blob: 406c668347d9b6b2fb77dbf4c8e1781b9099fc8a [file] [log] [blame]
PASS testing tab-size: calc(2 * 3)
FAIL testing tab-size: calc(2 * -4) assert_equals: calc(2 * -4) should compute to 0 expected "0" but got "12345"
PASS testing opacity: calc(2 / 4)
PASS testing tab-size: calc(2 / 4)
FAIL testing opacity: calc(2 / 4) * 1px assert_equals: calc(2 / 4) * 1px should compute to 0.9 expected "0.9" but got "0.8999999761581421"
PASS testing tab-size: calc(1 + 1px)
PASS testing tab-size: calc(1 + 100%)
PASS testing tab-size: calc(100%)
PASS testing tab-size: calc(10px) bla
PASS testing tab-size: calc(bla) 10px
PASS testing tab-size: calc(10px)