blob: da1ca78d61679aba2e01fd4173d0ce65a7499d76 [file] [log] [blame]
Bug 127065: AX: Shadow DOM video player controls menus need aria-owns on the trigger buttons
Does the `aria-owns` on the CC button exist?
PASS captionsButtonARIAOwnsValue is not null
Did the Audio Track menu show up after the CC button is clicked?
PASS captionsTrackMenuHTMLElement is not null
Does the `id` of the menu exist?
PASS closedCaptionsTrackMenuIdValue is not null
Is the `aria-own` on the CC button equal to the `id` on the menu?
PASS captionsButtonARIAOwnsValue is closedCaptionsTrackMenuIdValue
PASS successfullyParsed is true