blob: 62c95021eafa33e616b2dfccbd2a9b4e4ece4c6a [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="../../http/tests/inspector-protocol/resources/protocol-test.js"></script>
<script src="resources/breakpoint.js"></script>
function test()
InspectorTest.sendCommand("Debugger.enable", {});
var samples = [];
const expectedSampleCount = 4;
function receivedAllExpectedSamples() {
return samples.length === expectedSampleCount;
function dumpSamples() {
for (var i = 0; i < samples.length; i++)
InspectorTest.log("Sample " + (i + 1) + ": " + JSON.stringify(samples[i]));
var tests = [
message: "Samples from different probe actions should have unique action identifiers.",
predicate: function samplesHaveUniqueActionIds() {
return samples[0].probeId !== samples[1].probeId;
error: dumpSamples
message: "Samples from probe actions on the same breakpoint should have the same batch identifiers.",
predicate: function samplesHaveEqualBatchIds() {
return samples[0].batchId === samples[1].batchId;
error: dumpSamples
message: "SampleIds from a any probe are sequential and start counting from one.",
predicate: function samplesHaveSequentialIds() {
return samples.every(function(sample, idx) { return sample.sampleId === idx + 1; });
error: dumpSamples
InspectorTest.eventHandler["Debugger.scriptParsed"] = function(messageObject)
if (/resources\/breakpoint\.js$/.test(messageObject.params.url)) {
InspectorTest.log("Found breakpoint.js");
var scriptIdentifier = messageObject.params.scriptId;
var location = {scriptId: scriptIdentifier, lineNumber: 18, columnNumber: 0};
var options = {
autoContinue: true,
actions: [
{"type": "probe", "data": "a", "id": 1},
{"type": "probe", "data": "a", "id": 2}
InspectorTest.sendCommand("Debugger.setBreakpoint", {location: location, options: options}, function(responseObject) {
InspectorTest.log("Running breakpointActions to trigger probe samples.");
InspectorTest.sendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", {expression: "breakpointActions(12, {x:1,y:2})"});
InspectorTest.sendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", {expression: "breakpointActions(12, {x:1,y:2})"});
InspectorTest.eventHandler["Debugger.didSampleProbe"] = function(messageObject)
var sample = ProbeHelper.simplifiedProbeSample(messageObject);
InspectorTest.log("Received probe sample payload: " + JSON.stringify(sample.payload));
if (receivedAllExpectedSamples()) {
tests.forEach(function(test) {
var result = test.predicate();
InspectorTest.assert(result, test.message);
if (!result)
<body onload="runTest()">
<p>Debugger.setBreakpoint with multiple probe actions at the same breakpoint. Test Debugger.didSampleProbe events for the probe samples.</p>