blob: fc88414621e8c4fcc3b5d5c891ad135bc670241f [file] [log] [blame]
// Tests for raising --- and non-raising exceptions on access to reference to undefined things...
// Locals should throw on access if undefined..
fnShouldThrow(function() { a = x; }, ReferenceError);
// Read-modify-write versions of assignment should throw as well
fnShouldThrow(function() { x += "foo"; }, ReferenceError);
// Other reference types should just return undefined...
a = new Object();
fnShouldNotThrow(function() { b = a.x; });
fnShouldNotThrow(function() { b = a['x']; });
fnShouldNotThrow(function() { a['x'] += 'baz'; });
shouldBe("a['x']", '"undefinedbaz"');
fnShouldNotThrow(function() { b = a.y; });
fnShouldNotThrow(function() { a.y += 'glarch'; });
shouldBe("a['y']", '"undefinedglarch"');
// Helpers!
function fnShouldThrow(f, exType)
var exception;
var _av;
try {
_av = f();
} catch (e) {
exception = e;
if (exception) {
if (typeof exType == "undefined" || exception instanceof exType)
testPassed(f + " threw exception " + exception + ".");
testFailed(f + " should throw exception " + exType + ". Threw exception " + exception + ".");
} else if (typeof _av == "undefined")
testFailed(f + " should throw exception " + exType + ". Was undefined.");
testFailed(f + " should throw exception " + exType + ". Was " + _av + ".");
function fnShouldNotThrow(f)
try {
testPassed(f + " did not throw an exception");
} catch (e) {
testFailed(f + " threw an exception " + e + " when no exception expected");
var successfullyParsed = true;