blob: 450850af67b50e6ed3b3ab40d30ab91a406bed73 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests queryCommandValue('formatBlock')
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Basic cases
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting none of "hello"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "hello"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<div contenteditable="false"><h1 contenteditable>hello</h1></div>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<h1 contenteditable="false"><span contenteditable>hello</span></h1>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<div><h1 contenteditable="false"><span contenteditable>hello</span></h1></div>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<div><header contenteditable="false"><h1 contenteditable>hello</h1></header></div>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<a>hello</a>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<abbr>hello</abbr>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<acronym>hello</acronym>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<b>hello</b>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<bdo>hello</bdo>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<big>hello</big>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<button>hello</button>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<caption>hello</caption>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<center>hello</center>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<cite>hello</cite>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<code>hello</code>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<del>hello</del>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<dfn>hello</dfn>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<dir>hello</dir>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<em>hello</em>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<form><fieldset>hello</fieldset></form>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<font>hello</font>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<form>hello</form>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<i>hello</i>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<kbd>hello</kbd>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<label>hello</label>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<legend>hello</legend>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<ul><li>hello<li></ul>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<menu>hello</menu>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<ol>hello</ol>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<q>hello</q>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<s>hello</s>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<samp>hello</samp>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<small>hello</small>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<span>hello</span>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<strike>hello</strike>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<strong>hello</strong>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<sub>hello</sub>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<sup>hello</sup>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<table><td>hello</td></table>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<table><th>hello</th></table>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<tt>hello</tt>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<u>hello</u>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<ul>hello</ul>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting first position of "<var>hello</var>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "address" selecting first position of "<address>hello</address>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "article" selecting first position of "<article>hello</article>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "aside" selecting first position of "<aside>hello</aside>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "blockquote" selecting first position of "<blockquote>hello</blockquote>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "dd" selecting first position of "<dd>hello</dd>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "dd" selecting first position of "<dl><dd>hello</dd></dl>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "div" selecting first position of "<div>hello</div>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "dl" selecting first position of "<dl>hello</dl>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "dt" selecting first position of "<dt>hello</dt>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "dt" selecting first position of "<dl><dt>hello</dt></dl>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "footer" selecting first position of "<footer>hello</footer>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "h1" selecting first position of "<h1>hello</h1>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "h2" selecting first position of "<h2>hello</h2>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "h3" selecting first position of "<h3>hello</h3>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "h4" selecting first position of "<h4>hello</h4>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "h5" selecting first position of "<h5>hello</h5>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "h6" selecting first position of "<h6>hello</h6>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "header" selecting first position of "<header>hello</header>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "hgroup" selecting first position of "<hgroup>hello</hgroup>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "nav" selecting first position of "<nav>hello</nav>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "p" selecting first position of "<p>hello</p>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "pre" selecting first position of "<pre>hello</pre>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "section" selecting first position of "<section>hello</section>"
Nested cases
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "h2" selecting first position of "<h1><h2>hello</h2></h1>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "address" selecting first position of "<h1><address>hello</address></h1>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "pre" selecting first position of "<pre>hello<p>world</p></pre>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "pre" selecting "llo wo" of "<pre>hello<p>world</p></pre>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "address" selecting "llo wo" of "<address><h1>hello</h1>world</address>"
PASS queryCommand('formatBlock') returned "" selecting "llo wo" of "<h1>hello</h1>world"
PASS successfullyParsed is true