blob: 9b92b832f3cd55f68fa43d4a87834ea9c558429b [file] [log] [blame]
<public:attach event="onpropertychange" onevent="propertyChanged()" />
<public:attach event="onbeforeprint" for="window" onevent="beforePrint()" />
<public:attach event="onafterprint" for="window" onevent="afterPrint()" />
* PNG Behavior
* This script was created by Erik Arvidsson (erik(at)
* for WebFX (
* Copyright 2002
* For usage see license at
* Version: 1.01a
* Created: 2001-??-?? First working version
* Updated: 2002-03-28 Fixed issue when starting with a non png image and
* switching between non png images
* 2003-01-06 Fixed RegExp to correctly work with IE 5.0x
* 2004-04-25 Fixed PNG image printing, eliminated need for external
* GIF file, fixed intermittent uninitialised variable
* error [by AG, <> ]
* 2004-09-30 Reverted inline javascript image to transparent GIF. The
* new XP SP2 'security' measures prevented the JS image
* from working. [by AG]
* 2004-10-22 Rewrote fixImage() to try and work around some reported
* problems with PNGs vanishing! [by AG]
* 2004-12-12 Fixed problem with PNGs not being restored after
* printing. I have no idea how I missed this one! [by AG]
* 2005-03-26 Fixed supported RE mis-identifying IE 5.0/Win98 as
* 'supported'.
var IS_PNG = /\.png$/i;
var supported = /MSIE (5\.[5-9]|[6]\.[0-9]*)/.test(navigator.userAgent) && navigator.platform == 'Win32';
var realSrc;
var blankSrc = '/images/blank.png';
if (supported) fixImage();
function propertyChanged() {
if (supported && event.propertyName == 'src') {
var i = element.src.lastIndexOf(blankSrc);
if (i == -1 || i != element.src.length - blankSrc.length) {
function fixImage() {
if (realSrc && element.src == realSrc) {
// this is an attempt to set the image to itself!
// pointless - leave the filter as-is, restore the blank image
element.src = blankSrc;
} else {
// set the image to something different
if (IS_PNG.test(element.src)) {
// fixable PNG
realSrc = element.src;
element.src = blankSrc;
element.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + realSrc + "',sizingMethod='scale')";
} else {
// ordinary image - make sure the fix is removed
if (realSrc) {
realSrc = null;
element.runtimeStyle.filter = '';
function beforePrint() {
if (realSrc) {
supported = false;
element.src = realSrc;
element.runtimeStyle.filter = '';
supported = true;
function afterPrint() {
if (realSrc) {
var rs = realSrc;
realSrc = null;
element.src = rs;