blob: 1e8a6050f24885c9b67579f8d7ba1fe8873c7019 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// WGLWindow:
// Implements initializing a WGL rendering context.
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "export.h"
#include "util/EGLWindow.h"
class OSWindow;
namespace angle
class Library;
} // namespace angle
class ANGLE_UTIL_EXPORT WGLWindow : public GLWindowBase
static WGLWindow *New(int glesMajorVersion, int glesMinorVersion);
static void Delete(WGLWindow **window);
// Internally initializes GL resources.
bool initializeGL(OSWindow *osWindow,
angle::Library *glWindowingLibrary,
angle::GLESDriverType driverType,
const EGLPlatformParameters &platformParams,
const ConfigParameters &configParams) override;
GLWindowResult initializeGLWithResult(OSWindow *osWindow,
angle::Library *glWindowingLibrary,
angle::GLESDriverType driverType,
const EGLPlatformParameters &platformParams,
const ConfigParameters &configParams) override;
void destroyGL() override;
bool isGLInitialized() const override;
bool makeCurrent() override;
void swap() override;
bool hasError() const override;
bool setSwapInterval(EGLint swapInterval) override;
angle::GenericProc getProcAddress(const char *name) override;
// Initializes WGL resources.
GLWindowContext getCurrentContextGeneric() override;
GLWindowContext createContextGeneric(GLWindowContext share) override;
bool makeCurrentGeneric(GLWindowContext context) override;
// Create a WGL context with this window's configuration
HGLRC createContext(const ConfigParameters &configParams, HGLRC shareContext);
// Make the WGL context current
bool makeCurrent(HGLRC context);
WGLWindow(int glesMajorVersion, int glesMinorVersion);
~WGLWindow() override;
// OS resources.
HDC mDeviceContext;
HGLRC mWGLContext;
HWND mWindow;