toLowerCase()) == 819898200000 is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25, 1995 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25, 1995 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25, 1995 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25,1995 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25,1995 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25,1995 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995, 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995, 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995, 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25 1995,13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25 1995,13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25 1995,13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25, 1995, 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25, 1995, 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25, 1995, 13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("Dec 25,1995,13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("DEC 25,1995,13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS Date.parse("dec 25,1995,13:30") == 819898200000 + timeZoneOffset is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true