blob: cc848dd106dcbb3cab8f07fc11d5d7ce0960f246 [file] [log] [blame]
resources/stylesheet.css - willSendRequest <NSURLRequest URL resources/stylesheet.css, main document URL file-protocol-fragment.html, http method GET> redirectResponse (null)
resources/stylesheet.css - willSendRequest <NSURLRequest URL resources/stylesheet.css, main document URL file-protocol-fragment.html, http method GET> redirectResponse (null)
<unknown> - didFinishLoading
resources/stylesheet.css - didReceiveResponse <NSURLResponse resources/stylesheet.css, http status code 0>
resources/stylesheet.css - didFinishLoading
resources/stylesheet.css - didReceiveResponse <NSURLResponse resources/stylesheet.css, http status code 0>
resources/stylesheet.css - didFinishLoading
This tests that file: URL are loaded separately even if they differ by the fragment only.