blob: e807afc6059bcdd9dea3d9b4a71deba60ffb545c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2007 David Smith (
* Copyright (C) 2003-2013, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef RenderBlockFlow_h
#define RenderBlockFlow_h
#include "RenderBlock.h"
#include "RenderLineBoxList.h"
#include "SimpleLineLayout.h"
namespace WebCore {
class LineBreaker;
class RenderNamedFlowFragment;
struct FloatWithRect;
class RenderBlockFlow : public RenderBlock {
RenderBlockFlow(Element&, PassRef<RenderStyle>);
RenderBlockFlow(Document&, PassRef<RenderStyle>);
virtual ~RenderBlockFlow();
virtual void layoutBlock(bool relayoutChildren, LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight = 0) OVERRIDE;
virtual void insertedIntoTree() OVERRIDE;
virtual void willBeDestroyed() OVERRIDE;
// This method is called at the start of layout to wipe away all of the floats in our floating objects list. It also
// repopulates the list with any floats that intrude from previous siblings or parents. Floats that were added by
// descendants are gone when this call completes and will get added back later on after the children have gotten
// a relayout.
void clearFloats();
// RenderBlockFlow always contains either lines or paragraphs. When the children are all blocks (e.g. paragraphs), we call layoutBlockChildren.
// When the children are are all inline (e.g., lines), we call layoutInlineChildren.
void layoutBlockChildren(bool relayoutChildren, LayoutUnit& maxFloatLogicalBottom);
void layoutInlineChildren(bool relayoutChildren, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalBottom);
// RenderBlockFlows override these methods, since they are the only class that supports margin collapsing.
virtual LayoutUnit collapsedMarginBefore() const OVERRIDE FINAL { return maxPositiveMarginBefore() - maxNegativeMarginBefore(); }
virtual LayoutUnit collapsedMarginAfter() const OVERRIDE FINAL { return maxPositiveMarginAfter() - maxNegativeMarginAfter(); }
virtual void dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(RenderObject* child) OVERRIDE FINAL { lineBoxes().dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(this, child); }
virtual void updateLogicalHeight() OVERRIDE;
class MarginValues {
MarginValues(LayoutUnit beforePos, LayoutUnit beforeNeg, LayoutUnit afterPos, LayoutUnit afterNeg)
: m_positiveMarginBefore(beforePos)
, m_negativeMarginBefore(beforeNeg)
, m_positiveMarginAfter(afterPos)
, m_negativeMarginAfter(afterNeg)
{ }
LayoutUnit positiveMarginBefore() const { return m_positiveMarginBefore; }
LayoutUnit negativeMarginBefore() const { return m_negativeMarginBefore; }
LayoutUnit positiveMarginAfter() const { return m_positiveMarginAfter; }
LayoutUnit negativeMarginAfter() const { return m_negativeMarginAfter; }
void setPositiveMarginBefore(LayoutUnit pos) { m_positiveMarginBefore = pos; }
void setNegativeMarginBefore(LayoutUnit neg) { m_negativeMarginBefore = neg; }
void setPositiveMarginAfter(LayoutUnit pos) { m_positiveMarginAfter = pos; }
void setNegativeMarginAfter(LayoutUnit neg) { m_negativeMarginAfter = neg; }
LayoutUnit m_positiveMarginBefore;
LayoutUnit m_negativeMarginBefore;
LayoutUnit m_positiveMarginAfter;
LayoutUnit m_negativeMarginAfter;
MarginValues marginValuesForChild(RenderBox& child) const;
// Allocated only when some of these fields have non-default values
struct RenderBlockFlowRareData {
RenderBlockFlowRareData(const RenderBlockFlow& block)
: m_margins(positiveMarginBeforeDefault(block), negativeMarginBeforeDefault(block), positiveMarginAfterDefault(block), negativeMarginAfterDefault(block))
, m_lineBreakToAvoidWidow(-1)
, m_lineGridBox(nullptr)
, m_renderNamedFlowFragment(nullptr)
, m_discardMarginBefore(false)
, m_discardMarginAfter(false)
, m_didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow(false)
static LayoutUnit positiveMarginBeforeDefault(const RenderBlock& block)
return std::max<LayoutUnit>(block.marginBefore(), 0);
static LayoutUnit negativeMarginBeforeDefault(const RenderBlock& block)
return std::max<LayoutUnit>(-block.marginBefore(), 0);
static LayoutUnit positiveMarginAfterDefault(const RenderBlock& block)
return std::max<LayoutUnit>(block.marginAfter(), 0);
static LayoutUnit negativeMarginAfterDefault(const RenderBlock& block)
return std::max<LayoutUnit>(-block.marginAfter(), 0);
MarginValues m_margins;
int m_lineBreakToAvoidWidow;
RootInlineBox* m_lineGridBox;
RenderNamedFlowFragment* m_renderNamedFlowFragment;
bool m_discardMarginBefore : 1;
bool m_discardMarginAfter : 1;
bool m_didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow : 1;
class MarginInfo {
// Collapsing flags for whether we can collapse our margins with our children's margins.
bool m_canCollapseWithChildren : 1;
bool m_canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren : 1;
bool m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren : 1;
// Whether or not we are a quirky container, i.e., do we collapse away top and bottom
// margins in our container. Table cells and the body are the common examples. We
// also have a custom style property for Safari RSS to deal with TypePad blog articles.
bool m_quirkContainer : 1;
// This flag tracks whether we are still looking at child margins that can all collapse together at the beginning of a block.
// They may or may not collapse with the top margin of the block (|m_canCollapseTopWithChildren| tells us that), but they will
// always be collapsing with one another. This variable can remain set to true through multiple iterations
// as long as we keep encountering self-collapsing blocks.
bool m_atBeforeSideOfBlock : 1;
// This flag is set when we know we're examining bottom margins and we know we're at the bottom of the block.
bool m_atAfterSideOfBlock : 1;
// These variables are used to detect quirky margins that we need to collapse away (in table cells
// and in the body element).
bool m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk : 1;
bool m_hasMarginAfterQuirk : 1;
bool m_determinedMarginBeforeQuirk : 1;
bool m_discardMargin : 1;
// These flags track the previous maximal positive and negative margins.
LayoutUnit m_positiveMargin;
LayoutUnit m_negativeMargin;
MarginInfo(RenderBlockFlow&, LayoutUnit beforeBorderPadding, LayoutUnit afterBorderPadding);
void setAtBeforeSideOfBlock(bool b) { m_atBeforeSideOfBlock = b; }
void setAtAfterSideOfBlock(bool b) { m_atAfterSideOfBlock = b; }
void clearMargin()
m_positiveMargin = 0;
m_negativeMargin = 0;
void setHasMarginBeforeQuirk(bool b) { m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk = b; }
void setHasMarginAfterQuirk(bool b) { m_hasMarginAfterQuirk = b; }
void setDeterminedMarginBeforeQuirk(bool b) { m_determinedMarginBeforeQuirk = b; }
void setPositiveMargin(LayoutUnit p) { ASSERT(!m_discardMargin); m_positiveMargin = p; }
void setNegativeMargin(LayoutUnit n) { ASSERT(!m_discardMargin); m_negativeMargin = n; }
void setPositiveMarginIfLarger(LayoutUnit p)
if (p > m_positiveMargin)
m_positiveMargin = p;
void setNegativeMarginIfLarger(LayoutUnit n)
if (n > m_negativeMargin)
m_negativeMargin = n;
void setMargin(LayoutUnit p, LayoutUnit n) { ASSERT(!m_discardMargin); m_positiveMargin = p; m_negativeMargin = n; }
void setCanCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren(bool collapse) { m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren = collapse; }
void setDiscardMargin(bool value) { m_discardMargin = value; }
bool atBeforeSideOfBlock() const { return m_atBeforeSideOfBlock; }
bool canCollapseWithMarginBefore() const { return m_atBeforeSideOfBlock && m_canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren; }
bool canCollapseWithMarginAfter() const { return m_atAfterSideOfBlock && m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren; }
bool canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren() const { return m_canCollapseMarginBeforeWithChildren; }
bool canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren() const { return m_canCollapseMarginAfterWithChildren; }
bool quirkContainer() const { return m_quirkContainer; }
bool determinedMarginBeforeQuirk() const { return m_determinedMarginBeforeQuirk; }
bool hasMarginBeforeQuirk() const { return m_hasMarginBeforeQuirk; }
bool hasMarginAfterQuirk() const { return m_hasMarginAfterQuirk; }
LayoutUnit positiveMargin() const { return m_positiveMargin; }
LayoutUnit negativeMargin() const { return m_negativeMargin; }
bool discardMargin() const { return m_discardMargin; }
LayoutUnit margin() const { return m_positiveMargin - m_negativeMargin; }
void layoutBlockChild(RenderBox& child, MarginInfo&, LayoutUnit& previousFloatLogicalBottom, LayoutUnit& maxFloatLogicalBottom);
void adjustPositionedBlock(RenderBox& child, const MarginInfo&);
void adjustFloatingBlock(const MarginInfo&);
void setStaticInlinePositionForChild(RenderBox& child, LayoutUnit blockOffset, LayoutUnit inlinePosition);
void updateStaticInlinePositionForChild(RenderBox& child, LayoutUnit logicalTop);
LayoutUnit collapseMargins(RenderBox& child, MarginInfo&);
LayoutUnit clearFloatsIfNeeded(RenderBox& child, MarginInfo&, LayoutUnit oldTopPosMargin, LayoutUnit oldTopNegMargin, LayoutUnit yPos);
LayoutUnit estimateLogicalTopPosition(RenderBox& child, const MarginInfo&, LayoutUnit& estimateWithoutPagination);
void marginBeforeEstimateForChild(RenderBox&, LayoutUnit&, LayoutUnit&, bool&) const;
void handleAfterSideOfBlock(LayoutUnit top, LayoutUnit bottom, MarginInfo&);
void setCollapsedBottomMargin(const MarginInfo&);
bool shouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow() const { return m_rareData && m_rareData->m_lineBreakToAvoidWidow >= 0; }
void clearShouldBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow() const;
int lineBreakToAvoidWidow() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_lineBreakToAvoidWidow : -1; }
void setBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow(int);
void clearDidBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow();
void setDidBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow();
bool didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow() const { return m_rareData && m_rareData->m_didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow; }
bool relayoutToAvoidWidows(LayoutStateMaintainer&);
virtual bool canHaveGeneratedChildren() const OVERRIDE;
RootInlineBox* lineGridBox() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_lineGridBox : 0; }
void setLineGridBox(RootInlineBox* box)
if (!m_rareData)
m_rareData = adoptPtr(new RenderBlockFlowRareData(*this));
delete m_rareData->m_lineGridBox;
m_rareData->m_lineGridBox = box;
void layoutLineGridBox();
RenderNamedFlowFragment* renderNamedFlowFragment() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_renderNamedFlowFragment : 0; }
void setRenderNamedFlowFragment(RenderNamedFlowFragment*);
bool containsFloats() const OVERRIDE { return m_floatingObjects && !m_floatingObjects->set().isEmpty(); }
bool containsFloat(RenderBox&) const;
virtual void deleteLines() OVERRIDE;
virtual void computeOverflow(LayoutUnit oldClientAfterEdge, bool recomputeFloats = false) OVERRIDE;
void removeFloatingObjects();
void markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout(RenderBox* floatToRemove = nullptr, bool inLayout = true);
void markSiblingsWithFloatsForLayout(RenderBox* floatToRemove = nullptr);
LayoutUnit logicalTopForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floatingObject->y() : floatingObject->x(); }
LayoutUnit logicalBottomForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floatingObject->maxY() : floatingObject->maxX(); }
LayoutUnit logicalLeftForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floatingObject->x() : floatingObject->y(); }
LayoutUnit logicalRightForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floatingObject->maxX() : floatingObject->maxY(); }
LayoutUnit logicalWidthForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floatingObject->width() : floatingObject->height(); }
LayoutUnit logicalHeightForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floatingObject->height() : floatingObject->width(); }
LayoutSize logicalSizeForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? LayoutSize(floatingObject->width(), floatingObject->height()) : LayoutSize(floatingObject->height(), floatingObject->width()); }
int pixelSnappedLogicalTopForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floatingObject->frameRect().pixelSnappedY() : floatingObject->frameRect().pixelSnappedX(); }
int pixelSnappedLogicalBottomForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floatingObject->frameRect().pixelSnappedMaxY() : floatingObject->frameRect().pixelSnappedMaxX(); }
int pixelSnappedLogicalLeftForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floatingObject->frameRect().pixelSnappedX() : floatingObject->frameRect().pixelSnappedY(); }
int pixelSnappedLogicalRightForFloat(const FloatingObject* floatingObject) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? floatingObject->frameRect().pixelSnappedMaxX() : floatingObject->frameRect().pixelSnappedMaxY(); }
void setLogicalTopForFloat(FloatingObject* floatingObject, LayoutUnit logicalTop)
if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
void setLogicalLeftForFloat(FloatingObject* floatingObject, LayoutUnit logicalLeft)
if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
void setLogicalHeightForFloat(FloatingObject* floatingObject, LayoutUnit logicalHeight)
if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
void setLogicalWidthForFloat(FloatingObject* floatingObject, LayoutUnit logicalWidth)
if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
LayoutUnit xPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(const FloatingObject* child) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? child->x() + child->renderer().marginLeft() : child->x() + marginBeforeForChild(child->renderer()); }
LayoutUnit yPositionForFloatIncludingMargin(const FloatingObject* child) const { return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? child->y() + marginBeforeForChild(child->renderer()) : child->y() + child->renderer().marginTop(); }
LayoutPoint flipFloatForWritingModeForChild(const FloatingObject*, const LayoutPoint&) const;
RenderLineBoxList& lineBoxes() { return m_lineBoxes; }
const RenderLineBoxList& lineBoxes() const { return m_lineBoxes; }
InlineFlowBox* firstLineBox() const { return m_lineBoxes.firstLineBox(); }
InlineFlowBox* lastLineBox() const { return m_lineBoxes.lastLineBox(); }
RootInlineBox* firstRootBox() const { return static_cast<RootInlineBox*>(firstLineBox()); }
RootInlineBox* lastRootBox() const { return static_cast<RootInlineBox*>(lastLineBox()); }
virtual bool hasLines() const OVERRIDE FINAL;
// Helper methods for computing line counts and heights for line counts.
RootInlineBox* lineAtIndex(int) const;
int lineCount(const RootInlineBox* = nullptr, bool* = nullptr) const;
int heightForLineCount(int);
void clearTruncation();
void setHasMarkupTruncation(bool b) { m_hasMarkupTruncation = b; }
bool hasMarkupTruncation() const { return m_hasMarkupTruncation; }
bool containsNonZeroBidiLevel() const;
const SimpleLineLayout::Layout* simpleLineLayout() const { return m_simpleLineLayout.get(); }
void deleteLineBoxesBeforeSimpleLineLayout();
void ensureLineBoxes();
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual void showLineTreeAndMark(const InlineBox* = nullptr, const char* = nullptr, const InlineBox* = nullptr, const char* = nullptr, const RenderObject* = nullptr) const OVERRIDE;
// Returns the logicalOffset at the top of the next page. If the offset passed in is already at the top of the current page,
// then nextPageLogicalTop with ExcludePageBoundary will still move to the top of the next page. nextPageLogicalTop with
// IncludePageBoundary set will not.
// For a page height of 800px, the first rule will return 800 if the value passed in is 0. The second rule will simply return 0.
enum PageBoundaryRule { ExcludePageBoundary, IncludePageBoundary };
LayoutUnit nextPageLogicalTop(LayoutUnit logicalOffset, PageBoundaryRule = ExcludePageBoundary) const;
LayoutUnit pageLogicalTopForOffset(LayoutUnit offset) const;
LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit offset) const;
LayoutUnit pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit offset, PageBoundaryRule = IncludePageBoundary) const;
bool hasNextPage(LayoutUnit logicalOffset, PageBoundaryRule = ExcludePageBoundary) const;
// A page break is required at some offset due to space shortage in the current fragmentainer.
void setPageBreak(LayoutUnit offset, LayoutUnit spaceShortage);
// Update minimum page height required to avoid fragmentation where it shouldn't occur (inside
// unbreakable content, between orphans and widows, etc.). This will be used as a hint to the
// column balancer to help set a good minimum column height.
void updateMinimumPageHeight(LayoutUnit offset, LayoutUnit minHeight);
bool pushToNextPageWithMinimumLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit& adjustment, LayoutUnit logicalOffset, LayoutUnit minimumLogicalHeight) const;
// If the child is unsplittable and can't fit on the current page, return the top of the next page/column.
LayoutUnit adjustForUnsplittableChild(RenderBox& child, LayoutUnit logicalOffset, bool includeMargins = false);
LayoutUnit adjustBlockChildForPagination(LayoutUnit logicalTopAfterClear, LayoutUnit estimateWithoutPagination, RenderBox& child, bool atBeforeSideOfBlock);
LayoutUnit applyBeforeBreak(RenderBox& child, LayoutUnit logicalOffset); // If the child has a before break, then return a new yPos that shifts to the top of the next page/column.
LayoutUnit applyAfterBreak(RenderBox& child, LayoutUnit logicalOffset, MarginInfo&); // If the child has an after break, then return a new offset that shifts to the top of the next page/column.
LayoutUnit maxPositiveMarginBefore() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_margins.positiveMarginBefore() : RenderBlockFlowRareData::positiveMarginBeforeDefault(*this); }
LayoutUnit maxNegativeMarginBefore() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_margins.negativeMarginBefore() : RenderBlockFlowRareData::negativeMarginBeforeDefault(*this); }
LayoutUnit maxPositiveMarginAfter() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_margins.positiveMarginAfter() : RenderBlockFlowRareData::positiveMarginAfterDefault(*this); }
LayoutUnit maxNegativeMarginAfter() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_margins.negativeMarginAfter() : RenderBlockFlowRareData::negativeMarginAfterDefault(*this); }
void initMaxMarginValues()
if (!m_rareData)
m_rareData->m_margins = MarginValues(RenderBlockFlowRareData::positiveMarginBeforeDefault(*this) , RenderBlockFlowRareData::negativeMarginBeforeDefault(*this),
RenderBlockFlowRareData::positiveMarginAfterDefault(*this), RenderBlockFlowRareData::negativeMarginAfterDefault(*this));
m_rareData->m_discardMarginBefore = false;
m_rareData->m_discardMarginAfter = false;
void setMaxMarginBeforeValues(LayoutUnit pos, LayoutUnit neg);
void setMaxMarginAfterValues(LayoutUnit pos, LayoutUnit neg);
void setMustDiscardMarginBefore(bool = true);
void setMustDiscardMarginAfter(bool = true);
bool mustDiscardMarginBefore() const;
bool mustDiscardMarginAfter() const;
bool mustDiscardMarginBeforeForChild(const RenderBox&) const;
bool mustDiscardMarginAfterForChild(const RenderBox&) const;
bool mustSeparateMarginBeforeForChild(const RenderBox&) const;
bool mustSeparateMarginAfterForChild(const RenderBox&) const;
virtual void styleWillChange(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle& newStyle) OVERRIDE;
virtual void styleDidChange(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle* oldStyle) OVERRIDE;
void createFloatingObjects();
virtual int firstLineBaseline() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int inlineBlockBaseline(LineDirectionMode) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void paintInlineChildren(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) OVERRIDE;
virtual void paintFloats(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&, bool preservePhase = false) OVERRIDE;
virtual void moveAllChildrenIncludingFloatsTo(RenderBlock* toBlock, bool fullRemoveInsert) OVERRIDE;
virtual void repaintOverhangingFloats(bool paintAllDescendants) OVERRIDE FINAL;
virtual void clipOutFloatingObjects(RenderBlock&, const PaintInfo*, const LayoutPoint&, const LayoutSize&) OVERRIDE;
FloatingObject* insertFloatingObject(RenderBox&);
void removeFloatingObject(RenderBox&);
void removeFloatingObjectsBelow(FloatingObject*, int logicalOffset);
LayoutPoint computeLogicalLocationForFloat(const FloatingObject*, LayoutUnit logicalTopOffset) const;
// Called from lineWidth, to position the floats added in the last line.
// Returns true if and only if it has positioned any floats.
bool positionNewFloats();
void newLine(EClear);
virtual LayoutUnit logicalRightFloatOffsetForLine(LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit fixedOffset, LayoutUnit* heightRemaining, LayoutUnit logicalHeight, ShapeOutsideFloatOffsetMode) const OVERRIDE;
virtual LayoutUnit logicalLeftFloatOffsetForLine(LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit fixedOffset, LayoutUnit* heightRemaining, LayoutUnit logicalHeight, ShapeOutsideFloatOffsetMode) const OVERRIDE;
LayoutUnit lowestFloatLogicalBottom(FloatingObject::Type = FloatingObject::FloatLeftRight) const;
LayoutUnit nextFloatLogicalBottomBelow(LayoutUnit, ShapeOutsideFloatOffsetMode = ShapeOutsideFloatMarginBoxOffset) const;
LayoutUnit addOverhangingFloats(RenderBlockFlow& child, bool makeChildPaintOtherFloats);
bool hasOverhangingFloat(RenderBox&);
void addIntrudingFloats(RenderBlockFlow* prev, LayoutUnit xoffset, LayoutUnit yoffset);
bool hasOverhangingFloats() { return parent() && !hasColumns() && containsFloats() && lowestFloatLogicalBottom() > logicalHeight(); }
LayoutUnit getClearDelta(RenderBox& child, LayoutUnit yPos);
virtual bool hitTestFloats(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool hitTestInlineChildren(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction) OVERRIDE;
void addOverflowFromFloats();
virtual void addOverflowFromInlineChildren();
void fitBorderToLinesIfNeeded(); // Shrink the box in which the border paints if border-fit is set.
void adjustForBorderFit(LayoutUnit x, LayoutUnit& left, LayoutUnit& right) const;
void markLinesDirtyInBlockRange(LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalBottom, RootInlineBox* highest = 0);
virtual GapRects inlineSelectionGaps(RenderBlock& rootBlock, const LayoutPoint& rootBlockPhysicalPosition, const LayoutSize& offsetFromRootBlock,
LayoutUnit& lastLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& lastLogicalLeft, LayoutUnit& lastLogicalRight, const LogicalSelectionOffsetCaches&, const PaintInfo*) OVERRIDE;
Position positionForBox(InlineBox*, bool start = true) const;
virtual VisiblePosition positionForPointWithInlineChildren(const LayoutPoint& pointInLogicalContents) OVERRIDE;
RenderBlockFlowRareData& ensureRareData();
virtual void addFocusRingRectsForInlineChildren(Vector<IntRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, const RenderLayerModelObject*) OVERRIDE;
// FIXME-BLOCKFLOW: These methods have implementations in
// RenderBlockLineLayout. They should be moved to the proper header once the
// line layout code is separated from RenderBlock and RenderBlockFlow.
static void appendRunsForObject(BidiRunList<BidiRun>&, int start, int end, RenderObject*, InlineBidiResolver&);
RootInlineBox* createAndAppendRootInlineBox();
void layoutLineBoxes(bool relayoutChildren, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalBottom);
void layoutSimpleLines(LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalBottom);
virtual RootInlineBox* createRootInlineBox(); // Subclassed by SVG and Ruby.
InlineFlowBox* createLineBoxes(RenderObject*, const LineInfo&, InlineBox* childBox, bool startsNewSegment);
RootInlineBox* constructLine(BidiRunList<BidiRun>&, const LineInfo&);
void setMarginsForRubyRun(BidiRun*, RenderRubyRun&, RenderObject*, const LineInfo&);
void computeInlineDirectionPositionsForLine(RootInlineBox*, const LineInfo&, BidiRun* firstRun, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, bool reachedEnd, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap&, VerticalPositionCache&, WordMeasurements&);
BidiRun* computeInlineDirectionPositionsForSegment(RootInlineBox*, const LineInfo&, ETextAlign, float& logicalLeft,
float& availableLogicalWidth, BidiRun* firstRun, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, VerticalPositionCache&, WordMeasurements&);
void computeBlockDirectionPositionsForLine(RootInlineBox*, BidiRun*, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap&, VerticalPositionCache&);
BidiRun* handleTrailingSpaces(BidiRunList<BidiRun>&, BidiContext*);
void appendFloatingObjectToLastLine(FloatingObject*);
// Helper function for layoutInlineChildren()
RootInlineBox* createLineBoxesFromBidiRuns(BidiRunList<BidiRun>&, const InlineIterator& end, LineInfo&, VerticalPositionCache&, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, WordMeasurements&);
void layoutRunsAndFloats(LineLayoutState&, bool hasInlineChild);
const InlineIterator& restartLayoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(LayoutUnit oldLogicalHeight, LayoutUnit newLogicalHeight, FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine, InlineBidiResolver&, const InlineIterator&);
void layoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(LineLayoutState&, InlineBidiResolver&, const InlineIterator& cleanLineStart, const BidiStatus& cleanLineBidiStatus, unsigned consecutiveHyphenatedLines);
void updateShapeAndSegmentsForCurrentLine(ShapeInsideInfo*&, const LayoutSize&, LineLayoutState&);
void updateShapeAndSegmentsForCurrentLineInFlowThread(ShapeInsideInfo*&, LineLayoutState&);
bool adjustLogicalLineTopAndLogicalHeightIfNeeded(ShapeInsideInfo*, LayoutUnit, LineLayoutState&, InlineBidiResolver&, FloatingObject*, InlineIterator&, WordMeasurements&);
void linkToEndLineIfNeeded(LineLayoutState&);
static void repaintDirtyFloats(Vector<FloatWithRect>& floats);
void checkFloatsInCleanLine(RootInlineBox*, Vector<FloatWithRect>&, size_t& floatIndex, bool& encounteredNewFloat, bool& dirtiedByFloat);
RootInlineBox* determineStartPosition(LineLayoutState&, InlineBidiResolver&);
void determineEndPosition(LineLayoutState&, RootInlineBox* startBox, InlineIterator& cleanLineStart, BidiStatus& cleanLineBidiStatus);
bool checkPaginationAndFloatsAtEndLine(LineLayoutState&);
bool matchedEndLine(LineLayoutState&, const InlineBidiResolver&, const InlineIterator& endLineStart, const BidiStatus& endLineStatus);
void deleteEllipsisLineBoxes();
void checkLinesForTextOverflow();
// Positions new floats and also adjust all floats encountered on the line if any of them
// have to move to the next page/column.
bool positionNewFloatOnLine(FloatingObject* newFloat, FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine, LineInfo&, LineWidth&);
// This function is called to test a line box that has moved in the block direction to see if it has ended up in a new
// region/page/column that has a different available line width than the old one. Used to know when you have to dirty a
// line, i.e., that it can't be re-used.
bool lineWidthForPaginatedLineChanged(RootInlineBox*, LayoutUnit lineDelta, RenderFlowThread*) const;
// END METHODS DEFINED IN RenderBlockLineLayout
bool namedFlowFragmentNeedsUpdate() const;
virtual bool canHaveChildren() const OVERRIDE;
// FIXME-BLOCKFLOW: These can be made protected again once all callers have been moved here.
void adjustLinePositionForPagination(RootInlineBox*, LayoutUnit& deltaOffset, RenderFlowThread*); // Computes a deltaOffset value that put a line at the top of the next page if it doesn't fit on the current page.
void updateRegionForLine(RootInlineBox*) const;
void createRenderNamedFlowFragmentIfNeeded();
// Pagination routines.
virtual bool relayoutForPagination(bool hasSpecifiedPageLogicalHeight, LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight, LayoutStateMaintainer&);
OwnPtr<FloatingObjects> m_floatingObjects;
OwnPtr<RenderBlockFlowRareData> m_rareData;
RenderLineBoxList m_lineBoxes;
std::unique_ptr<SimpleLineLayout::Layout> m_simpleLineLayout;
friend class BreakingContext;
friend class LineBreaker;
friend class LineWidth; // Needs to know FloatingObject
RENDER_OBJECT_TYPE_CASTS(RenderBlockFlow, isRenderBlockFlow())
inline bool RenderElement::isRenderNamedFlowFragmentContainer() const
return isRenderBlockFlow() && toRenderBlockFlow(this)->renderNamedFlowFragment();
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // RenderBlockFlow_h