blob: af24270398888cd8caceddcab3367b0f6e549ed8 [file] [log] [blame]
if (window.layoutTestController)
<body id="body">
<!-- This test makes sure that tables that are not exposed as tables do not have title ui elements incorrectly set -->
<tbody><tr><td colspan="6"><h2>ATS</h2></td></tr>
<div id="result"></div>
if (window.accessibilityController) {
var result = document.getElementById("result");
var pass = document.getElementById("body");
// get the <th>skip</th> element
var group = accessibilityController.focusedElement.childAtIndex(5);
var titleUI = group.titleUIElement();
var allAttributes = "";
if (titleUI)
allAttributes = titleUI.allAttributes();
// verify it has no title ui element
if (!allAttributes) {
result.innerText += "Test passed\n";
else {
result.innerText += "Test failed\n";