blob: dc153775b930088c23a2f5baa6cf83b3a3278a1d [file] [log] [blame]
<input id="inputElement" size="4">
This tests to make sure that HTMLInputElement::size returns a number, not a string. This is in violation of the DOM Level 1 spec, but is what FireFox does, so we match.
You should see 2 lines with "SUCCESS" below:
if (window.layoutTestController)
function checkExpected(actual, expected)
if (actual != expected)
document.writeln("<p>FAILURE: expected \"" + expected + "\", actual \"" + actual + "\"</p>");
document.writeln("<p>SUCCESS (value: \"" + actual + "\")</p>");
var inputElement = document.getElementById("inputElement");
checkExpected(typeof(inputElement.size), "number");
checkExpected(inputElement.size + 5, 9);