| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <title>Test for auto-fit and auto-fill with huge grids (lots of tracks)</title> |
| <meta name="author" title="Sergio Villar Senin" href="mailto:svillar@igalia.com"> |
| <link href="resources/grid.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
| <link href="../css-intrinsic-dimensions/resources/width-keyword-classes.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
| <link href="../css-intrinsic-dimensions/resources/height-keyword-classes.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
| |
| <script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script> |
| <script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
| <script src="resources/grid-definitions-parsing-utils.js"></script> |
| <style> |
| .wideGrid { width: 1000000000px; } |
| .tallGrid { height: 1000000000px; } |
| |
| .width25k { width: 25000px; } |
| .height25k { height: 25000px; } |
| |
| .lastColumn { grid-column: -2 / -1; } |
| .lastRow { grid-row: -2 / -1; } |
| |
| .minSizeWideGrid { min-width: 1000000000px; } |
| .minSizeTallGrid { min-height: 1000000000px; } |
| |
| .lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFitCols { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, 10px 2px 8px) repeat(992, 1px); } |
| .lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFillCols { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 10px 2px 8px 7px 20px) repeat(995, 1px); } |
| |
| .lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFitCols { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, 10px 2px 8px) repeat(10, 1px); } |
| .lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFillCols { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 10px 2px 8px 7px 20px) repeat(10, 1px); } |
| |
| .lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFitColsReversed { grid-template-columns: repeat(992, 1px) repeat(auto-fit, 10px 2px 8px); } |
| .lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFillColsReversed { grid-template-columns: repeat(995, 1px) repeat(auto-fill, 10px 2px 8px 7px 20px); } |
| |
| .lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFitRows { grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fit, 10px 2px 8px) repeat(992, 1px); } |
| .lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFillRows { grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fill, 10px 2px 8px 7px 20px) repeat(995, 1px); } |
| |
| .lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFitRows { grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fit, 10px 2px 8px) repeat(10, 1px); } |
| .lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFillRows { grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fill, 10px 2px 8px 7px 20px) repeat(10, 1px); } |
| |
| .lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFitRowsReversed { grid-template-rows: repeat(992, 1px) repeat(auto-fit, 10px 2px 8px); } |
| .lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFillRowsReversed { grid-template-rows: repeat(995, 1px) repeat(auto-fill, 10px 2px 8px 7px 20px); } |
| |
| .autoFitRows25px { grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fit, 10px 2px 8px 5px); } |
| .autoFitCols25px { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, 10px 2px 8px 5px); } |
| |
| .autoFillRows25px { grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fill, 17px 8px); } |
| .autoFillCols25px { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 2px 23px); } |
| |
| .autoFitRows205pxFixed5px { grid-template-rows: repeat(900, 5px) repeat(auto-fit, 20px 50px 13px 50px 72px); } |
| .autoFitCols205pxFixed5px { grid-template-columns: repeat(900, 5px) repeat(auto-fit, 20px 50px 13px 50px 72px); } |
| |
| .autoFillRows205pxFixed5px { grid-template-rows: repeat(900, 5px) repeat(auto-fill, 200px 5px); } |
| .autoFillCols205pxFixed5px { grid-template-columns: repeat(900, 5px) repeat(auto-fill, 200px 5px); } |
| |
| .autoFitAndAThousandFixedRows { grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fit, 20px 50px 72px) repeat(1000, 37px); } |
| .autoFitAndAThousandFixedCols { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, 20px 50px 72px) repeat(1000, 37px); } |
| |
| .autoFillAndAThousandFixedRows { grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fill, 2px) repeat(1000, 37px); } |
| .autoFillAndAThousandFixedCols { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 2px) repeat(1000, 37px); } |
| |
| .autoFitAndMoreThanThousandFixedRows { grid-template-rows: repeat(700, 7px) repeat(auto-fit, 11px 13px 125px) repeat(600, 6px); } |
| .autoFitAndMoreThanThousandFixedCols { grid-template-columns: repeat(700, 7px) repeat(auto-fit, 11px 13px 125px) repeat(600, 6px); } |
| |
| .autoFillAndMoreThanThousandFixedRows { grid-template-rows: repeat(700, 7px) repeat(auto-fill, 20px 50px 72px) repeat(600, 6px); } |
| .autoFillAndMoreThanThousandFixedCols { grid-template-columns: repeat(700, 7px) repeat(auto-fill, 20px 50px 72px) repeat(600, 6px); } |
| </style> |
| |
| <p>This test checks that we properly enforce the maximum number of grid tracks in different situations.</p> |
| |
| <div id="autoFillGridCols" class="grid"></div> |
| <div id="autoFitGridCols" class="grid"> |
| <div style="grid-column: 1;"></div> |
| <div style="grid-column: 2;"></div> |
| <div class="lastColumn"></div> |
| </div> |
| |
| <div id="autoFillGridRows" class="grid"></div> |
| <div id="autoFitGridRows" class="grid"> |
| <div style="grid-row: 1;"></div> |
| <div style="grid-row: 2;"></div> |
| <div class="lastRow"></div> |
| </div> |
| |
| <script> |
| var maxTracksForTesting = 1000; // Keep this value in sync with the ones used in CSS definitions. |
| var autoFillGridElementCols = document.getElementById("autoFillGridCols"); |
| var autoFitGridElementCols = document.getElementById("autoFitGridCols"); |
| var autoFillGridElementRows = document.getElementById("autoFillGridRows"); |
| var autoFitGridElementRows = document.getElementById("autoFitGridRows"); |
| if (window.internals) |
| window.internals.setGridMaxTracksLimit(maxTracksForTesting); |
| |
| function getTracksCheckingLength(gridElement, property, length, classNames) { |
| for (let className of classNames) |
| gridElement.classList.add(className); |
| |
| var propertyValue = getComputedStyle(gridElement, '').getPropertyValue(property); |
| for (let className of classNames) |
| gridElement.classList.remove(className); |
| |
| if (propertyValue == "") { |
| assert_equals(length, 0); |
| return []; |
| } |
| |
| var tracks = propertyValue.split(' '); |
| assert_equals(tracks.length, length); |
| return tracks; |
| } |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["wideGrid", "lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFillCols"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["wideGrid", "lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFitCols"]); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "10px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[0], "10px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[1], "2px"); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "20px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "7px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[0], "10px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[1], "2px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't get more than kGridMaxTracks repetitions even on very wide grids (normal tracks clamped)."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["tallGrid", "lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFillRows"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["tallGrid", "lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFitRows"]); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "10px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[0], "10px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[1], "2px"); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "20px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "7px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[0], "10px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[1], "2px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't get more than kGridMaxTracks repetitions even on very tall grids (normal tracks clamped)."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["wideGrid", "lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFillColsReversed"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["wideGrid", "lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFitColsReversed"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "2px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[0], "1px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[1], "1px"); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "20px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "7px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[0], "1px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[1], "1px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't get more than kGridMaxTracks repetitions even on very wide grids (auto repeat tracks clamped)."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["tallGrid", "lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFillRowsReversed"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["tallGrid", "lotsOfFixedRepeatWithAutoFitRowsReversed"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "2px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[0], "1px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[1], "1px"); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "20px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "7px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[0], "1px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[1], "1px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't get more than kGridMaxTracks repetitions even on very tall grids (auto repeat tracks clamped)."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| autoFillGridElementCols.style.gridGap = "100px"; |
| autoFitGridElementCols.style.gridGap = "100px"; |
| |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["wideGrid", "lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFillCols"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["wideGrid", "lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFitCols"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "10px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "20px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "7px"); |
| |
| autoFillGridElementCols.style.gridGap = "1000000px"; |
| autoFitGridElementCols.style.gridGap = "1000000px"; |
| |
| getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", 130, ["wideGrid", "lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFillCols"]); |
| getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", 82, ["wideGrid", "lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFitCols"]); |
| |
| autoFillGridElementCols.style.gridGap = "0px"; |
| autoFitGridElementCols.style.gridGap = "0px"; |
| }, "Test that we don't get more than kGridMaxTracks repetitions even on very wide grids with gaps."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| autoFillGridElementRows.style.gridGap = "100px"; |
| autoFitGridElementRows.style.gridGap = "100px"; |
| |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["tallGrid", "lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFillRows"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["tallGrid", "lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFitRows"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "10px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "20px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "7px"); |
| |
| autoFillGridElementRows.style.gridGap = "1000000px"; |
| autoFitGridElementRows.style.gridGap = "1000000px"; |
| |
| getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", 130, ["tallGrid", "lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFillRows"]); |
| getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", 82, ["tallGrid", "lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFitRows"]); |
| |
| autoFillGridElementRows.style.gridGap = "0px"; |
| autoFitGridElementRows.style.gridGap = "0px"; |
| }, "Test that we don't get more than kGridMaxTracks repetitions even on very tall grids with gaps."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillCols = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFillCols", "minSizeWideGrid", "min-content"]); |
| var autoFitCols = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFitCols", "minSizeWideGrid", "min-content"]); |
| |
| // Check that clamping auto repetitions does not reduce the amount of the other tracks. |
| assert_equals(autoFillCols[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "20px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillCols[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "7px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitCols[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "10px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitCols[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't get more than kGridMaxTracks repetitions even on very wide grids with gaps and min-width."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillRows = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFillRows", "minSizeTallGrid", "min-content"]); |
| var autoFitRows = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["lotsOfAutoRepeatWithAutoFitRows", "minSizeTallGrid", "min-content"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillRows[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "20px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillRows[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "7px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitRows[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "10px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitRows[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't get more than kGridMaxTracks repetitions even on very tall grids with gaps and min-height."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillRows = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["height25k", "autoFillRows25px"]); |
| var autoFitRows = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["height25k", "autoFitRows25px"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillRows[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "8px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillRows[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "17px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitRows[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "5px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitRows[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't crash when there are exactly kGridMaxTracks auto repeat rows on very tall grids."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillCols = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["width25k", "autoFillCols25px"]); |
| var autoFitCols = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["width25k", "autoFitCols25px"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillCols[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "23px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillCols[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "2px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitCols[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "5px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitCols[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't crash when there are exactly kGridMaxTracks auto repeat columns on very wide grids."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillRows = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["height25k", "autoFillRows205pxFixed5px"]); |
| var autoFitRows = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["height25k", "autoFitRows205pxFixed5px"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillRows[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "5px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillRows[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "200px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitRows[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "72px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitRows[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't crash when there are exactly kGridMaxTracks (normal and auto-repeat) rows on very tall grids."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillCols = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["width25k", "autoFillCols205pxFixed5px"]); |
| var autoFitCols = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["width25k", "autoFitCols205pxFixed5px"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillCols[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "5px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillCols[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "200px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitCols[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "72px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitCols[maxTracksForTesting - 2], "0px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't crash when there are exactly kGridMaxTracks (normal and auto-repeat) columns on very wide grids."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["height25k", "autoFillAndAThousandFixedRows"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["height25k", "autoFitAndAThousandFixedRows"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "37px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[0], "2px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "37px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[0], "20px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't crash when there are exactly kGridMaxTracks non auto-repeat rows on very tall grids."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["width25k", "autoFillAndAThousandFixedCols"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["width25k", "autoFitAndAThousandFixedCols"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "37px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[0], "2px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "37px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[0], "20px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't crash when there are exactly kGridMaxTracks non auto-repeat columns on very wide grids."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["tallGrid", "autoFillAndAThousandFixedRows"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["tallGrid", "autoFitAndAThousandFixedRows"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "2px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[0], "2px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "20px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[0], "20px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't crash when there are exactly kGridMaxTracks non auto-repeat rows on very tall grids with enough room for auto repetitions."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["wideGrid", "autoFillAndAThousandFixedCols"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["wideGrid", "autoFitAndAThousandFixedCols"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "2px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[0], "2px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "20px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[0], "20px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't crash when there are exactly kGridMaxTracks non auto-repeat columns on very wide grids with enough room for auto repetitions."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["height25k", "autoFillAndMoreThanThousandFixedRows"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementRows, "grid-template-rows", maxTracksForTesting, ["height25k", "autoFitAndMoreThanThousandFixedRows"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "72px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[0], "7px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "125px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[0], "7px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't crash when there are more than kGridMaxTracks non auto-repeat rows on very tall grids."); |
| |
| test(function() { |
| var autoFillGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFillGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["width25k", "autoFillAndMoreThanThousandFixedCols"]); |
| var autoFitGrid = getTracksCheckingLength(autoFitGridElementCols, "grid-template-columns", maxTracksForTesting, ["width25k", "autoFitAndMoreThanThousandFixedCols"]); |
| |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "72px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFillGrid[0], "7px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[maxTracksForTesting - 1], "125px"); |
| assert_equals(autoFitGrid[0], "7px"); |
| }, "Test that we don't crash when there are more than kGridMaxTracks non auto-repeat columns on very wide grids."); |
| |
| </script> |