| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <title>Custom Elements: attributeChangedCallback</title> |
| <meta name="author" title="Ryosuke Niwa" href="mailto:rniwa@webkit.org"> |
| <meta name="assert" content="attributeChangedCallback must be enqueued whenever custom element's attribute is added, changed or removed"> |
| <link rel="help" href="https://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/custom/#dfn-attribute-changed-callback"> |
| <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> |
| <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
| <script src="resources/custom-elements-helpers.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <div id="log"></div> |
| <parser-created-element title></parser-created-element> |
| <script> |
| |
| var customElement = define_new_custom_element(['title', 'id', 'r']); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| const instance = document.createElement(customElement.name); |
| assert_array_equals(customElement.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']); |
| |
| instance.setAttribute('title', 'foo'); |
| assert_equals(instance.getAttribute('title'), 'foo'); |
| var logEntries = customElement.takeLog(); |
| assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: 'foo', namespace: null}); |
| |
| instance.removeAttribute('title'); |
| assert_equals(instance.getAttribute('title'), null); |
| var logEntries = customElement.takeLog(); |
| assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'title', oldValue: 'foo', newValue: null, namespace: null}); |
| }, 'setAttribute and removeAttribute must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| var instance = document.createElement(customElement.name); |
| assert_array_equals(customElement.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']); |
| |
| instance.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'title', 'hello'); |
| assert_equals(instance.getAttribute('title'), 'hello'); |
| var logEntries = customElement.takeLog(); |
| assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: 'hello', namespace: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'}); |
| |
| instance.removeAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'title'); |
| assert_equals(instance.getAttribute('title'), null); |
| var logEntries = customElement.takeLog(); |
| assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'title', oldValue: 'hello', newValue: null, namespace: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'}); |
| }, 'setAttributeNS and removeAttributeNS must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| var instance = document.createElement(customElement.name); |
| assert_array_equals(customElement.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']); |
| |
| var attr = document.createAttribute('id'); |
| attr.value = 'bar'; |
| instance.setAttributeNode(attr); |
| |
| assert_equals(instance.getAttribute('id'), 'bar'); |
| var logEntries = customElement.takeLog(); |
| assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'id', oldValue: null, newValue: 'bar', namespace: null}); |
| |
| instance.removeAttributeNode(attr); |
| assert_equals(instance.getAttribute('id'), null); |
| var logEntries = customElement.takeLog(); |
| assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'id', oldValue: 'bar', newValue: null, namespace: null}); |
| }, 'setAttributeNode and removeAttributeNode must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback for an HTML attribute'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| const instance = document.createElement(customElement.name); |
| assert_array_equals(customElement.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']); |
| |
| const attr = document.createAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'r'); |
| attr.value = '100'; |
| instance.setAttributeNode(attr); |
| |
| assert_equals(instance.getAttribute('r'), '100'); |
| var logEntries = customElement.takeLog(); |
| assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'r', oldValue: null, newValue: '100', namespace: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'}); |
| |
| instance.removeAttributeNode(attr); |
| assert_equals(instance.getAttribute('r'), null); |
| var logEntries = customElement.takeLog(); |
| assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'r', oldValue: '100', newValue: null, namespace: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'}); |
| }, 'setAttributeNode and removeAttributeNS must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback for an SVG attribute'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| const callsToOld = []; |
| const callsToNew = []; |
| class CustomElement extends HTMLElement { } |
| CustomElement.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (...args) { |
| callsToOld.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| CustomElement.observedAttributes = ['title']; |
| customElements.define('element-with-mutated-attribute-changed-callback', CustomElement); |
| CustomElement.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (...args) { |
| callsToNew.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| |
| const instance = document.createElement('element-with-mutated-attribute-changed-callback'); |
| instance.setAttribute('title', 'hi'); |
| assert_equals(instance.getAttribute('title'), 'hi'); |
| assert_array_equals(callsToNew, []); |
| assert_equals(callsToOld.length, 1); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(callsToOld[0], {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: 'hi', namespace: null}); |
| }, 'Mutating attributeChangedCallback after calling customElements.define must not affect the callback being invoked'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| const calls = []; |
| class CustomElement extends HTMLElement { |
| attributeChangedCallback(...args) { |
| calls.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| } |
| CustomElement.observedAttributes = ['title']; |
| customElements.define('element-not-observing-id-attribute', CustomElement); |
| |
| const instance = document.createElement('element-not-observing-id-attribute'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 0); |
| instance.setAttribute('title', 'hi'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 1); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[0], {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: 'hi', namespace: null}); |
| instance.setAttribute('id', 'some'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 1); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[0], {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: 'hi', namespace: null}); |
| }, 'attributedChangedCallback must not be invoked when the observed attributes does not contain the attribute'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| const calls = []; |
| class CustomElement extends HTMLElement { } |
| CustomElement.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (...args) { |
| calls.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| CustomElement.observedAttributes = ['title', 'lang']; |
| customElements.define('element-with-mutated-observed-attributes', CustomElement); |
| CustomElement.observedAttributes = ['title', 'id']; |
| |
| const instance = document.createElement('element-with-mutated-observed-attributes'); |
| instance.setAttribute('title', 'hi'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 1); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[0], {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: 'hi', namespace: null}); |
| |
| instance.setAttribute('id', 'some'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 1); |
| |
| instance.setAttribute('lang', 'en'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 2); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[1], {name: 'lang', oldValue: null, newValue: 'en', namespace: null}); |
| }, 'Mutating observedAttributes after calling customElements.define must not affect the set of attributes for which attributedChangedCallback is invoked'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| var calls = []; |
| class CustomElement extends HTMLElement { } |
| CustomElement.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (...args) { |
| calls.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| CustomElement.observedAttributes = { [Symbol.iterator]: function *() { yield 'lang'; yield 'style'; } }; |
| customElements.define('element-with-generator-observed-attributes', CustomElement); |
| |
| var instance = document.createElement('element-with-generator-observed-attributes'); |
| instance.setAttribute('lang', 'en'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 1); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[0], {name: 'lang', oldValue: null, newValue: 'en', namespace: null}); |
| |
| instance.setAttribute('lang', 'ja'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 2); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[1], {name: 'lang', oldValue: 'en', newValue: 'ja', namespace: null}); |
| |
| instance.setAttribute('title', 'hello'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 2); |
| |
| instance.setAttribute('style', 'font-size: 2rem'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 3); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[2], {name: 'style', oldValue: null, newValue: 'font-size: 2rem', namespace: null}); |
| }, 'attributedChangedCallback must be enqueued for attributes specified in a non-Array iterable observedAttributes'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| var calls = []; |
| class CustomElement extends HTMLElement { } |
| CustomElement.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (...args) { |
| calls.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| CustomElement.observedAttributes = ['style']; |
| customElements.define('element-with-style-attribute-observation', CustomElement); |
| |
| var instance = document.createElement('element-with-style-attribute-observation'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 0); |
| |
| instance.style.fontSize = '10px'; |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 1); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[0], {name: 'style', oldValue: null, newValue: 'font-size: 10px;', namespace: null}); |
| |
| instance.style.fontSize = '20px'; |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 2); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[1], {name: 'style', oldValue: 'font-size: 10px;', newValue: 'font-size: 20px;', namespace: null}); |
| |
| }, 'attributedChangedCallback must be enqueued for style attribute change by mutating inline style declaration'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| var calls = []; |
| class CustomElement extends HTMLElement { } |
| CustomElement.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (...args) { |
| calls.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| CustomElement.observedAttributes = ['title']; |
| customElements.define('element-with-no-style-attribute-observation', CustomElement); |
| |
| var instance = document.createElement('element-with-no-style-attribute-observation'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 0); |
| instance.style.fontSize = '10px'; |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 0); |
| instance.title = 'hello'; |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[0], {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: 'hello', namespace: null}); |
| }, 'attributedChangedCallback must not be enqueued when mutating inline style declaration if the style attribute is not observed'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| var calls = []; |
| class CustomElement extends HTMLElement { } |
| CustomElement.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (...args) { |
| calls.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| CustomElement.observedAttributes = ['title']; |
| customElements.define('parser-created-element', CustomElement); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[0], {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: '', namespace: null}); |
| }, 'Upgrading a parser created element must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback for an HTML attribute'); |
| |
| test(function () { |
| var calls = []; |
| class CustomElement extends HTMLElement { } |
| CustomElement.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (...args) { |
| calls.push(create_attribute_changed_callback_log(this, ...args)); |
| } |
| CustomElement.observedAttributes = ['title']; |
| customElements.define('cloned-element-with-attribute', CustomElement); |
| |
| var instance = document.createElement('cloned-element-with-attribute'); |
| assert_equals(calls.length, 0); |
| instance.title = ''; |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[0], {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: '', namespace: null}); |
| |
| calls = []; |
| var clone = instance.cloneNode(false); |
| assert_attribute_log_entry(calls[0], {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: '', namespace: null}); |
| }, 'Upgrading a cloned element must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback for an HTML attribute'); |
| |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |