| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Project file for WTF |
| # |
| # See 'Tools/qmake/README' for an overview of the build system |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| TEMPLATE = lib |
| |
| |
| load(wtf) |
| |
| |
| CONFIG += staticlib |
| # Don't use WTF as the target name. qmake would create a |
| # WTF.vcproj for msvc which already exists as a directory |
| QT += core |
| QT -= gui |
| |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| Alignment.h \ |
| AlwaysInline.h \ |
| ArrayBuffer.h \ |
| ArrayBufferView.h \ |
| ASCIICType.h \ |
| Assertions.h \ |
| Atomics.h \ |
| AVLTree.h \ |
| Bitmap.h \ |
| BitVector.h \ |
| BloomFilter.h \ |
| BoundsCheckedPointer.h \ |
| BumpPointerAllocator.h \ |
| ByteArray.h \ |
| CheckedArithmetic.h \ |
| Compiler.h \ |
| CryptographicallyRandomNumber.h \ |
| CurrentTime.h \ |
| DateMath.h \ |
| DecimalNumber.h \ |
| Decoder.h \ |
| Deque.h \ |
| DisallowCType.h \ |
| dtoa.h \ |
| dtoa/bignum-dtoa.h \ |
| dtoa/bignum.h \ |
| dtoa/cached-powers.h \ |
| dtoa/diy-fp.h \ |
| dtoa/double-conversion.h \ |
| dtoa/double.h \ |
| dtoa/fast-dtoa.h \ |
| dtoa/fixed-dtoa.h \ |
| dtoa/strtod.h \ |
| dtoa/utils.h \ |
| DynamicAnnotations.h \ |
| Encoder.h \ |
| FastAllocBase.h \ |
| FastMalloc.h \ |
| FixedArray.h \ |
| Float32Array.h \ |
| Float64Array.h \ |
| Forward.h \ |
| GetPtr.h \ |
| HashCountedSet.h \ |
| HashFunctions.h \ |
| HashIterators.h \ |
| HashMap.h \ |
| HashSet.h \ |
| HashTable.h \ |
| HashTraits.h \ |
| HexNumber.h \ |
| Int16Array.h \ |
| Int32Array.h \ |
| Int8Array.h \ |
| ListHashSet.h \ |
| ListRefPtr.h \ |
| Locker.h \ |
| MainThread.h \ |
| MallocZoneSupport.h \ |
| MathExtras.h \ |
| MD5.h \ |
| MessageQueue.h \ |
| MetaAllocator.h \ |
| MetaAllocatorHandle.h \ |
| Noncopyable.h \ |
| NonCopyingSort.h \ |
| NotFound.h \ |
| NullPtr.h \ |
| OSAllocator.h \ |
| OSRandomSource.h \ |
| OwnArrayPtr.h \ |
| OwnFastMallocPtr.h \ |
| OwnPtr.h \ |
| OwnPtrCommon.h \ |
| PackedIntVector.h \ |
| PageAllocation.h \ |
| PageAllocationAligned.h \ |
| PageBlock.h \ |
| PageReservation.h \ |
| ParallelJobs.h \ |
| ParallelJobsGeneric.h \ |
| ParallelJobsLibdispatch.h \ |
| ParallelJobsOpenMP.h \ |
| PassOwnArrayPtr.h \ |
| PassOwnPtr.h \ |
| PassRefPtr.h \ |
| PassTraits.h \ |
| Platform.h \ |
| PossiblyNull.h \ |
| qt/UtilsQt.h \ |
| RandomNumber.h \ |
| RandomNumberSeed.h \ |
| RedBlackTree.h \ |
| RefCounted.h \ |
| RefCountedLeakCounter.h \ |
| RefPtr.h \ |
| RefPtrHashMap.h \ |
| RetainPtr.h \ |
| SHA1.h \ |
| Spectrum.h \ |
| StackBounds.h \ |
| StaticConstructors.h \ |
| StdLibExtras.h \ |
| StringExtras.h \ |
| StringHasher.h \ |
| TCPackedCache.h \ |
| TCSpinLock.h \ |
| TCSystemAlloc.h \ |
| text/AtomicString.h \ |
| text/AtomicStringHash.h \ |
| text/AtomicStringImpl.h \ |
| text/CString.h \ |
| text/StringBuffer.h \ |
| text/StringBuilder.h \ |
| text/StringConcatenate.h \ |
| text/StringHash.h \ |
| text/StringImpl.h \ |
| text/StringOperators.h \ |
| text/TextPosition.h \ |
| text/WTFString.h \ |
| Threading.h \ |
| ThreadingPrimitives.h \ |
| ThreadRestrictionVerifier.h \ |
| ThreadSafeRefCounted.h \ |
| ThreadSpecific.h \ |
| TypeTraits.h \ |
| Uint16Array.h \ |
| Uint32Array.h \ |
| Uint8Array.h \ |
| unicode/CharacterNames.h \ |
| unicode/Collator.h \ |
| unicode/icu/UnicodeIcu.h \ |
| unicode/qt4/UnicodeQt4.h \ |
| unicode/ScriptCodesFromICU.h \ |
| unicode/Unicode.h \ |
| unicode/UnicodeMacrosFromICU.h \ |
| unicode/UTF8.h \ |
| UnusedParam.h \ |
| ValueCheck.h \ |
| Vector.h \ |
| VectorTraits.h \ |
| VMTags.h \ |
| WTFThreadData.h |
| |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| ArrayBuffer.cpp \ |
| ArrayBufferView.cpp \ |
| Assertions.cpp \ |
| BitVector.cpp \ |
| ByteArray.cpp \ |
| CryptographicallyRandomNumber.cpp \ |
| CurrentTime.cpp \ |
| DateMath.cpp \ |
| DecimalNumber.cpp \ |
| dtoa.cpp \ |
| dtoa/bignum-dtoa.cc \ |
| dtoa/bignum.cc \ |
| dtoa/cached-powers.cc \ |
| dtoa/diy-fp.cc \ |
| dtoa/double-conversion.cc \ |
| dtoa/fast-dtoa.cc \ |
| dtoa/fixed-dtoa.cc \ |
| dtoa/strtod.cc \ |
| FastMalloc.cpp \ |
| gobject/GOwnPtr.cpp \ |
| gobject/GRefPtr.cpp \ |
| HashTable.cpp \ |
| MD5.cpp \ |
| MainThread.cpp \ |
| MetaAllocator.cpp \ |
| NullPtr.cpp \ |
| OSRandomSource.cpp \ |
| qt/MainThreadQt.cpp \ |
| qt/StringQt.cpp \ |
| qt/ThreadingQt.cpp \ |
| PageAllocationAligned.cpp \ |
| PageBlock.cpp \ |
| ParallelJobsGeneric.cpp \ |
| RandomNumber.cpp \ |
| RefCountedLeakCounter.cpp \ |
| SHA1.cpp \ |
| StackBounds.cpp \ |
| TCSystemAlloc.cpp \ |
| Threading.cpp \ |
| TypeTraits.cpp \ |
| WTFThreadData.cpp \ |
| text/AtomicString.cpp \ |
| text/CString.cpp \ |
| text/StringBuilder.cpp \ |
| text/StringImpl.cpp \ |
| text/StringStatics.cpp \ |
| text/WTFString.cpp \ |
| unicode/CollatorDefault.cpp \ |
| unicode/icu/CollatorICU.cpp \ |
| unicode/UTF8.cpp |
| |
| unix: SOURCES += OSAllocatorPosix.cpp |
| win*|wince*: SOURCES += OSAllocatorWin.cpp |
| |
| *sh4* { |
| QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -mieee -w |
| QMAKE_CFLAGS += -mieee -w |
| } |
| |
| lessThan(QT_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) { |
| # GCC 4.5 and before |
| lessThan(QT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION, 6) { |
| # Disable C++0x mode in JSC for those who enabled it in their Qt's mkspec. |
| *-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -std=c++0x -std=gnu++0x |
| } |
| |
| # GCC 4.6 and after. |
| greaterThan(QT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION, 5) { |
| if (!contains(QMAKE_CXXFLAGS, -std=c++0x) && !contains(QMAKE_CXXFLAGS, -std=gnu++0x)) { |
| # We need to deactivate those warnings because some names conflicts with upcoming c++0x types (e.g.nullptr). |
| QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-c++0x-compat |
| QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wno-c++0x-compat |
| QMAKE_CFLAGS += -Wno-c++0x-compat |
| QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-c++0x-compat |
| } |
| } |
| } |