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<title>Custom Elements: Enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction</title>
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class PredefinedCustomElement extends HTMLElement {}
customElements.define('predefined-custom-element', PredefinedCustomElement);
var customElementNumber = 1;
function generateNextCustomElementName() { return 'custom-' + customElementNumber++; }
// Tests for documents without a browsing context.
document_types().filter(function (entry) { return !entry.isOwner && !entry.hasBrowsingContext; }).forEach(function (entry) {
var documentName =;
var getDocument = entry.create;
promise_test(function () {
return getDocument().then(function (doc) {
assert_false(doc.createElement('predefined-custom-element') instanceof PredefinedCustomElement);
}, 'Creating an element in ' + documentName + ' must not enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction'
+ ' because the document does not have a browsing context');
promise_test(function () {
var name = generateNextCustomElementName();
var unresolvedElement = document.createElement(name);
assert_equals(unresolvedElement.__proto__, HTMLElement.prototype,
'[[Prototype]] internal slot of the unresolved custom element must be the HTMLElement prototype');
return getDocument().then(function (doc) {
var unresolvedElementInDoc = doc.createElement(name);
var prototype = (unresolvedElementInDoc.namespaceURI == '' ? HTMLElement : Element).prototype;
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, prototype,
'[[Prototype]] internal slot of the unresolved custom element must be the ' + prototype.toString() + ' prototype');
var someCustomElement = class extends HTMLElement {};
customElements.define(name, someCustomElement);
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, prototype, '"define" must not upgrade a disconnected unresolved custom elements');
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, prototype,
'Inserting an element into a document without a browsing context must not enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction');
}, 'Creating an element in ' + documentName + ' and inserting into the document must not enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction');
promise_test(function () {
var name = generateNextCustomElementName();
var unresolvedElement = document.createElement(name);
assert_equals(unresolvedElement.__proto__, HTMLElement.prototype,
'[[Prototype]] internal slot of the unresolved custom element must be the HTMLElement prototype');
return getDocument().then(function (doc) {
var unresolvedElementInDoc = doc.createElement(name);
var prototype = (unresolvedElementInDoc.namespaceURI == '' ? HTMLElement : Element).prototype;
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, prototype,
'[[Prototype]] internal slot of the unresolved custom element must be the ' + prototype.toString() + ' prototype');
var someCustomElement = class extends HTMLElement {};
customElements.define(name, someCustomElement);
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, prototype, '"define" must not upgrade a disconnected unresolved custom elements');
if (unresolvedElementInDoc.namespaceURI == '') {
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, someCustomElement.prototype,
'Inserting an element into a document with a browsing context must enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction');
} else {
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, prototype,
'Looking up a custom element definition must return null if the element is not in the HTML namespace');
}, 'Creating an element in ' + documentName + ' and adopting back to a document with browsing context must enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction');
// Tests for documents with a browsing context.
document_types().filter(function (entry) { return !entry.isOwner && entry.hasBrowsingContext; }).forEach(function (entry) {
var documentName =;
var getDocument = entry.create;
promise_test(function () {
return getDocument().then(function (doc) {
assert_false(doc.createElement('predefined-custom-element') instanceof PredefinedCustomElement);
}, 'Creating an element in ' + documentName + ' must not enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction if there is no matching definition');
promise_test(function () {
return getDocument().then(function (doc) {
var docWindow = doc.defaultView;
class DistinctPredefinedCustomElement extends docWindow.HTMLElement { };
docWindow.customElements.define('predefined-custom-element', DistinctPredefinedCustomElement);
assert_true(doc.createElement('predefined-custom-element') instanceof DistinctPredefinedCustomElement);
}, 'Creating an element in ' + documentName + ' must enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction if there is a matching definition');
promise_test(function () {
var unresolvedElement = document.createElement('unresolved-element');
return getDocument().then(function (doc) {
var docWindow = doc.defaultView;
class UnresolvedElement extends docWindow.HTMLElement { };
var unresolvedElementInDoc = doc.createElement('unresolved-element');
assert_equals(unresolvedElement.__proto__, HTMLElement.prototype);
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, docWindow.HTMLElement.prototype);
docWindow.customElements.define('unresolved-element', UnresolvedElement);
assert_equals(unresolvedElement.__proto__, HTMLElement.prototype);
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, docWindow.HTMLElement.prototype);
}, '"define" in ' + documentName + ' must not enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction on a disconnected unresolved custom element');
promise_test(function () {
var unresolvedElement = document.createElement('unresolved-element');
return getDocument().then(function (doc) {
var docWindow = doc.defaultView;
class UnresolvedElement extends docWindow.HTMLElement { };
var unresolvedElementInDoc = doc.createElement('unresolved-element');
assert_equals(unresolvedElement.__proto__, HTMLElement.prototype);
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, docWindow.HTMLElement.prototype);
docWindow.customElements.define('unresolved-element', UnresolvedElement);
assert_equals(unresolvedElement.__proto__, HTMLElement.prototype);
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, UnresolvedElement.prototype);
}, 'Inserting an unresolved custom element into ' + documentName + ' must enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction');
promise_test(function () {
var unresolvedElement = document.createElement('unresolved-element');
return getDocument().then(function (doc) {
var docWindow = doc.defaultView;
class UnresolvedElement extends docWindow.HTMLElement { };
var unresolvedElementInDoc = doc.createElement('unresolved-element');
assert_equals(unresolvedElement.__proto__, HTMLElement.prototype);
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, docWindow.HTMLElement.prototype);
docWindow.customElements.define('unresolved-element', UnresolvedElement);
assert_equals(unresolvedElement.__proto__, HTMLElement.prototype);
assert_equals(unresolvedElementInDoc.__proto__, UnresolvedElement.prototype);
}, '"define" in ' + documentName + ' must enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction on a connected unresolved custom element');
promise_test(function () {
var unresolvedElement = document.createElement('unresolved-element');
return getDocument().then(function (doc) {
var docWindow = doc.defaultView;
class UnresolvedElement extends docWindow.HTMLElement { };
assert_false(unresolvedElement instanceof UnresolvedElement);
docWindow.customElements.define('unresolved-element', UnresolvedElement);
assert_false(unresolvedElement instanceof UnresolvedElement);
}, 'Adopting (and leaving disconnceted) an unresolved custom element into ' + documentName + ' must not enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction');
promise_test(function () {
var unresolvedElement = document.createElement('unresolved-element');
return getDocument().then(function (doc) {
var docWindow = doc.defaultView;
class UnresolvedElement extends docWindow.HTMLElement { };
assert_false(unresolvedElement instanceof UnresolvedElement);
docWindow.customElements.define('unresolved-element', UnresolvedElement);
assert_true(unresolvedElement instanceof UnresolvedElement);
}, 'Adopting and inserting an unresolved custom element into ' + documentName + ' must enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction');