| <html> |
| <head> |
| <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> |
| <title>CSS Test: page-break-after (invalid syntax)</title> |
| <link rel="author" href="mailto:mturnwall@revenution.com" title="Michael Turnwall"> |
| <link rel="author" href="http://www.hp.com/" title="Hewlett-Packard Company"> |
| <link rel="help" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/page.html#page-break-props"> |
| <meta content="paged invalid" name="flags"> |
| <meta content="The syntax of the 'page-break-after' property is auto | always | avoid | left | right." name="assert"> |
| <style type="text/css"> |
| |
| div.noBreakAuto { |
| page-break-after:always; |
| page-break-after:auto auto; |
| } |
| div.noBreakLeft { |
| page-break-after:auto; |
| page-break-after:left always; |
| } |
| div.noBreakAlways { |
| page-break-after:always always; |
| } |
| .dummy { |
| color:gray; |
| } |
| |
| </style> |
| <script src="../resources/paged-media-test-utils.js"></script> |
| <script> |
| |
| if (window.layoutTestController) |
| layoutTestController.dumpAsText(); |
| |
| function test() |
| { |
| pageNumberForElementShouldBe('test1', 1); |
| pageNumberForElementShouldBe('test2', 1); |
| numberOfPagesShouldBe(2); |
| } |
| |
| </script> |
| </head> |
| <body onload="runPrintingTest(test)"> |
| <div class="noBreakAuto">This test must produce two pages of output. This sentence must be on the first page.</div> |
| <div class="noBreakLeft" id="test1">This sentence must be at the top of the second page.</div> |
| <div class="noBreakAlways dummy">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</div> |
| <p id="test2">This must be the last sentence on the second and final page.</p> |
| </body> |
| </html> |