| |
| describe('ComponentBase', function() { |
| |
| function createTestToCheckExistenceOfShadowTree(callback, options = {htmlTemplate: false, cssTemplate: true}) |
| { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { } |
| if (options.htmlTemplate) |
| SomeComponent.htmlTemplate = () => { return '<div id="div" style="height: 10px;"></div>'; }; |
| if (options.cssTemplate) |
| SomeComponent.cssTemplate = () => { return ':host { height: 10px; }'; }; |
| |
| let instance = new SomeComponent('some-component'); |
| instance.element().style.display = 'block'; |
| context.document.body.appendChild(instance.element()); |
| return callback(instance, () => { return instance.element().offsetHeight == 10; }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| it('must enqueue a connected component to render', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| let renderCall = 0; |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { |
| render() { renderCall++; } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| let requestAnimationFrameCount = 0; |
| let callback = null; |
| context.global.requestAnimationFrame = (newCallback) => { |
| callback = newCallback; |
| requestAnimationFrameCount++; |
| } |
| |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(0); |
| const instance = new SomeComponent; |
| context.document.body.appendChild(instance.element()); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(1); |
| callback(); |
| expect(renderCall).to.be(1); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(1); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must enqueue a connected component to render upon a resize event if enqueueToRenderOnResize is true', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { |
| static get enqueueToRenderOnResize() { return true; } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| let requestAnimationFrameCount = 0; |
| let callback = null; |
| context.global.requestAnimationFrame = (newCallback) => { |
| callback = newCallback; |
| requestAnimationFrameCount++; |
| } |
| |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(0); |
| const instance = new SomeComponent; |
| context.global.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); |
| context.document.body.appendChild(instance.element()); |
| context.global.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(1); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must not enqueue a disconnected component to render upon a resize event if enqueueToRenderOnResize is true', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { |
| static get enqueueToRenderOnResize() { return true; } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| let requestAnimationFrameCount = 0; |
| let callback = null; |
| context.global.requestAnimationFrame = (newCallback) => { |
| callback = newCallback; |
| requestAnimationFrameCount++; |
| } |
| |
| const instance = new SomeComponent; |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(0); |
| context.global.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(0); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('constructor', () => { |
| it('is a function', () => { |
| return new BrowsingContext().importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| expect(ComponentBase).to.be.a('function'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('can be instantiated', () => { |
| return new BrowsingContext().importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| let callCount = 0; |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { |
| constructor() { |
| super('some-component'); |
| callCount++; |
| } |
| } |
| let instance = new SomeComponent; |
| expect(instance).to.be.a(ComponentBase); |
| expect(instance).to.be.a(SomeComponent); |
| expect(callCount).to.be(1); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must not create shadow tree eagerly', () => { |
| return createTestToCheckExistenceOfShadowTree((instance, hasShadowTree) => { |
| expect(hasShadowTree()).to.be(false); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('element()', () => { |
| it('must return an element', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { } |
| let instance = new SomeComponent('some-component'); |
| expect(instance.element()).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLElement); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must return an element whose component() matches the component', () => { |
| return new BrowsingContext().importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { } |
| let instance = new SomeComponent('some-component'); |
| expect(instance.element().component()).to.be(instance); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must not create shadow tree eagerly', () => { |
| return createTestToCheckExistenceOfShadowTree((instance, hasShadowTree) => { |
| instance.element(); |
| expect(hasShadowTree()).to.be(false); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('content()', () => { |
| it('must create shadow tree', () => { |
| return createTestToCheckExistenceOfShadowTree((instance, hasShadowTree) => { |
| instance.content(); |
| expect(hasShadowTree()).to.be(true); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must return the same shadow tree each time it is called', () => { |
| return createTestToCheckExistenceOfShadowTree((instance, hasShadowTree) => { |
| expect(instance.content()).to.be(instance.content()); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must return the element matching the id if an id is specified', () => { |
| return new BrowsingContext().importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { |
| static htmlTemplate() { return '<div id="part1" title="foo"></div><div id="part1"></div>'; } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| const instance = new SomeComponent; |
| const part1 = instance.content('part1'); |
| expect(part1.localName).to.be('div'); |
| expect(part1.title).to.be('foo'); |
| expect(instance.content('part2')).to.be(null); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('part()', () => { |
| it('must create shadow tree', () => { |
| return createTestToCheckExistenceOfShadowTree((instance, hasShadowTree) => { |
| instance.part('foo'); |
| expect(hasShadowTree()).to.be(true); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must return the component matching the id if an id is specified', () => { |
| return new BrowsingContext().importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| class OtherComponent extends ComponentBase { |
| static htmlTemplate() { return '<some-component id="foo"></some-component>'; } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('other-component', OtherComponent); |
| |
| const otherComponent = new OtherComponent; |
| const someComponent = otherComponent.part('foo'); |
| expect(someComponent).to.be.a(SomeComponent); |
| expect(someComponent.element().id).to.be('foo'); |
| expect(otherComponent.part('foo')).to.be(someComponent); |
| expect(otherComponent.part('bar')).to.be(null); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('dispatchAction()', () => { |
| it('must invoke a callback specified in listenToAction', () => { |
| return new BrowsingContext().importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| const instance = new SomeComponent; |
| |
| const calls = []; |
| instance.listenToAction('action', (...args) => { |
| calls.push(args); |
| }); |
| const object = {'foo': 1}; |
| instance.dispatchAction('action', 'bar', object, 5); |
| |
| expect(calls.length).to.be(1); |
| expect(calls[0][0]).to.be('bar'); |
| expect(calls[0][1]).to.be(object); |
| expect(calls[0][2]).to.be(5); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must not do anything when there are no callbacks', () => { |
| return new BrowsingContext().importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| const object = {'foo': 1}; |
| (new SomeComponent).dispatchAction('action', 'bar', object, 5); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('enqueueToRender()', () => { |
| it('must not immediately call render()', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| context.global.requestAnimationFrame = () => {} |
| |
| let renderCallCount = 0; |
| const SomeComponent = class extends ComponentBase { |
| render() { renderCallCount++; } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| (new SomeComponent).enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(renderCallCount).to.be(0); |
| |
| (new SomeComponent).enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(renderCallCount).to.be(0); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must request an animation frame exactly once', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| let requestAnimationFrameCount = 0; |
| context.global.requestAnimationFrame = () => { requestAnimationFrameCount++; } |
| |
| const SomeComponent = class extends ComponentBase { } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(0); |
| let instance = new SomeComponent; |
| instance.enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(1); |
| |
| instance.enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(1); |
| |
| (new SomeComponent).enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(1); |
| |
| const AnotherComponent = class extends ComponentBase { } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('another-component', AnotherComponent); |
| (new AnotherComponent).enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(1); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must invoke render() when the callback to requestAnimationFrame is called', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| let callback = null; |
| context.global.requestAnimationFrame = (newCallback) => { |
| expect(callback).to.be(null); |
| expect(newCallback).to.not.be(null); |
| callback = newCallback; |
| } |
| |
| let renderCalls = []; |
| const SomeComponent = class extends ComponentBase { |
| render() { |
| renderCalls.push(this); |
| } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| expect(renderCalls.length).to.be(0); |
| const instance = new SomeComponent; |
| instance.enqueueToRender(); |
| instance.enqueueToRender(); |
| |
| const anotherInstance = new SomeComponent; |
| anotherInstance.enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(renderCalls.length).to.be(0); |
| |
| callback(); |
| |
| expect(renderCalls.length).to.be(2); |
| expect(renderCalls[0]).to.be(instance); |
| expect(renderCalls[1]).to.be(anotherInstance); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must immediately invoke render() on a component enqueued inside another render() call', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| let callback = null; |
| context.global.requestAnimationFrame = (newCallback) => { |
| expect(callback).to.be(null); |
| expect(newCallback).to.not.be(null); |
| callback = newCallback; |
| } |
| |
| let renderCalls = []; |
| let instanceToEnqueue = null; |
| const SomeComponent = class extends ComponentBase { |
| render() { |
| renderCalls.push(this); |
| if (instanceToEnqueue) |
| instanceToEnqueue.enqueueToRender(); |
| instanceToEnqueue = null; |
| } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| expect(renderCalls.length).to.be(0); |
| const instance = new SomeComponent; |
| const anotherInstance = new SomeComponent; |
| instance.enqueueToRender(); |
| instanceToEnqueue = anotherInstance; |
| callback(); |
| callback = null; |
| expect(renderCalls.length).to.be(2); |
| expect(renderCalls[0]).to.be(instance); |
| expect(renderCalls[1]).to.be(anotherInstance); |
| renderCalls = []; |
| |
| instance.enqueueToRender(); |
| anotherInstance.enqueueToRender(); |
| instanceToEnqueue = instance; |
| callback(); |
| expect(renderCalls.length).to.be(3); |
| expect(renderCalls[0]).to.be(instance); |
| expect(renderCalls[1]).to.be(anotherInstance); |
| expect(renderCalls[2]).to.be(instance); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must request a new animation frame once it exited the callback from requestAnimationFrame', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| let requestAnimationFrameCount = 0; |
| let callback = null; |
| context.global.requestAnimationFrame = (newCallback) => { |
| expect(callback).to.be(null); |
| expect(newCallback).to.not.be(null); |
| callback = newCallback; |
| requestAnimationFrameCount++; |
| } |
| |
| let renderCalls = []; |
| const SomeComponent = class extends ComponentBase { |
| render() { renderCalls.push(this); } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| const instance = new SomeComponent; |
| const anotherInstance = new SomeComponent; |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(0); |
| |
| instance.enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(1); |
| anotherInstance.enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(1); |
| |
| expect(renderCalls.length).to.be(0); |
| callback(); |
| callback = null; |
| expect(renderCalls.length).to.be(2); |
| expect(renderCalls[0]).to.be(instance); |
| expect(renderCalls[1]).to.be(anotherInstance); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(1); |
| |
| anotherInstance.enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(2); |
| instance.enqueueToRender(); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(2); |
| |
| expect(renderCalls.length).to.be(2); |
| callback(); |
| callback = null; |
| expect(renderCalls.length).to.be(4); |
| expect(renderCalls[0]).to.be(instance); |
| expect(renderCalls[1]).to.be(anotherInstance); |
| expect(renderCalls[2]).to.be(anotherInstance); |
| expect(renderCalls[3]).to.be(instance); |
| expect(requestAnimationFrameCount).to.be(2); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| }); |
| |
| describe('render()', () => { |
| it('must create shadow tree', () => { |
| return createTestToCheckExistenceOfShadowTree((instance, hasShadowTree) => { |
| instance.render(); |
| expect(hasShadowTree()).to.be(true); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must not create shadow tree when neither htmlTemplate nor cssTemplate are present', () => { |
| return createTestToCheckExistenceOfShadowTree((instance, hasShadowTree) => { |
| instance.render(); |
| expect(hasShadowTree()).to.be(false); |
| }, {htmlTemplate: false, cssTemplate: false}); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must create shadow tree when htmlTemplate is present and cssTemplate is not', () => { |
| return createTestToCheckExistenceOfShadowTree((instance, hasShadowTree) => { |
| instance.render(); |
| expect(hasShadowTree()).to.be(true); |
| }, {htmlTemplate: true, cssTemplate: false}); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must create shadow tree when cssTemplate is present and htmlTemplate is not', () => { |
| return createTestToCheckExistenceOfShadowTree((instance, hasShadowTree) => { |
| instance.render(); |
| expect(hasShadowTree()).to.be(true); |
| }, {htmlTemplate: false, cssTemplate: true}); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must invoke didConstructShadowTree after creating the shadow tree', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScripts(['instrumentation.js', 'components/base.js'], 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| let didConstructShadowTreeCount = 0; |
| let htmlTemplateCount = 0; |
| |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { |
| didConstructShadowTree() |
| { |
| expect(this.content()).to.be.a(context.global.ShadowRoot); |
| didConstructShadowTreeCount++; |
| } |
| |
| static htmlTemplate() |
| { |
| htmlTemplateCount++; |
| return ''; |
| } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| const instance = new SomeComponent; |
| expect(didConstructShadowTreeCount).to.be(0); |
| expect(htmlTemplateCount).to.be(0); |
| instance.render(); |
| expect(didConstructShadowTreeCount).to.be(1); |
| expect(htmlTemplateCount).to.be(1); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('createElement()', () => { |
| |
| it('should create an element of the specified name', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| const div = ComponentBase.createElement('div'); |
| expect(div).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLDivElement); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should create an element with the specified attributes', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| const input = ComponentBase.createElement('input', {'title': 'hi', 'id': 'foo', 'required': false, 'checked': true}); |
| expect(input).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLInputElement); |
| expect(input.attributes.length).to.be(3); |
| expect(input.attributes[0].localName).to.be('title'); |
| expect(input.attributes[0].value).to.be('hi'); |
| expect(input.attributes[1].localName).to.be('id'); |
| expect(input.attributes[1].value).to.be('foo'); |
| expect(input.attributes[2].localName).to.be('checked'); |
| expect(input.attributes[2].value).to.be('checked'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should create an element with the specified event handlers and attributes', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| let clickCount = 0; |
| const div = ComponentBase.createElement('div', {'title': 'hi', 'onclick': () => clickCount++}); |
| expect(div).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLDivElement); |
| expect(div.attributes.length).to.be(1); |
| expect(div.attributes[0].localName).to.be('title'); |
| expect(div.attributes[0].value).to.be('hi'); |
| expect(clickCount).to.be(0); |
| div.click(); |
| expect(clickCount).to.be(1); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should create an element with the specified children when there is no attribute specified', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| const element = ComponentBase.createElement; |
| const span = element('span'); |
| const div = element('div', [span, 'hi']); |
| expect(div).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLDivElement); |
| expect(div.attributes.length).to.be(0); |
| expect(div.childNodes.length).to.be(2); |
| expect(div.childNodes[0]).to.be(span); |
| expect(div.childNodes[1]).to.be.a(context.global.Text); |
| expect(div.childNodes[1].data).to.be('hi'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should create an element with the specified children when the second argument is a span', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| const element = ComponentBase.createElement; |
| const span = element('span'); |
| const div = element('div', span); |
| expect(div).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLDivElement); |
| expect(div.attributes.length).to.be(0); |
| expect(div.childNodes.length).to.be(1); |
| expect(div.childNodes[0]).to.be(span); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should create an element with the specified children when the second argument is a Text node', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| const element = ComponentBase.createElement; |
| const text = context.document.createTextNode('hi'); |
| const div = element('div', text); |
| expect(div).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLDivElement); |
| expect(div.attributes.length).to.be(0); |
| expect(div.childNodes.length).to.be(1); |
| expect(div.childNodes[0]).to.be(text); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should create an element with the specified children when the second argument is a component', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { }; |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| const element = ComponentBase.createElement; |
| const component = new SomeComponent; |
| const div = element('div', component); |
| expect(div).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLDivElement); |
| expect(div.attributes.length).to.be(0); |
| expect(div.childNodes.length).to.be(1); |
| expect(div.childNodes[0]).to.be(component.element()); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should create an element with the specified attributes and children', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| const element = ComponentBase.createElement; |
| const span = element('span'); |
| const div = element('div', {'lang': 'en'}, [span, 'hi']); |
| expect(div).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLDivElement); |
| expect(div.attributes.length).to.be(1); |
| expect(div.attributes[0].localName).to.be('lang'); |
| expect(div.attributes[0].value).to.be('en'); |
| expect(div.childNodes.length).to.be(2); |
| expect(div.childNodes[0]).to.be(span); |
| expect(div.childNodes[1]).to.be.a(context.global.Text); |
| expect(div.childNodes[1].data).to.be('hi'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| }); |
| |
| describe('defineElement()', () => { |
| |
| it('must define a custom element with a class of an appropriate name', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| let elementClass = context.global.customElements.get('some-component'); |
| expect(elementClass).to.be.a('function'); |
| expect(elementClass.name).to.be('SomeComponentElement'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must define a custom element that can be instantiated via document.createElement', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| let instances = []; |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { |
| constructor() { |
| super(); |
| instances.push(this); |
| } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| expect(instances.length).to.be(0); |
| let element = context.document.createElement('some-component'); |
| expect(instances.length).to.be(1); |
| |
| expect(element).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLElement); |
| expect(element.component()).to.be(instances[0]); |
| expect(instances[0].element()).to.be(element); |
| expect(instances.length).to.be(1); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| it('must define a custom element that can be instantiated via new', () => { |
| const context = new BrowsingContext(); |
| return context.importScript('components/base.js', 'ComponentBase').then((ComponentBase) => { |
| let instances = []; |
| class SomeComponent extends ComponentBase { |
| constructor() { |
| super(); |
| instances.push(this); |
| } |
| } |
| ComponentBase.defineElement('some-component', SomeComponent); |
| |
| expect(instances.length).to.be(0); |
| let component = new SomeComponent; |
| expect(instances.length).to.be(1); |
| |
| expect(component).to.be(instances[0]); |
| expect(component.element()).to.be.a(context.global.HTMLElement); |
| expect(component.element().component()).to.be(component); |
| expect(instances.length).to.be(1); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| }); |
| |
| }); |