blob: 3e19d6bf2dff36143af9438de88acfe1d2d9c709 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "common.h"
using namespace rx::mtl_shader;
#define kThreadGroupXYZ \
(kGenerateMipThreadGroupSizePerDim * kGenerateMipThreadGroupSizePerDim * \
#define kThreadGroupXY (kGenerateMipThreadGroupSizePerDim * kGenerateMipThreadGroupSizePerDim)
#define kThreadGroupX kGenerateMipThreadGroupSizePerDim
#define TEXEL_STORE(index, texel) \
sR[index] = texel.r; \
sG[index] = texel.g; \
sB[index] = texel.b; \
sA[index] = texel.a;
#define TEXEL_LOAD(index) float4(sR[index], sG[index], sB[index], sA[index])
#define TO_LINEAR(texel) (options.sRGB ? sRGBtoLinear(texel) : texel)
#define OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(edgeValue, targetValue, condition) \
(condition) ? (edgeValue) : (targetValue)
struct GenMipParams
uint srcLevel;
uint numMipLevelsToGen;
bool sRGB;
// NOTE(hqle): For numMipLevelsToGen > 1, this function assumes the texture is power of two. If it
// is not, quality will not be good.
kernel void generate3DMipmaps(uint lIndex [[thread_index_in_threadgroup]],
ushort3 gIndices [[thread_position_in_grid]],
texture3d<float> srcTexture [[texture(0)]],
texture3d<float, access::write> dstMip1 [[texture(1)]],
texture3d<float, access::write> dstMip2 [[texture(2)]],
texture3d<float, access::write> dstMip3 [[texture(3)]],
texture3d<float, access::write> dstMip4 [[texture(4)]],
constant GenMipParams &options [[buffer(0)]])
ushort3 mipSize = ushort3(dstMip1.get_width(), dstMip1.get_height(), dstMip1.get_depth());
bool validThread = gIndices.x < mipSize.x && gIndices.y < mipSize.y && gIndices.z < mipSize.z;
constexpr sampler textureSampler(mag_filter::linear, min_filter::linear, mip_filter::linear);
// NOTE(hqle): Use simd_group function whenever available. That could avoid barrier use.
// Use struct of array style to avoid bank conflict.
threadgroup float sR[kThreadGroupXYZ];
threadgroup float sG[kThreadGroupXYZ];
threadgroup float sB[kThreadGroupXYZ];
threadgroup float sA[kThreadGroupXYZ];
// ----- First mip level -------
float4 texel1;
if (validThread)
float3 texCoords = (float3(gIndices) + float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) / float3(mipSize);
texel1 = srcTexture.sample(textureSampler, texCoords, level(options.srcLevel));
// Write to texture
dstMip1.write(texel1, gIndices);
// This will invalidate all subsequent checks
lIndex = 0xffffffff;
if (options.numMipLevelsToGen == 1)
// ---- Second mip level --------
// Write to shared memory
if (options.sRGB)
texel1 = linearToSRGB(texel1);
TEXEL_STORE(lIndex, texel1);
// Index must be even
if ((lIndex & 0x49) == 0) // (lIndex & b1001001) == 0
bool3 atEdge = gIndices == (mipSize - ushort3(1));
// (x+1, y, z)
// If the width of mip is 1, texel2 will equal to texel1:
float4 texel2 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 1), atEdge.x);
// (x, y+1, z)
float4 texel3 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + kThreadGroupX), atEdge.y);
// (x, y, z+1)
float4 texel4 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + kThreadGroupXY), atEdge.z);
// (x+1, y+1, z)
float4 texel5 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (kThreadGroupX + 1)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y);
// (x+1, y, z+1)
float4 texel6 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (kThreadGroupXY + 1)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.z);
// (x, y+1, z+1)
float4 texel7 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(
texel3, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (kThreadGroupXY + kThreadGroupX)), atEdge.y | atEdge.z);
// (x+1, y+1, z+1)
float4 texel8 =
OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel5, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (kThreadGroupXY + kThreadGroupX + 1)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y | atEdge.z);
texel1 = (texel1 + texel2 + texel3 + texel4 + texel5 + texel6 + texel7 + texel8) / 8.0;
dstMip2.write(TO_LINEAR(texel1), gIndices >> 1);
// Write to shared memory
TEXEL_STORE(lIndex, texel1);
if (options.numMipLevelsToGen == 2)
// ---- 3rd mip level --------
// Index must be multiple of 4
if ((lIndex & 0xdb) == 0) // (lIndex & b11011011) == 0
mipSize = max(mipSize >> 1, ushort3(1));
bool3 atEdge = (gIndices >> 1) == (mipSize - ushort3(1));
// (x+1, y, z)
// If the width of mip is 1, texel2 will equal to texel1:
float4 texel2 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 2), atEdge.x);
// (x, y+1, z)
float4 texel3 =
OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (2 * kThreadGroupX)), atEdge.y);
// (x, y, z+1)
float4 texel4 =
OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (2 * kThreadGroupXY)), atEdge.z);
// (x+1, y+1, z)
float4 texel5 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (2 * kThreadGroupX + 2)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y);
// (x+1, y, z+1)
float4 texel6 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (2 * kThreadGroupXY + 2)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.z);
// (x, y+1, z+1)
float4 texel7 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(
texel3, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (2 * kThreadGroupXY + 2 * kThreadGroupX)),
atEdge.y | atEdge.z);
// (x+1, y+1, z+1)
float4 texel8 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(
texel5, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (2 * kThreadGroupXY + 2 * kThreadGroupX + 2)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y | atEdge.z);
texel1 = (texel1 + texel2 + texel3 + texel4 + texel5 + texel6 + texel7 + texel8) / 8.0;
dstMip3.write(TO_LINEAR(texel1), gIndices >> 2);
// Write to shared memory
TEXEL_STORE(lIndex, texel1);
if (options.numMipLevelsToGen == 3)
// ---- 4th mip level --------
// Index must be multiple of 8
if ((lIndex & 0x1ff) == 0) // (lIndex & b111111111) == 0
mipSize = max(mipSize >> 1, ushort3(1));
bool3 atEdge = (gIndices >> 2) == (mipSize - ushort3(1));
// (x+1, y, z)
// If the width of mip is 1, texel2 will equal to texel1:
float4 texel2 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 4), atEdge.x);
// (x, y+1, z)
float4 texel3 =
OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (4 * kThreadGroupX)), atEdge.y);
// (x, y, z+1)
float4 texel4 =
OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (4 * kThreadGroupXY)), atEdge.z);
// (x+1, y+1, z)
float4 texel5 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (4 * kThreadGroupX + 4)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y);
// (x+1, y, z+1)
float4 texel6 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (4 * kThreadGroupXY + 4)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.z);
// (x, y+1, z+1)
float4 texel7 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(
texel3, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (4 * kThreadGroupXY + 4 * kThreadGroupX)),
atEdge.y | atEdge.z);
// (x+1, y+1, z+1)
float4 texel8 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(
texel5, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (4 * kThreadGroupXY + 4 * kThreadGroupX + 4)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y | atEdge.z);
texel1 = (texel1 + texel2 + texel3 + texel4 + texel5 + texel6 + texel7 + texel8) / 8.0;
dstMip4.write(TO_LINEAR(texel1), gIndices >> 3);
kernel void generate2DMipmaps(uint lIndex [[thread_index_in_threadgroup]],
ushort2 gIndices [[thread_position_in_grid]],
texture2d<float> srcTexture [[texture(0)]],
texture2d<float, access::write> dstMip1 [[texture(1)]],
texture2d<float, access::write> dstMip2 [[texture(2)]],
texture2d<float, access::write> dstMip3 [[texture(3)]],
texture2d<float, access::write> dstMip4 [[texture(4)]],
constant GenMipParams &options [[buffer(0)]])
uint firstMipLevel = options.srcLevel + 1;
ushort2 mipSize =
ushort2(srcTexture.get_width(firstMipLevel), srcTexture.get_height(firstMipLevel));
bool validThread = gIndices.x < mipSize.x && gIndices.y < mipSize.y;
constexpr sampler textureSampler(mag_filter::linear, min_filter::linear, mip_filter::linear);
// NOTE(hqle): Use simd_group function whenever available. That could avoid barrier use.
// Use struct of array style to avoid bank conflict.
threadgroup float sR[kThreadGroupXY];
threadgroup float sG[kThreadGroupXY];
threadgroup float sB[kThreadGroupXY];
threadgroup float sA[kThreadGroupXY];
// ----- First mip level -------
float4 texel1;
if (validThread)
float2 texCoords = (float2(gIndices) + float2(0.5, 0.5)) / float2(mipSize);
texel1 = srcTexture.sample(textureSampler, texCoords, level(options.srcLevel));
// Write to texture
dstMip1.write(TO_LINEAR(texel1), gIndices);
// This will invalidate all subsequent checks
lIndex = 0xffffffff;
if (options.numMipLevelsToGen == 1)
// ---- Second mip level --------
// Write to shared memory
TEXEL_STORE(lIndex, texel1);
// Index must be even
if ((lIndex & 0x09) == 0) // (lIndex & b001001) == 0
bool2 atEdge = gIndices == (mipSize - ushort2(1));
// (x+1, y)
// If the width of mip is 1, texel2 will equal to texel1:
float4 texel2 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 1), atEdge.x);
// (x, y+1)
float4 texel3 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + kThreadGroupX), atEdge.y);
// (x+1, y+1)
float4 texel4 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (kThreadGroupX + 1)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y);
texel1 = (texel1 + texel2 + texel3 + texel4) / 4.0;
dstMip2.write(TO_LINEAR(texel1), gIndices >> 1);
// Write to shared memory
TEXEL_STORE(lIndex, texel1);
if (options.numMipLevelsToGen == 2)
// ---- 3rd mip level --------
// Index must be multiple of 4
if ((lIndex & 0x1b) == 0) // (lIndex & b011011) == 0
mipSize = max(mipSize >> 1, ushort2(1));
bool2 atEdge = (gIndices >> 1) == (mipSize - ushort2(1));
// (x+1, y)
// If the width of mip is 1, texel2 will equal to texel1:
float4 texel2 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 2), atEdge.x);
// (x, y+1)
float4 texel3 =
OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 2 * kThreadGroupX), atEdge.y);
// (x+1, y+1)
float4 texel4 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (2 * kThreadGroupX + 2)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y);
texel1 = (texel1 + texel2 + texel3 + texel4) / 4.0;
dstMip3.write(TO_LINEAR(texel1), gIndices >> 2);
// Write to shared memory
TEXEL_STORE(lIndex, texel1);
if (options.numMipLevelsToGen == 3)
// ---- 4th mip level --------
// Index must be multiple of 8
if ((lIndex & 0x3f) == 0) // (lIndex & b111111) == 0
mipSize = max(mipSize >> 1, ushort2(1));
bool2 atEdge = (gIndices >> 2) == (mipSize - ushort2(1));
// (x+1, y)
// If the width of mip is 1, texel2 will equal to texel1:
float4 texel2 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 4), atEdge.x);
// (x, y+1)
float4 texel3 =
OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 4 * kThreadGroupX), atEdge.y);
// (x+1, y+1)
float4 texel4 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (4 * kThreadGroupX + 4)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y);
texel1 = (texel1 + texel2 + texel3 + texel4) / 4.0;
dstMip4.write(TO_LINEAR(texel1), gIndices >> 3);
template <typename TextureTypeR, typename TextureTypeW>
static __attribute__((always_inline)) void generateCubeOr2DArray2ndAndMoreMipmaps(
uint lIndex,
ushort3 gIndices,
TextureTypeR srcTexture,
TextureTypeW dstMip2,
TextureTypeW dstMip3,
TextureTypeW dstMip4,
ushort2 mip1Size,
float4 mip1Texel,
threadgroup float *sR,
threadgroup float *sG,
threadgroup float *sB,
threadgroup float *sA,
constant GenMipParams &options)
ushort2 mipSize = mip1Size;
float4 texel1 = mip1Texel;
// ---- Second mip level --------
// Write to shared memory
TEXEL_STORE(lIndex, texel1);
// Index must be even
if ((lIndex & 0x09) == 0) // (lIndex & b001001) == 0
bool2 atEdge = gIndices.xy == (mipSize - ushort2(1));
// (x+1, y)
// If the width of mip is 1, texel2 will equal to texel1:
float4 texel2 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 1), atEdge.x);
// (x, y+1)
float4 texel3 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + kThreadGroupX), atEdge.y);
// (x+1, y+1)
float4 texel4 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (kThreadGroupX + 1)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y);
texel1 = (texel1 + texel2 + texel3 + texel4) / 4.0;
dstMip2.write(TO_LINEAR(texel1), gIndices.xy >> 1, gIndices.z);
// Write to shared memory
TEXEL_STORE(lIndex, texel1);
if (options.numMipLevelsToGen == 2)
// ---- 3rd mip level --------
// Index must be multiple of 4
if ((lIndex & 0x1b) == 0) // (lIndex & b011011) == 0
mipSize = max(mipSize >> 1, ushort2(1));
bool2 atEdge = (gIndices.xy >> 1) == (mipSize - ushort2(1));
// (x+1, y)
// If the width of mip is 1, texel2 will equal to texel1:
float4 texel2 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 2), atEdge.x);
// (x, y+1)
float4 texel3 =
OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 2 * kThreadGroupX), atEdge.y);
// (x+1, y+1)
float4 texel4 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (2 * kThreadGroupX + 2)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y);
texel1 = (texel1 + texel2 + texel3 + texel4) / 4.0;
dstMip3.write(TO_LINEAR(texel1), gIndices.xy >> 2, gIndices.z);
// Write to shared memory
TEXEL_STORE(lIndex, texel1);
if (options.numMipLevelsToGen == 3)
// ---- 4th mip level --------
// Index must be multiple of 8
if ((lIndex & 0x3f) == 0) // (lIndex & b111111) == 0
mipSize = max(mipSize >> 1, ushort2(1));
bool2 atEdge = (gIndices.xy >> 2) == (mipSize - ushort2(1));
// (x+1, y)
// If the width of mip is 1, texel2 will equal to texel1:
float4 texel2 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 4), atEdge.x);
// (x, y+1)
float4 texel3 =
OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel1, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + 4 * kThreadGroupX), atEdge.y);
// (x+1, y+1)
float4 texel4 = OUT_OF_BOUND_CHECK(texel2, TEXEL_LOAD(lIndex + (4 * kThreadGroupX + 4)),
atEdge.x | atEdge.y);
texel1 = (texel1 + texel2 + texel3 + texel4) / 4.0;
dstMip4.write(TO_LINEAR(texel1), gIndices.xy >> 3, gIndices.z);
kernel void generateCubeMipmaps(uint lIndex [[thread_index_in_threadgroup]],
ushort3 gIndices [[thread_position_in_grid]],
texturecube<float> srcTexture [[texture(0)]],
texturecube<float, access::write> dstMip1 [[texture(1)]],
texturecube<float, access::write> dstMip2 [[texture(2)]],
texturecube<float, access::write> dstMip3 [[texture(3)]],
texturecube<float, access::write> dstMip4 [[texture(4)]],
constant GenMipParams &options [[buffer(0)]])
uint firstMipLevel = options.srcLevel + 1;
ushort2 mip1Size =
ushort2(srcTexture.get_width(firstMipLevel), srcTexture.get_height(firstMipLevel));
bool validThread = gIndices.x < mip1Size.x && gIndices.y < mip1Size.y;
constexpr sampler textureSampler(mag_filter::linear, min_filter::linear, mip_filter::linear);
// ----- First mip level -------
float4 mip1Texel;
if (validThread)
float2 texCoords = (float2(gIndices.xy) + float2(0.5, 0.5)) / float2(mip1Size);
mip1Texel = srcTexture.sample(textureSampler, cubeTexcoords(texCoords, int(gIndices.z)),
// Write to texture
dstMip1.write(TO_LINEAR(mip1Texel), gIndices.xy, gIndices.z);
// This will invalidate all subsequent checks
lIndex = 0xffffffff;
if (options.numMipLevelsToGen == 1)
// Use struct of array style to avoid bank conflict.
threadgroup float sR[kThreadGroupXY];
threadgroup float sG[kThreadGroupXY];
threadgroup float sB[kThreadGroupXY];
threadgroup float sA[kThreadGroupXY];
generateCubeOr2DArray2ndAndMoreMipmaps(lIndex, gIndices, srcTexture, dstMip2, dstMip3, dstMip4,
mip1Size, mip1Texel, sR, sG, sB, sA, options);
kernel void generate2DArrayMipmaps(uint lIndex [[thread_index_in_threadgroup]],
ushort3 gIndices [[thread_position_in_grid]],
texture2d_array<float> srcTexture [[texture(0)]],
texture2d_array<float, access::write> dstMip1 [[texture(1)]],
texture2d_array<float, access::write> dstMip2 [[texture(2)]],
texture2d_array<float, access::write> dstMip3 [[texture(3)]],
texture2d_array<float, access::write> dstMip4 [[texture(4)]],
constant GenMipParams &options [[buffer(0)]])
uint firstMipLevel = options.srcLevel + 1;
ushort2 mip1Size =
ushort2(srcTexture.get_width(firstMipLevel), srcTexture.get_height(firstMipLevel));
bool validThread = gIndices.x < mip1Size.x && gIndices.y < mip1Size.y;
constexpr sampler textureSampler(mag_filter::linear, min_filter::linear, mip_filter::linear);
// ----- First mip level -------
float4 mip1Texel;
if (validThread)
float2 texCoords = (float2(gIndices.xy) + float2(0.5, 0.5)) / float2(mip1Size);
mip1Texel =
srcTexture.sample(textureSampler, texCoords, gIndices.z, level(options.srcLevel));
// Write to texture
dstMip1.write(TO_LINEAR(mip1Texel), gIndices.xy, gIndices.z);
// This will invalidate all subsequent checks
lIndex = 0xffffffff;
if (options.numMipLevelsToGen == 1)
// Use struct of array style to avoid bank conflict.
threadgroup float sR[kThreadGroupXY];
threadgroup float sG[kThreadGroupXY];
threadgroup float sB[kThreadGroupXY];
threadgroup float sA[kThreadGroupXY];
generateCubeOr2DArray2ndAndMoreMipmaps(lIndex, gIndices, srcTexture, dstMip2, dstMip3, dstMip4,
mip1Size, mip1Texel, sR, sG, sB, sA, options);