blob: f3ecf7ed242023508402de11a8a857fae37529de [file] [log] [blame]
<p>Inner iframe on a foreign domain.</p>
<iframe id="aFrame" name="aFrame"></iframe>
var url = "javascript:\"<html>"
+ "<head>"
+ "<scr" + "ipt>"
+ "window.onload = function()"
+ "{"
+ "if (window.testRunner)"
+ "testRunner.globalFlag = true;"
+ "}"
+ "</scr" + "ipt>"
+ "</head>"
+ "<body>"
+ "<p id='accessMe'>PASS: Cross frame access from a frame on a foreign domain denied!</p>"
+ "<p>Inner-inner iframe. This iframe (which is javascript: URL and whose parent is on a foreign domain) is the frame that the"
+ " main frame is trying to access. It should not have access to it.</p>"
+ "</body>"
+ "</html>\"";
var frame = document.getElementById('aFrame');
frame.src = url;