| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="../../../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <script> |
| function testElementStyle(propertyJS, propertyCSS, type, value) |
| { |
| if (type != null) { |
| shouldBe("e.style." + propertyJS, "'" + value + "'"); |
| shouldBe("e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('" + propertyCSS + "').toString()", "'" + type + "'"); |
| shouldBe("e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('" + propertyCSS + "').cssText", "'" + value + "'"); |
| } else |
| shouldBeNull("e.style.getPropertyCSSValue('" + propertyCSS + "')"); |
| } |
| |
| function testComputedStyle(propertyJS, propertyCSS, type, value) |
| { |
| computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(e, null); |
| shouldBe("computedStyle." + propertyJS, "'" + value + "'"); |
| shouldBe("computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('" + propertyCSS + "').toString()", "'" + type + "'"); |
| shouldBe("computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue('" + propertyCSS + "').cssText", "'" + value + "'"); |
| } |
| |
| description("Test to make sure -webkit-text-underline-position property returns values properly.") |
| |
| // FIXME: This test tests property values 'auto' and 'under'. We don't fully match |
| // the specification as we don't support [ left | right ] and this is left for another implementation |
| // as the rendering will need to be added. |
| |
| var testContainer = document.createElement("div"); |
| testContainer.contentEditable = true; |
| document.body.appendChild(testContainer); |
| |
| testContainer.innerHTML = '<div id="test">hello world</div>'; |
| |
| debug("Initial value:"); |
| e = document.getElementById('test'); |
| testElementStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", null, ''); |
| testComputedStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", "[object CSSPrimitiveValue]", "auto"); |
| debug(''); |
| |
| debug("Value '':"); |
| e.style.webkitTextUnderlinePosition = ''; |
| testElementStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", null, ''); |
| testComputedStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", "[object CSSPrimitiveValue]", "auto"); |
| debug(''); |
| |
| debug("Initial value (explicit):"); |
| e.style.webkitTextUnderlinePosition = 'initial'; |
| testElementStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", "[object CSSValue]", "initial"); |
| testComputedStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", "[object CSSPrimitiveValue]", "auto"); |
| debug(''); |
| |
| debug("Value 'auto':"); |
| e.style.webkitTextUnderlinePosition = 'auto'; |
| testElementStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", "[object CSSPrimitiveValue]", "auto"); |
| testComputedStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", "[object CSSPrimitiveValue]", "auto"); |
| debug(''); |
| |
| debug("Value 'under':"); |
| e.style.webkitTextUnderlinePosition = 'under'; |
| testElementStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", "[object CSSPrimitiveValue]", "under"); |
| testComputedStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", "[object CSSPrimitiveValue]", "under"); |
| debug(''); |
| |
| testContainer.innerHTML = '<div id="test-parent" style="-webkit-text-underline-position: under;">hello <span id="test-ancestor">world</span></div>'; |
| debug("Ancestor inherits values from parent:"); |
| e = document.getElementById('test-ancestor'); |
| testElementStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", null, ""); |
| testComputedStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", "[object CSSPrimitiveValue]", "under"); |
| debug(''); |
| |
| debug("Value 'auto alphabetic':"); |
| e.style.webkitTextUnderlinePosition = 'auto alphabetic'; |
| testElementStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", null, ""); |
| debug(''); |
| |
| debug("Value 'auto under':"); |
| e.style.webkitTextUnderlinePosition = 'auto under'; |
| testElementStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", null, ""); |
| debug(''); |
| |
| debug("Value 'under under':"); |
| e.style.webkitTextUnderlinePosition = 'under under'; |
| testElementStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", null, ""); |
| debug(''); |
| |
| debug("Value 'under under under':"); |
| e.style.webkitTextUnderlinePosition = 'auto alphabetic under'; |
| testElementStyle("webkitTextUnderlinePosition", "-webkit-text-underline-position", null, ""); |
| debug(''); |
| |
| document.body.removeChild(testContainer); |
| </script> |
| <script src="../../../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |