blob: f353e6e99993a59b86e4d2b81a9bcf134c0e3fa6 [file] [log] [blame]
function shouldThrow(func, errorMessage) {
var errorThrown = false;
var error = null;
try {
} catch (e) {
errorThrown = true;
error = e;
if (!errorThrown)
throw new Error('not thrown');
if (String(error) !== errorMessage)
throw new Error(`bad error: ${String(error)}`);
async function* gen() { }
shouldThrow(() => {
new gen()
}, `TypeError: function is not a constructor (evaluating 'new gen()')`);
shouldThrow(() => {
Reflect.construct(gen, [], {});
}, `TypeError: Reflect.construct requires the first argument be a constructor`);