blob: 654df08b3e0a92b14af2b00c2482a0e30aa12054 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<!-- Tests that regions with auto-height are identified and flagged correctly -->
.specifiedWidth { width: 50px; }
.specifiedWidth2 { width: 100px; }
.specifiedHeight { height: 50px; }
.autoHeight { height: auto; }
#region { -webkit-flow-from: flow; }
#region2 { -webkit-flow-from: flow2; }
#region3 { -webkit-flow-from: flow3; position: absolute; top: 50px; bottom: 100px; }
#region4 { -webkit-flow-from: flow4; -webkit-writing-mode: vertical-lr; position: absolute; left: 50px; right: 100px; }
#region5 { -webkit-flow-from: flow5; }
#region6 { -webkit-flow-from: flow6; }
#article7 { -webkit-flow-into: flow7; }
#region7 { -webkit-flow-from: flow7; }
#article8 { -webkit-flow-into: flow8; }
#region8 { -webkit-flow-from: flow8; }
<!-- A region with specified height should not be marked as having auto height -->
<div id="region" class="specifiedWidth specifiedHeight"></div>
<!-- A region without a specified height should be marked as having auto height -->
<div id="region2" class="specifiedWidth"></div>
<!-- An out of flow region with height auto and specified top/bottom should not be marked
as auto-height -->
<div id="region3" class="specifiedWidth"></div>
<!-- An out of flow region with height auto, vertical writing mode, specified left/right should
not be marked as auto-height-->
<div id="region4" class="specifiedHeight"></div>
<!-- Dynamic change of height values should mark the regions auto height correctly -->
<div id="region5" class="specifiedWidth specifiedHeight"></div>
<div id="region6" class="specifiedWidth"></div>
document.getElementById("region5").className = "specifiedWidth autoHeight";
document.getElementById("region6").className = "specifiedWidth specifiedHeight";
<!-- An invalid region should not be marked as auto height even if it has height:auto since it will not get
any content. Below, region8 is invalid. -->
<div id="article8">
<div id="region7" class="specifiedWidth"></div>
<div id="article7">
<div id="region8" class="specifiedWidth"></div>
// Changing style for an invalid region should not mark the region as autoHeight.
document.getElementById("region8").className = "specifiedWidth2";