blob: 131c7c13d1e9a3a70a65c3731e563156d535f41e [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../media-file.js"></script>
<script src="controls-test-helpers.js"></script>
var tester = new ControlsTest()
.start("Test for Show Controls button");
function runTests()
currentState = tester.currentState;
tester.test("We are using the apple idiom")
tester.startNewSection("Get the button that shows controls while in Voice Over");
var controlsButtonState = tester.stateForControlsElement("Show Controls");
tester.test("Name is 'Show Controls'")
.isEqualTo("Show Controls");
tester.test("Is hidden")
<p>This tests for the existence of a hidden Show Controls button.</p>
<p>This test only runs in DRT!</p>
<video controls></video>