blob: c79a0b8c5a430bbcdffd60a5bfca813a1a213893 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// vk_utils:
// Helper functions for the Vulkan Caps.
#include "common/vulkan/vk_headers.h"
#include "libANGLE/Config.h"
namespace gl
struct Limitations;
struct Extensions;
class TextureCapsMap;
struct Caps;
struct TextureCaps;
struct InternalFormat;
} // namespace gl
namespace rx
struct FeaturesVk;
class DisplayVk;
namespace egl_vk
constexpr GLenum kConfigDepthStencilFormats[] = {GL_NONE, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24,
// Permutes over all combinations of color format, depth stencil format and sample count and
// generates a basic config which is passed to DisplayVk::checkConfigSupport.
egl::ConfigSet GenerateConfigs(const GLenum *colorFormats,
size_t colorFormatsCount,
const GLenum *depthStencilFormats,
size_t depthStencilFormatCount,
DisplayVk *display);
template <size_t ColorFormatCount, size_t DepthStencilFormatCount>
egl::ConfigSet GenerateConfigs(const GLenum (&colorFormats)[ColorFormatCount],
const GLenum (&depthStencilFormats)[DepthStencilFormatCount],
DisplayVk *display)
return GenerateConfigs(colorFormats, ColorFormatCount, depthStencilFormats,
DepthStencilFormatCount, display);
static ANGLE_INLINE EGLenum GetConfigCaveat(GLenum format)
// Default EGL config sorting rule will result in rgb10a2 having higher precedence than rgb8
// By marking `rgb10a2` as a slow config we switch the order. This ensures that we dont
// return rgb10a2 at the top of the config list
switch (format)
// For now we only mark rgb10a2 as a slow config
case GL_RGB10_A2_EXT:
return EGL_NONE;
} // namespace egl_vk
namespace vk
// Functions that determine support for a feature or extension, used both to advertise support for
// an extension, and to determine if a context version can be supported.
bool CanSupportGPUShader5EXT(const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures &features);
} // namespace vk
} // namespace rx