blob: d4613668a272c5758c878ac1c7bc85e0195ffd84 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Andrew Wellington (
* Copyright (C) 2006 Graham Dennis (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "RenderText.h"
#include "AXObjectCache.h"
#include "BreakLines.h"
#include "BreakingContext.h"
#include "CharacterProperties.h"
#include "DocumentMarkerController.h"
#include "EllipsisBox.h"
#include "FloatQuad.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "FrameView.h"
#include "HTMLParserIdioms.h"
#include "Hyphenation.h"
#include "InlineTextBox.h"
#include "LineLayoutTraversal.h"
#include "Range.h"
#include "RenderBlock.h"
#include "RenderCombineText.h"
#include "RenderInline.h"
#include "RenderLayer.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
#include "RenderedDocumentMarker.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "SimpleLineLayoutFunctions.h"
#include "Text.h"
#include "TextResourceDecoder.h"
#include "VisiblePosition.h"
#include <wtf/IsoMallocInlines.h>
#include <wtf/NeverDestroyed.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h>
#include <wtf/text/TextBreakIterator.h>
#include <wtf/unicode/CharacterNames.h>
#include "Document.h"
#include "EditorClient.h"
#include "LogicalSelectionOffsetCaches.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "SelectionRect.h"
namespace WebCore {
using namespace WTF::Unicode;
struct SameSizeAsRenderText : public RenderObject {
void* pointers[2];
uint32_t bitfields : 16;
float candidateTextSize;
float widths[4];
String text;
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(RenderText) == sizeof(SameSizeAsRenderText), RenderText_should_stay_small);
class SecureTextTimer final : private TimerBase {
explicit SecureTextTimer(RenderText&);
void restart(unsigned offsetAfterLastTypedCharacter);
unsigned takeOffsetAfterLastTypedCharacter();
void fired() override;
RenderText& m_renderer;
unsigned m_offsetAfterLastTypedCharacter { 0 };
typedef HashMap<RenderText*, std::unique_ptr<SecureTextTimer>> SecureTextTimerMap;
static SecureTextTimerMap& secureTextTimers()
static NeverDestroyed<SecureTextTimerMap> map;
return map.get();
inline SecureTextTimer::SecureTextTimer(RenderText& renderer)
: m_renderer(renderer)
inline void SecureTextTimer::restart(unsigned offsetAfterLastTypedCharacter)
m_offsetAfterLastTypedCharacter = offsetAfterLastTypedCharacter;
startOneShot(1_s * m_renderer.settings().passwordEchoDurationInSeconds());
inline unsigned SecureTextTimer::takeOffsetAfterLastTypedCharacter()
unsigned offset = m_offsetAfterLastTypedCharacter;
m_offsetAfterLastTypedCharacter = 0;
return offset;
void SecureTextTimer::fired()
ASSERT(secureTextTimers().get(&m_renderer) == this);
m_offsetAfterLastTypedCharacter = 0;
m_renderer.setText(m_renderer.text(), true /* forcing setting text as it may be masked later */);
static HashMap<const RenderText*, String>& originalTextMap()
static NeverDestroyed<HashMap<const RenderText*, String>> map;
return map;
static HashMap<const RenderText*, WeakPtr<RenderInline>>& inlineWrapperForDisplayContentsMap()
static NeverDestroyed<HashMap<const RenderText*, WeakPtr<RenderInline>>> map;
return map;
static constexpr UChar convertNoBreakSpaceToSpace(UChar character)
return character == noBreakSpace ? ' ' : character;
String capitalize(const String& string, UChar previousCharacter)
// FIXME: Change this to use u_strToTitle instead of u_totitle and to consider locale.
unsigned length = string.length();
auto& stringImpl = *string.impl();
static_assert(String::MaxLength < std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(), "Must be able to add one without overflowing unsigned");
// Replace NO BREAK SPACE with a normal spaces since ICU does not treat it as a word separator.
Vector<UChar> stringWithPrevious(length + 1);
stringWithPrevious[0] = convertNoBreakSpaceToSpace(previousCharacter);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < length + 1; i++)
stringWithPrevious[i] = convertNoBreakSpaceToSpace(stringImpl[i - 1]);
auto* breakIterator = wordBreakIterator(StringView {, length + 1 });
if (!breakIterator)
return string;
StringBuilder result;
int32_t startOfWord = ubrk_first(breakIterator);
int32_t endOfWord;
for (endOfWord = ubrk_next(breakIterator); endOfWord != UBRK_DONE; startOfWord = endOfWord, endOfWord = ubrk_next(breakIterator)) {
if (startOfWord) // Do not append the first character, since it's the previous character, not from this string.
result.appendCharacter(u_totitle(stringImpl[startOfWord - 1]));
for (int i = startOfWord + 1; i < endOfWord; i++)
result.append(stringImpl[i - 1]);
return result == string ? string : result.toString();
inline RenderText::RenderText(Node& node, const String& text)
: RenderObject(node)
, m_hasTab(false)
, m_linesDirty(false)
, m_containsReversedText(false)
, m_isAllASCII(text.impl()->isAllASCII())
, m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts(false)
, m_useBackslashAsYenSymbol(false)
, m_originalTextDiffersFromRendered(false)
, m_hasInlineWrapperForDisplayContents(false)
, m_text(text)
m_canUseSimpleFontCodePath = computeCanUseSimpleFontCodePath();
RenderText::RenderText(Text& textNode, const String& text)
: RenderText(static_cast<Node&>(textNode), text)
RenderText::RenderText(Document& document, const String& text)
: RenderText(static_cast<Node&>(document), text)
// Do not add any code here. Add it to willBeDestroyed() instead.
const char* RenderText::renderName() const
return "RenderText";
Text* RenderText::textNode() const
return downcast<Text>(RenderObject::node());
bool RenderText::isTextFragment() const
return false;
bool RenderText::computeUseBackslashAsYenSymbol() const
const RenderStyle& style = this->style();
const auto& fontDescription = style.fontDescription();
if (style.fontCascade().useBackslashAsYenSymbol())
return true;
if (fontDescription.isSpecifiedFont())
return false;
const TextEncoding* encoding = document().decoder() ? &document().decoder()->encoding() : 0;
if (encoding && encoding->backslashAsCurrencySymbol() != '\\')
return true;
return false;
void RenderText::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
// There is no need to ever schedule repaints from a style change of a text run, since
// we already did this for the parent of the text run.
// We do have to schedule layouts, though, since a style change can force us to
// need to relayout.
if (diff == StyleDifference::Layout) {
m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts = false;
const RenderStyle& newStyle = style();
bool needsResetText = false;
if (!oldStyle) {
m_useBackslashAsYenSymbol = computeUseBackslashAsYenSymbol();
needsResetText = m_useBackslashAsYenSymbol;
} else if (oldStyle->fontCascade().useBackslashAsYenSymbol() != newStyle.fontCascade().useBackslashAsYenSymbol()) {
m_useBackslashAsYenSymbol = computeUseBackslashAsYenSymbol();
needsResetText = true;
if (!oldStyle || oldStyle->fontCascade() != newStyle.fontCascade())
m_canUseSimplifiedTextMeasuring = computeCanUseSimplifiedTextMeasuring();
TextTransform oldTransform = oldStyle ? oldStyle->textTransform() : TextTransform::None;
TextSecurity oldSecurity = oldStyle ? oldStyle->textSecurity() : TextSecurity::None;
if (needsResetText || oldTransform != newStyle.textTransform() || oldSecurity != newStyle.textSecurity())
RenderText::setText(originalText(), true);
void RenderText::removeAndDestroyTextBoxes()
if (!renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
void RenderText::willBeDestroyed()
if (m_originalTextDiffersFromRendered)
String RenderText::originalText() const
return m_originalTextDiffersFromRendered ? originalTextMap().get(this) : m_text;
void RenderText::absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const
for (auto& box : LineLayoutTraversal::textBoxesFor(*this)) {
auto rect = box.rect();
rects.append(enclosingIntRect(FloatRect(accumulatedOffset + rect.location(), rect.size())));
Vector<IntRect> RenderText::absoluteRectsForRange(unsigned start, unsigned end, bool useSelectionHeight, bool* wasFixed) const
// Work around signed/unsigned issues. This function takes unsigneds, and is often passed UINT_MAX
// to mean "all the way to the end". InlineTextBox coordinates are unsigneds, so changing this
// function to take ints causes various internal mismatches. But selectionRect takes ints, and
// passing UINT_MAX to it causes trouble. Ideally we'd change selectionRect to take unsigneds, but
// that would cause many ripple effects, so for now we'll just clamp our unsigned parameters to INT_MAX.
ASSERT(end == UINT_MAX || end <= INT_MAX);
ASSERT(start <= INT_MAX);
start = std::min(start, static_cast<unsigned>(INT_MAX));
end = std::min(end, static_cast<unsigned>(INT_MAX));
return m_lineBoxes.absoluteRectsForRange(*this, start, end, useSelectionHeight, wasFixed);
// This function is similar in spirit to addLineBoxRects, but returns rectangles
// which are annotated with additional state which helps the iPhone draw selections in its unique way.
// Full annotations are added in this class.
void RenderText::collectSelectionRects(Vector<SelectionRect>& rects, unsigned start, unsigned end)
// FIXME: Work around signed/unsigned issues. This function takes unsigneds, and is often passed UINT_MAX
// to mean "all the way to the end". InlineTextBox coordinates are unsigneds, so changing this
// function to take ints causes various internal mismatches. But selectionRect takes ints, and
// passing UINT_MAX to it causes trouble. Ideally we'd change selectionRect to take unsigneds, but
// that would cause many ripple effects, so for now we'll just clamp our unsigned parameters to INT_MAX.
ASSERT(end == std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() || end <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
ASSERT(start <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
start = std::min(start, static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
end = std::min(end, static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) {
LayoutRect rect;
if (start <= box->start() && box->end() <= end)
rect = box->localSelectionRect(start, end);
else {
unsigned realEnd = std::min(box->end(), end);
rect = box->localSelectionRect(start, realEnd);
if (rect.isEmpty())
if (box->root().isFirstAfterPageBreak()) {
if (box->isHorizontal())
RenderBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
// Map rect, extended left to leftOffset, and right to rightOffset, through transforms to get minX and maxX.
LogicalSelectionOffsetCaches cache(*containingBlock);
LayoutUnit leftOffset = containingBlock->logicalLeftSelectionOffset(*containingBlock, LayoutUnit(box->logicalTop()), cache);
LayoutUnit rightOffset = containingBlock->logicalRightSelectionOffset(*containingBlock, LayoutUnit(box->logicalTop()), cache);
LayoutRect extentsRect = rect;
if (box->isHorizontal()) {
extentsRect.setWidth(rightOffset - leftOffset);
} else {
extentsRect.setHeight(rightOffset - leftOffset);
extentsRect = localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(extentsRect)).enclosingBoundingBox();
if (!box->isHorizontal())
extentsRect = extentsRect.transposedRect();
bool isFirstOnLine = !box->previousOnLineExists();
bool isLastOnLine = !box->nextOnLineExists();
if (containingBlock->isRubyBase() || containingBlock->isRubyText())
isLastOnLine = !containingBlock->containingBlock()->inlineBoxWrapper()->nextOnLineExists();
bool containsStart = box->start() <= start && box->end() >= start;
bool containsEnd = box->start() <= end && box->end() >= end;
bool isFixed = false;
IntRect absRect = localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(rect), UseTransforms, &isFixed).enclosingBoundingBox();
bool boxIsHorizontal = !box->isSVGInlineTextBox() ? box->isHorizontal() : !style().isVerticalWritingMode();
// If the containing block is an inline element, we want to check the inlineBoxWrapper orientation
// to determine the orientation of the block. In this case we also use the inlineBoxWrapper to
// determine if the element is the last on the line.
if (containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()) {
if (containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()->isHorizontal() != boxIsHorizontal) {
boxIsHorizontal = containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()->isHorizontal();
isLastOnLine = !containingBlock->inlineBoxWrapper()->nextOnLineExists();
rects.append(SelectionRect(absRect, box->direction(), extentsRect.x(), extentsRect.maxX(), extentsRect.maxY(), 0, box->isLineBreak(), isFirstOnLine, isLastOnLine, containsStart, containsEnd, boxIsHorizontal, isFixed, containingBlock->isRubyText(), view().pageNumberForBlockProgressionOffset(absRect.x())));
static Vector<FloatQuad> collectAbsoluteQuadsForNonComplexPaths(const RenderText& textRenderer, bool* wasFixed)
// FIXME: This generic function doesn't currently cover everything that is needed for the complex line layout path.
Vector<FloatQuad> quads;
for (auto& box : LineLayoutTraversal::textBoxesFor(textRenderer))
quads.append(textRenderer.localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatQuad(box.rect()), UseTransforms, wasFixed));
return quads;
Vector<FloatQuad> RenderText::absoluteQuadsClippedToEllipsis() const
if (!usesComplexLineLayoutPath()) {
ASSERT(style().textOverflow() != TextOverflow::Ellipsis);
return collectAbsoluteQuadsForNonComplexPaths(*this, nullptr);
return m_lineBoxes.absoluteQuads(*this, nullptr, RenderTextLineBoxes::ClipToEllipsis);
void RenderText::absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads, bool* wasFixed) const
if (!usesComplexLineLayoutPath()) {
quads.appendVector(collectAbsoluteQuadsForNonComplexPaths(*this, wasFixed));
quads.appendVector(m_lineBoxes.absoluteQuads(*this, wasFixed, RenderTextLineBoxes::NoClipping));
Vector<FloatQuad> RenderText::absoluteQuadsForRange(unsigned start, unsigned end, bool useSelectionHeight, bool ignoreEmptyTextSelections, bool* wasFixed) const
// Work around signed/unsigned issues. This function takes unsigneds, and is often passed UINT_MAX
// to mean "all the way to the end". InlineTextBox coordinates are unsigneds, so changing this
// function to take ints causes various internal mismatches. But selectionRect takes ints, and
// passing UINT_MAX to it causes trouble. Ideally we'd change selectionRect to take unsigneds, but
// that would cause many ripple effects, so for now we'll just clamp our unsigned parameters to INT_MAX.
ASSERT(end == UINT_MAX || end <= INT_MAX);
ASSERT(start <= INT_MAX);
start = std::min(start, static_cast<unsigned>(INT_MAX));
end = std::min(end, static_cast<unsigned>(INT_MAX));
if (simpleLineLayout() && !useSelectionHeight)
return collectAbsoluteQuadsForRange(*this, start, end, *simpleLineLayout(), ignoreEmptyTextSelections, wasFixed);
return m_lineBoxes.absoluteQuadsForRange(*this, start, end, useSelectionHeight, ignoreEmptyTextSelections, wasFixed);
Position RenderText::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
if (simpleLineLayout() && parent()->firstChild() == parent()->lastChild()) {
auto offset = SimpleLineLayout::textOffsetForPoint(point, *this, *simpleLineLayout());
// Did not find a valid offset. Fall back to the normal line layout based Position.
if (offset == text().length())
return positionForPoint(point, nullptr).deepEquivalent();
auto position = Position(textNode(), offset);
ASSERT(position == positionForPoint(point, nullptr).deepEquivalent());
return position;
return positionForPoint(point, nullptr).deepEquivalent();
VisiblePosition RenderText::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point, const RenderFragmentContainer*)
return m_lineBoxes.positionForPoint(*this, point);
LayoutRect RenderText::localCaretRect(InlineBox* inlineBox, unsigned caretOffset, LayoutUnit* extraWidthToEndOfLine)
if (!inlineBox)
return LayoutRect();
auto& box = downcast<InlineTextBox>(*inlineBox);
float left = box.positionForOffset(caretOffset);
return box.root().computeCaretRect(left, caretWidth, extraWidthToEndOfLine);
ALWAYS_INLINE float RenderText::widthFromCache(const FontCascade& f, unsigned start, unsigned len, float xPos, HashSet<const Font*>* fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow, const RenderStyle& style) const
if (style.hasTextCombine() && is<RenderCombineText>(*this)) {
const RenderCombineText& combineText = downcast<RenderCombineText>(*this);
if (combineText.isCombined())
return combineText.combinedTextWidth(f);
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(*this, start, len, style);
run.setTabSize(!style.collapseWhiteSpace(), style.tabSize());
return f.width(run, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow);
inline bool isHangablePunctuationAtLineStart(UChar c)
inline bool isHangablePunctuationAtLineEnd(UChar c)
float RenderText::hangablePunctuationStartWidth(unsigned index) const
unsigned length = text().length();
if (index >= length)
return 0;
if (!isHangablePunctuationAtLineStart(text()[index]))
return 0;
auto& style = this->style();
return widthFromCache(style.fontCascade(), index, 1, 0, 0, 0, style);
float RenderText::hangablePunctuationEndWidth(unsigned index) const
unsigned length = text().length();
if (index >= length)
return 0;
if (!isHangablePunctuationAtLineEnd(text()[index]))
return 0;
auto& style = this->style();
return widthFromCache(style.fontCascade(), index, 1, 0, 0, 0, style);
bool RenderText::isHangableStopOrComma(UChar c)
return c == 0x002C || c == 0x002E || c == 0x060C || c == 0x06D4 || c == 0x3001
|| c == 0x3002 || c == 0xFF0C || c == 0xFF0E || c == 0xFE50 || c == 0xFE51
|| c == 0xFE52 || c == 0xFF61 || c == 0xFF64;
unsigned RenderText::firstCharacterIndexStrippingSpaces() const
if (!style().collapseWhiteSpace())
return 0;
unsigned i = 0;
for (unsigned length = text().length() ; i < length; ++i) {
if (text()[i] != ' ' && (text()[i] != '\n' || style().preserveNewline()) && text()[i] != '\t')
return i;
unsigned RenderText::lastCharacterIndexStrippingSpaces() const
if (!text().length())
return 0;
if (!style().collapseWhiteSpace())
return text().length() - 1;
int i = text().length() - 1;
for ( ; i >= 0; --i) {
if (text()[i] != ' ' && (text()[i] != '\n' || style().preserveNewline()) && text()[i] != '\t')
return i;
RenderText::Widths RenderText::trimmedPreferredWidths(float leadWidth, bool& stripFrontSpaces)
auto& style = this->style();
bool collapseWhiteSpace = style.collapseWhiteSpace();
if (!collapseWhiteSpace)
stripFrontSpaces = false;
if (m_hasTab || preferredLogicalWidthsDirty())
Widths widths;
widths.beginWS = !stripFrontSpaces && m_hasBeginWS;
widths.endWS = m_hasEndWS;
unsigned length = this->length();
if (!length || (stripFrontSpaces && text().isAllSpecialCharacters<isHTMLSpace>()))
return widths;
widths.min = m_minWidth;
widths.max = m_maxWidth;
widths.beginMin = m_beginMinWidth;
widths.endMin = m_endMinWidth;
widths.hasBreakableChar = m_hasBreakableChar;
widths.hasBreak = m_hasBreak;
if (text()[0] == ' ' || (text()[0] == '\n' && !style.preserveNewline()) || text()[0] == '\t') {
auto& font = style.fontCascade(); // FIXME: This ignores first-line.
if (stripFrontSpaces)
widths.max -= font.width(RenderBlock::constructTextRun(&space, 1, style));
widths.max += font.wordSpacing();
stripFrontSpaces = collapseWhiteSpace && m_hasEndWS;
if (!style.autoWrap() || widths.min > widths.max)
widths.min = widths.max;
// Compute our max widths by scanning the string for newlines.
if (widths.hasBreak) {
auto& font = style.fontCascade(); // FIXME: This ignores first-line.
bool firstLine = true;
widths.beginMax = widths.max;
widths.endMax = widths.max;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
unsigned lineLength = 0;
while (i + lineLength < length && text()[i + lineLength] != '\n')
if (lineLength) {
widths.endMax = widthFromCache(font, i, lineLength, leadWidth + widths.endMax, 0, 0, style);
if (firstLine) {
firstLine = false;
leadWidth = 0;
widths.beginMax = widths.endMax;
i += lineLength;
} else if (firstLine) {
widths.beginMax = 0;
firstLine = false;
leadWidth = 0;
if (i == length - 1) {
// A <pre> run that ends with a newline, as in, e.g.,
// <pre>Some text\n\n<span>More text</pre>
widths.endMax = 0;
return widths;
static inline bool isSpaceAccordingToStyle(UChar c, const RenderStyle& style)
return c == ' ' || (c == noBreakSpace && style.nbspMode() == NBSPMode::Space);
float RenderText::minLogicalWidth() const
if (preferredLogicalWidthsDirty())
return m_minWidth;
float RenderText::maxLogicalWidth() const
if (preferredLogicalWidthsDirty())
return m_maxWidth;
LineBreakIteratorMode mapLineBreakToIteratorMode(LineBreak lineBreak)
switch (lineBreak) {
case LineBreak::Auto:
case LineBreak::AfterWhiteSpace:
case LineBreak::Anywhere:
return LineBreakIteratorMode::Default;
case LineBreak::Loose:
return LineBreakIteratorMode::Loose;
case LineBreak::Normal:
return LineBreakIteratorMode::Normal;
case LineBreak::Strict:
return LineBreakIteratorMode::Strict;
return LineBreakIteratorMode::Default;
void RenderText::computePreferredLogicalWidths(float leadWidth)
HashSet<const Font*> fallbackFonts;
GlyphOverflow glyphOverflow;
computePreferredLogicalWidths(leadWidth, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow);
if (fallbackFonts.isEmpty() && !glyphOverflow.left && !glyphOverflow.right && ! && !glyphOverflow.bottom)
m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts = true;
static inline float hyphenWidth(RenderText& renderer, const FontCascade& font)
const RenderStyle& style =;
auto textRun = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(style.hyphenString().string(), style);
return font.width(textRun);
static float maxWordFragmentWidth(RenderText& renderer, const RenderStyle& style, const FontCascade& font, StringView word, unsigned minimumPrefixLength, unsigned minimumSuffixLength, unsigned& suffixStart, HashSet<const Font*>& fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow& glyphOverflow)
suffixStart = 0;
if (word.length() <= minimumSuffixLength)
return 0;
Vector<int, 8> hyphenLocations;
ASSERT(word.length() >= minimumSuffixLength);
unsigned hyphenLocation = word.length() - minimumSuffixLength;
while ((hyphenLocation = lastHyphenLocation(word, hyphenLocation, style.computedLocale())) >= std::max(minimumPrefixLength, 1U))
if (hyphenLocations.isEmpty())
return 0;
// FIXME: Breaking the string at these places in the middle of words is completely broken with complex text.
float minimumFragmentWidthToConsider = font.pixelSize() * 5 / 4 + hyphenWidth(renderer, font);
float maxFragmentWidth = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < hyphenLocations.size(); ++k) {
int fragmentLength = hyphenLocations[k] - suffixStart;
StringBuilder fragmentWithHyphen;
fragmentWithHyphen.append(word.substring(suffixStart, fragmentLength));
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(fragmentWithHyphen.toString(), style);
float fragmentWidth = font.width(run, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow);
// Narrow prefixes are ignored. See tryHyphenating in RenderBlockLineLayout.cpp.
if (fragmentWidth <= minimumFragmentWidthToConsider)
suffixStart += fragmentLength;
maxFragmentWidth = std::max(maxFragmentWidth, fragmentWidth);
return maxFragmentWidth;
void RenderText::computePreferredLogicalWidths(float leadWidth, HashSet<const Font*>& fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow& glyphOverflow)
ASSERT(m_hasTab || preferredLogicalWidthsDirty() || !m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts);
m_minWidth = 0;
m_beginMinWidth = 0;
m_endMinWidth = 0;
m_maxWidth = 0;
float currMaxWidth = 0;
m_hasBreakableChar = false;
m_hasBreak = false;
m_hasTab = false;
m_hasBeginWS = false;
m_hasEndWS = false;
auto& style = this->style();
auto& font = style.fontCascade(); // FIXME: This ignores first-line.
float wordSpacing = font.wordSpacing();
auto& string = text();
unsigned length = string.length();
auto iteratorMode = mapLineBreakToIteratorMode(style.lineBreak());
LazyLineBreakIterator breakIterator(string, style.computedLocale(), iteratorMode);
bool needsWordSpacing = false;
bool ignoringSpaces = false;
bool isSpace = false;
bool firstWord = true;
bool firstLine = true;
Optional<unsigned> nextBreakable;
unsigned lastWordBoundary = 0;
WordTrailingSpace wordTrailingSpace(style);
// If automatic hyphenation is allowed, we keep track of the width of the widest word (or word
// fragment) encountered so far, and only try hyphenating words that are wider.
float maxWordWidth = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
unsigned minimumPrefixLength = 0;
unsigned minimumSuffixLength = 0;
if (style.hyphens() == Hyphens::Auto && canHyphenate(style.computedLocale())) {
maxWordWidth = 0;
// Map 'hyphenate-limit-{before,after}: auto;' to 2.
auto before = style.hyphenationLimitBefore();
minimumPrefixLength = before < 0 ? 2 : before;
auto after = style.hyphenationLimitAfter();
minimumSuffixLength = after < 0 ? 2 : after;
Optional<int> firstGlyphLeftOverflow;
bool breakNBSP = style.autoWrap() && style.nbspMode() == NBSPMode::Space;
// Note the deliberate omission of word-wrap and overflow-wrap from this breakAll check. Those
// do not affect minimum preferred sizes. Note that break-word is a non-standard value for
// word-break, but we support it as though it means break-all.
bool breakAnywhere = style.lineBreak() == LineBreak::Anywhere && style.autoWrap();
bool breakAll = (style.wordBreak() == WordBreak::BreakAll || style.wordBreak() == WordBreak::BreakWord) && style.autoWrap();
bool keepAllWords = style.wordBreak() == WordBreak::KeepAll;
bool canUseLineBreakShortcut = iteratorMode == LineBreakIteratorMode::Default;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
UChar c = string[i];
bool previousCharacterIsSpace = isSpace;
bool isNewline = false;
if (c == '\n') {
if (style.preserveNewline()) {
m_hasBreak = true;
isNewline = true;
isSpace = false;
} else
isSpace = true;
} else if (c == '\t') {
if (!style.collapseWhiteSpace()) {
m_hasTab = true;
isSpace = false;
} else
isSpace = true;
} else
isSpace = c == ' ';
if ((isSpace || isNewline) && !i)
m_hasBeginWS = true;
if ((isSpace || isNewline) && i == length - 1)
m_hasEndWS = true;
ignoringSpaces |= style.collapseWhiteSpace() && previousCharacterIsSpace && isSpace;
ignoringSpaces &= isSpace;
// Ignore spaces and soft hyphens
if (ignoringSpaces) {
ASSERT(lastWordBoundary == i);
} else if (c == softHyphen && style.hyphens() != Hyphens::None) {
ASSERT(i >= lastWordBoundary);
currMaxWidth += widthFromCache(font, lastWordBoundary, i - lastWordBoundary, leadWidth + currMaxWidth, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow, style);
if (!firstGlyphLeftOverflow)
firstGlyphLeftOverflow = glyphOverflow.left;
lastWordBoundary = i + 1;
bool hasBreak = breakAll || isBreakable(breakIterator, i, nextBreakable, breakNBSP, canUseLineBreakShortcut, keepAllWords, breakAnywhere);
bool betweenWords = true;
unsigned j = i;
while (c != '\n' && !isSpaceAccordingToStyle(c, style) && c != '\t' && (c != softHyphen || style.hyphens() == Hyphens::None)) {
if (j == length)
c = string[j];
if (isBreakable(breakIterator, j, nextBreakable, breakNBSP, canUseLineBreakShortcut, keepAllWords, breakAnywhere) && characterAt(j - 1) != softHyphen)
if (breakAll) {
betweenWords = false;
unsigned wordLen = j - i;
if (wordLen) {
float currMinWidth = 0;
bool isSpace = (j < length) && isSpaceAccordingToStyle(c, style);
float w;
Optional<float> wordTrailingSpaceWidth;
if (isSpace)
wordTrailingSpaceWidth = wordTrailingSpace.width(fallbackFonts);
if (wordTrailingSpaceWidth)
w = widthFromCache(font, i, wordLen + 1, leadWidth + currMaxWidth, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow, style) - wordTrailingSpaceWidth.value();
else {
w = widthFromCache(font, i, wordLen, leadWidth + currMaxWidth, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow, style);
if (c == softHyphen && style.hyphens() != Hyphens::None)
currMinWidth = hyphenWidth(*this, font);
if (w > maxWordWidth) {
unsigned suffixStart;
float maxFragmentWidth = maxWordFragmentWidth(*this, style, font, StringView(string).substring(i, wordLen), minimumPrefixLength, minimumSuffixLength, suffixStart, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow);
if (suffixStart) {
float suffixWidth;
Optional<float> wordTrailingSpaceWidth;
if (isSpace)
wordTrailingSpaceWidth = wordTrailingSpace.width(fallbackFonts);
if (wordTrailingSpaceWidth)
suffixWidth = widthFromCache(font, i + suffixStart, wordLen - suffixStart + 1, leadWidth + currMaxWidth, 0, 0, style) - wordTrailingSpaceWidth.value();
suffixWidth = widthFromCache(font, i + suffixStart, wordLen - suffixStart, leadWidth + currMaxWidth, 0, 0, style);
maxFragmentWidth = std::max(maxFragmentWidth, suffixWidth);
currMinWidth += maxFragmentWidth - w;
maxWordWidth = std::max(maxWordWidth, maxFragmentWidth);
} else
maxWordWidth = w;
if (!firstGlyphLeftOverflow)
firstGlyphLeftOverflow = glyphOverflow.left;
currMinWidth += w;
if (betweenWords) {
if (lastWordBoundary == i)
currMaxWidth += w;
else {
ASSERT(j >= lastWordBoundary);
currMaxWidth += widthFromCache(font, lastWordBoundary, j - lastWordBoundary, leadWidth + currMaxWidth, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow, style);
lastWordBoundary = j;
bool isCollapsibleWhiteSpace = (j < length) && style.isCollapsibleWhiteSpace(c);
if (j < length && style.autoWrap())
m_hasBreakableChar = true;
// Add in wordSpacing to our currMaxWidth, but not if this is the last word on a line or the
// last word in the run.
if ((isSpace || isCollapsibleWhiteSpace) && !containsOnlyHTMLWhitespace(j, length - j))
currMaxWidth += wordSpacing;
if (firstWord) {
firstWord = false;
// If the first character in the run is breakable, then we consider ourselves to have a beginning
// minimum width of 0, since a break could occur right before our run starts, preventing us from ever
// being appended to a previous text run when considering the total minimum width of the containing block.
if (hasBreak)
m_hasBreakableChar = true;
m_beginMinWidth = hasBreak ? 0 : currMinWidth;
m_endMinWidth = currMinWidth;
m_minWidth = std::max(currMinWidth, m_minWidth);
i += wordLen - 1;
} else {
// Nowrap can never be broken, so don't bother setting the
// breakable character boolean. Pre can only be broken if we encounter a newline.
if (style.autoWrap() || isNewline)
m_hasBreakableChar = true;
if (isNewline) { // Only set if preserveNewline was true and we saw a newline.
if (firstLine) {
firstLine = false;
leadWidth = 0;
if (!style.autoWrap())
m_beginMinWidth = currMaxWidth;
if (currMaxWidth > m_maxWidth)
m_maxWidth = currMaxWidth;
currMaxWidth = 0;
} else {
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(*this, i, 1, style);
run.setTabSize(!style.collapseWhiteSpace(), style.tabSize());
run.setXPos(leadWidth + currMaxWidth);
currMaxWidth += font.width(run, &fallbackFonts);
glyphOverflow.right = 0;
needsWordSpacing = isSpace && !previousCharacterIsSpace && i == length - 1;
ASSERT(lastWordBoundary == i);
glyphOverflow.left = firstGlyphLeftOverflow.valueOr(glyphOverflow.left);
if ((needsWordSpacing && length > 1) || (ignoringSpaces && !firstWord))
currMaxWidth += wordSpacing;
m_maxWidth = std::max(currMaxWidth, m_maxWidth);
if (!style.autoWrap())
m_minWidth = m_maxWidth;
if (style.whiteSpace() == WhiteSpace::Pre) {
if (firstLine)
m_beginMinWidth = m_maxWidth;
m_endMinWidth = currMaxWidth;
template<typename CharacterType> static inline bool isAllCollapsibleWhitespace(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length, const RenderStyle& style)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (!style.isCollapsibleWhiteSpace(characters[i]))
return false;
return true;
bool RenderText::isAllCollapsibleWhitespace() const
if (text().is8Bit())
return WebCore::isAllCollapsibleWhitespace(text().characters8(), text().length(), style());
return WebCore::isAllCollapsibleWhitespace(text().characters16(), text().length(), style());
template<typename CharacterType> static inline bool isAllPossiblyCollapsibleWhitespace(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (!(characters[i] == '\n' || characters[i] == ' ' || characters[i] == '\t'))
return false;
return true;
bool RenderText::containsOnlyHTMLWhitespace(unsigned from, unsigned length) const
ASSERT(from <= text().length());
ASSERT(length <= text().length());
ASSERT(from + length <= text().length());
if (text().is8Bit())
return isAllPossiblyCollapsibleWhitespace(text().characters8() + from, length);
return isAllPossiblyCollapsibleWhitespace(text().characters16() + from, length);
Vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> RenderText::draggedContentRangesBetweenOffsets(unsigned startOffset, unsigned endOffset) const
if (!textNode())
return { };
auto markers = document().markers().markersFor(*textNode(), DocumentMarker::DraggedContent);
if (markers.isEmpty())
return { };
Vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> draggedContentRanges;
for (auto* marker : markers) {
unsigned markerStart = std::max(marker->startOffset(), startOffset);
unsigned markerEnd = std::min(marker->endOffset(), endOffset);
if (markerStart >= markerEnd || markerStart > endOffset || markerEnd < startOffset)
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> draggedContentRange;
draggedContentRange.first = markerStart;
draggedContentRange.second = markerEnd;
return draggedContentRanges;
IntPoint RenderText::firstRunLocation() const
auto first = LineLayoutTraversal::firstTextBoxFor(*this);
if (!first)
return { };
return IntPoint(first->rect().location());
void RenderText::setSelectionState(HighlightState state)
if (state != HighlightState::None)
if (canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes())
m_lineBoxes.setSelectionState(*this, state);
// The containing block can be null in case of an orphaned tree.
RenderBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
if (containingBlock && !containingBlock->isRenderView())
void RenderText::setTextWithOffset(const String& newText, unsigned offset, unsigned length, bool force)
if (!force && text() == newText)
int delta = newText.length() - text().length();
unsigned end = offset + length;
m_linesDirty = simpleLineLayout() || m_lineBoxes.dirtyRange(*this, offset, end, delta);
setText(newText, force || m_linesDirty);
static inline bool isInlineFlowOrEmptyText(const RenderObject& renderer)
return is<RenderInline>(renderer) || (is<RenderText>(renderer) && downcast<RenderText>(renderer).text().isEmpty());
UChar RenderText::previousCharacter() const
// find previous text renderer if one exists
const RenderObject* previousText = this;
while ((previousText = previousText->previousInPreOrder())) {
if (!isInlineFlowOrEmptyText(*previousText))
if (!is<RenderText>(previousText))
return ' ';
auto& previousString = downcast<RenderText>(*previousText).text();
return previousString[previousString.length() - 1];
LayoutUnit RenderText::topOfFirstText() const
return firstTextBox()->root().lineTop();
String applyTextTransform(const RenderStyle& style, const String& text, UChar previousCharacter)
switch (style.textTransform()) {
case TextTransform::None:
return text;
case TextTransform::Capitalize:
return capitalize(text, previousCharacter); // FIXME: Need to take locale into account.
case TextTransform::Uppercase:
return text.convertToUppercaseWithLocale(style.computedLocale());
case TextTransform::Lowercase:
return text.convertToLowercaseWithLocale(style.computedLocale());
return text;
void RenderText::setRenderedText(const String& newText)
String originalText = this->originalText();
m_text = newText;
if (m_useBackslashAsYenSymbol)
m_text.replace('\\', yenSign);
const auto& style = this->style();
if (style.textTransform() != TextTransform::None)
m_text = applyTextTransform(style, m_text, previousCharacter());
// At rendering time, if certain fonts are used, these characters get swapped out with higher-quality PUA characters.
// See RenderBlock::updateSecurityDiscCharacters().
switch (style.textSecurity()) {
case TextSecurity::None:
// We use the same characters here as for list markers.
// See the listMarkerText function in RenderListMarker.cpp.
case TextSecurity::Circle:
case TextSecurity::Disc:
case TextSecurity::Square:
// FIXME: Why this quirk on iOS?
case TextSecurity::Circle:
case TextSecurity::Disc:
case TextSecurity::Square:
m_isAllASCII = text().isAllASCII();
m_canUseSimpleFontCodePath = computeCanUseSimpleFontCodePath();
m_canUseSimplifiedTextMeasuring = computeCanUseSimplifiedTextMeasuring();
if (m_text != originalText) {
originalTextMap().set(this, originalText);
m_originalTextDiffersFromRendered = true;
} else if (m_originalTextDiffersFromRendered) {
m_originalTextDiffersFromRendered = false;
void RenderText::secureText(UChar maskingCharacter)
// This hides the text by replacing all the characters with the masking character.
// Offsets within the hidden text have to match offsets within the original text
// to handle things like carets and selection, so this won't work right if any
// of the characters are surrogate pairs or combining marks. Thus, this function
// does not attempt to handle either of those.
unsigned length = text().length();
if (!length)
UChar characterToReveal = 0;
unsigned revealedCharactersOffset = 0;
if (SecureTextTimer* timer = secureTextTimers().get(this)) {
// We take the offset out of the timer to make this one-shot. We count on this being called only once.
// If it's called a second time we assume the text is different and a character should not be revealed.
revealedCharactersOffset = timer->takeOffsetAfterLastTypedCharacter();
if (revealedCharactersOffset && revealedCharactersOffset <= length)
characterToReveal = text()[--revealedCharactersOffset];
UChar* characters;
m_text = String::createUninitialized(length, characters);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)
characters[i] = maskingCharacter;
if (characterToReveal)
characters[revealedCharactersOffset] = characterToReveal;
bool RenderText::computeCanUseSimplifiedTextMeasuring() const
if (!m_canUseSimpleFontCodePath)
return false;
auto& font = style().fontCascade();
if (font.wordSpacing() || font.letterSpacing())
return false;
// Additional check on the font codepath.
TextRun run(m_text);
if (font.codePath(run) != FontCascade::Simple)
return false;
auto whitespaceIsCollapsed = style().collapseWhiteSpace();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < text().length(); ++i) {
if ((!whitespaceIsCollapsed && text()[i] == '\t') || text()[i] == noBreakSpace || text()[i] >= HiraganaLetterSmallA)
return false;
return true;
void RenderText::setText(const String& text, bool force)
if (!force && text == originalText())
m_text = text;
if (m_originalTextDiffersFromRendered) {
m_originalTextDiffersFromRendered = false;
m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts = false;
if (is<RenderBlockFlow>(*parent()))
if (AXObjectCache* cache = document().existingAXObjectCache())
String RenderText::textWithoutConvertingBackslashToYenSymbol() const
if (!m_useBackslashAsYenSymbol || style().textSecurity() != TextSecurity::None)
return text();
if (style().textTransform() == TextTransform::None)
return originalText();
return applyTextTransform(style(), originalText(), previousCharacter());
void RenderText::dirtyLineBoxes(bool fullLayout)
if (fullLayout)
else if (!m_linesDirty)
m_linesDirty = false;
void RenderText::deleteLineBoxes()
std::unique_ptr<InlineTextBox> RenderText::createTextBox()
return makeUnique<InlineTextBox>(*this);
void RenderText::positionLineBox(InlineTextBox& textBox)
if (!textBox.hasTextContent())
m_containsReversedText |= !textBox.isLeftToRightDirection();
void RenderText::ensureLineBoxes()
if (!is<RenderBlockFlow>(*parent()))
const SimpleLineLayout::Layout* RenderText::simpleLineLayout() const
if (!is<RenderBlockFlow>(*parent()))
return nullptr;
return downcast<RenderBlockFlow>(*parent()).simpleLineLayout();
const LayoutIntegration::LineLayout* RenderText::layoutFormattingContextLineLayout() const
if (!is<RenderBlockFlow>(*parent()))
return nullptr;
return downcast<RenderBlockFlow>(*parent()).layoutFormattingContextLineLayout();
bool RenderText::usesComplexLineLayoutPath() const
if (simpleLineLayout())
return false;
if (layoutFormattingContextLineLayout())
return false;
return true;
float RenderText::width(unsigned from, unsigned len, float xPos, bool firstLine, HashSet<const Font*>* fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow) const
if (from >= text().length())
return 0;
if (from + len > text().length())
len = text().length() - from;
const RenderStyle& lineStyle = firstLine ? firstLineStyle() : style();
return width(from, len, lineStyle.fontCascade(), xPos, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow);
float RenderText::width(unsigned from, unsigned len, const FontCascade& f, float xPos, HashSet<const Font*>* fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow) const
ASSERT(from + len <= text().length());
if (!text().length())
return 0;
const RenderStyle& style = this->style();
float w;
if (&f == &style.fontCascade()) {
if (!style.preserveNewline() && !from && len == text().length() && (!glyphOverflow || !glyphOverflow->computeBounds)) {
if (fallbackFonts) {
if (preferredLogicalWidthsDirty() || !m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts) {
const_cast<RenderText*>(this)->computePreferredLogicalWidths(0, *fallbackFonts, *glyphOverflow);
if (fallbackFonts->isEmpty() && !glyphOverflow->left && !glyphOverflow->right && !glyphOverflow->top && !glyphOverflow->bottom)
m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts = true;
w = m_maxWidth;
} else
w = maxLogicalWidth();
} else
w = widthFromCache(f, from, len, xPos, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow, style);
} else {
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(*this, from, len, style);
run.setTabSize(!style.collapseWhiteSpace(), style.tabSize());
w = f.width(run, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow);
return clampTo(w, 0.f);
IntRect RenderText::linesBoundingBox() const
auto first = LineLayoutTraversal::firstTextBoxFor(*this);
if (!first)
return { };
auto boundingBox = first->rect();
for (auto box = first; ++box;)
return enclosingIntRect(boundingBox);
LayoutRect RenderText::linesVisualOverflowBoundingBox() const
return m_lineBoxes.visualOverflowBoundingBox(*this);
LayoutRect RenderText::clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer) const
RenderObject* rendererToRepaint = containingBlock();
// Do not cross self-painting layer boundaries.
RenderObject& enclosingLayerRenderer = enclosingLayer()->renderer();
if (&enclosingLayerRenderer != rendererToRepaint && !rendererToRepaint->isDescendantOf(&enclosingLayerRenderer))
rendererToRepaint = &enclosingLayerRenderer;
// The renderer we chose to repaint may be an ancestor of repaintContainer, but we need to do a repaintContainer-relative repaint.
if (repaintContainer && repaintContainer != rendererToRepaint && !rendererToRepaint->isDescendantOf(repaintContainer))
return repaintContainer->clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(repaintContainer);
return rendererToRepaint->clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(repaintContainer);
LayoutRect RenderText::collectSelectionRectsForLineBoxes(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, bool clipToVisibleContent, Vector<LayoutRect>* rects)
if (selectionState() == HighlightState::None)
return LayoutRect();
if (!containingBlock())
return LayoutRect();
// Now calculate startPos and endPos for painting selection.
// We include a selection while endPos > 0
unsigned startOffset;
unsigned endOffset;
if (selectionState() == HighlightState::Inside) {
// We are fully selected.
startOffset = 0;
endOffset = text().length();
} else {
startOffset = view().selection().startOffset();
endOffset = view().selection().endOffset();
if (selectionState() == HighlightState::Start)
endOffset = text().length();
else if (selectionState() == HighlightState::End)
startOffset = 0;
if (startOffset == endOffset)
return IntRect();
LayoutRect resultRect;
if (!rects)
resultRect = m_lineBoxes.selectionRectForRange(startOffset, endOffset);
else {
m_lineBoxes.collectSelectionRectsForRange(startOffset, endOffset, *rects);
for (auto& rect : *rects) {
rect = localToContainerQuad(FloatRect(rect), repaintContainer).enclosingBoundingBox();
if (clipToVisibleContent)
return computeRectForRepaint(resultRect, repaintContainer);
return localToContainerQuad(FloatRect(resultRect), repaintContainer).enclosingBoundingBox();
LayoutRect RenderText::collectSelectionRectsForLineBoxes(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, bool clipToVisibleContent, Vector<LayoutRect>& rects)
return collectSelectionRectsForLineBoxes(repaintContainer, clipToVisibleContent, &rects);
LayoutRect RenderText::selectionRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, bool clipToVisibleContent)
return collectSelectionRectsForLineBoxes(repaintContainer, clipToVisibleContent, nullptr);
int RenderText::caretMinOffset() const
auto first = LineLayoutTraversal::firstTextBoxFor(*this);
if (!first)
return 0;
int minOffset = first->localStartOffset();
for (auto box = first; ++box;)
minOffset = std::min<int>(minOffset, box->localStartOffset());
return minOffset;
int RenderText::caretMaxOffset() const
auto first = LineLayoutTraversal::firstTextBoxFor(*this);
if (!first)
return text().length();
int maxOffset = first->localEndOffset();
for (auto box = first; ++box;)
maxOffset = std::max<int>(maxOffset, box->localEndOffset());
return maxOffset;
unsigned RenderText::countRenderedCharacterOffsetsUntil(unsigned offset) const
unsigned result = 0;
for (auto& box : LineLayoutTraversal::textBoxesFor(*this)) {
auto start = box.localStartOffset();
auto length = box.length();
if (offset < start)
return result;
if (offset <= start + length) {
result += offset - start;
return result;
result += length;
return result;
enum class OffsetType { Character, Caret };
static bool containsOffset(const RenderText& text, unsigned offset, OffsetType type)
for (auto box = LineLayoutTraversal::firstTextBoxInTextOrderFor(text); box; box.traverseNextInTextOrder()) {
auto start = box->localStartOffset();
if (offset < start)
return false;
unsigned end = box->localEndOffset();
if (offset >= start && offset <= end) {
if (offset == end && (type == OffsetType::Character || box->isLineBreak()))
if (type == OffsetType::Character)
return true;
// Return false for offsets inside composed characters.
return !offset || offset == static_cast<unsigned>(text.nextOffset(text.previousOffset(offset)));
return false;
bool RenderText::containsRenderedCharacterOffset(unsigned offset) const
return containsOffset(*this, offset, OffsetType::Character);
bool RenderText::containsCaretOffset(unsigned offset) const
return containsOffset(*this, offset, OffsetType::Caret);
bool RenderText::hasRenderedText() const
for (auto& box : LineLayoutTraversal::textBoxesFor(*this)) {
if (box.length())
return true;
return false;
int RenderText::previousOffset(int current) const
if (m_isAllASCII || text().is8Bit())
return current - 1;
CachedTextBreakIterator iterator(text(), TextBreakIterator::Mode::Caret, nullAtom());
return iterator.preceding(current).valueOr(current - 1);
int RenderText::previousOffsetForBackwardDeletion(int current) const
CachedTextBreakIterator iterator(text(), TextBreakIterator::Mode::Delete, nullAtom());
return iterator.preceding(current).valueOr(0);
int RenderText::nextOffset(int current) const
if (m_isAllASCII || text().is8Bit())
return current + 1;
CachedTextBreakIterator iterator(text(), TextBreakIterator::Mode::Caret, nullAtom());
return iterator.following(current).valueOr(current + 1);
bool RenderText::computeCanUseSimpleFontCodePath() const
if (m_isAllASCII || text().is8Bit())
return true;
return FontCascade::characterRangeCodePath(text().characters16(), length()) == FontCascade::Simple;
void RenderText::momentarilyRevealLastTypedCharacter(unsigned offsetAfterLastTypedCharacter)
if (style().textSecurity() == TextSecurity::None)
auto& secureTextTimer = secureTextTimers().add(this, nullptr).iterator->value;
if (!secureTextTimer)
secureTextTimer = makeUnique<SecureTextTimer>(*this);
StringView RenderText::stringView(unsigned start, Optional<unsigned> stop) const
unsigned destination = stop.valueOr(text().length());
ASSERT(start <= length());
ASSERT(destination <= length());
ASSERT(start <= destination);
if (text().is8Bit())
return { text().characters8() + start, destination - start };
return { text().characters16() + start, destination - start };
RenderInline* RenderText::inlineWrapperForDisplayContents()
ASSERT(m_hasInlineWrapperForDisplayContents == inlineWrapperForDisplayContentsMap().contains(this));
if (!m_hasInlineWrapperForDisplayContents)
return nullptr;
return inlineWrapperForDisplayContentsMap().get(this).get();
void RenderText::setInlineWrapperForDisplayContents(RenderInline* wrapper)
ASSERT(m_hasInlineWrapperForDisplayContents == inlineWrapperForDisplayContentsMap().contains(this));
if (!wrapper) {
if (!m_hasInlineWrapperForDisplayContents)
m_hasInlineWrapperForDisplayContents = false;
inlineWrapperForDisplayContentsMap().add(this, makeWeakPtr(wrapper));
m_hasInlineWrapperForDisplayContents = true;
RenderText* RenderText::findByDisplayContentsInlineWrapperCandidate(RenderElement& renderer)
auto* firstChild = renderer.firstChild();
if (!is<RenderText>(firstChild))
return nullptr;
auto& textRenderer = downcast<RenderText>(*firstChild);
if (textRenderer.inlineWrapperForDisplayContents() != &renderer)
return nullptr;
ASSERT(renderer.firstChild() == renderer.lastChild());
return &textRenderer;
} // namespace WebCore