| Test that Java objects can be passed to NPAPI plug-ins, and vice versa. |
| Some tests below are written in a way that works around issues with preserving object identity. They can be simplified once these issues are fixed. |
| PASS document.plg.getAndForgetRememberedObject() + "" is document.javaTest.getSelf() + "" |
| PASS document.plg.getAndForgetRememberedObject().getSelf().getSelf() + "" is document.javaTest.getSelf() + "" |
| PASS document.plg.testHasMethod(document.javaTest, "getSelf") is true |
| PASS document.plg.testHasMethod(document.javaTest, "doesNotExist") is false |
| PASS document.plg.testHasMethod(document.javaTest.getSelf(), "getSelf") is true |
| PASS document.plg.testHasMethod(document.javaTest.getSelf(), "doesNotExist") is false |
| PASS document.javaTest.getAndForgetRememberedObject().objectPointer is document.plg.testObject.objectPointer |
| PASS typeof document.javaTest.testGetMember(document.plg, "testDOMAccess") is "function" |
| PASS tryCall(document.javaTest.getSelf, plg.testObject) is "TypeError: Attempt to invoke non-plug-in method on plug-in object." |
| PASS tryCall(plg.testObject.throwException, document.javaTest) is "TypeError: Attempt to invoke non-Java method on Java object." |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |