blob: 68c7745372bdffe9a8f959819bef9361affaaca0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// common.h: Common header for other metal source code.
// clang-format off
@@# include <simd/simd.h>
@@# include <metal_stdlib>
#include "constants.h"
if (IDX >= MAX_COUNT) \
{ \
return; \
using namespace metal;
// clang-format on
// Common constant defined number of color outputs
constant uint32_t kNumColorOutputs [[function_constant(0)]];
constant bool kColorOutputAvailable0 = kNumColorOutputs > 0;
constant bool kColorOutputAvailable1 = kNumColorOutputs > 1;
constant bool kColorOutputAvailable2 = kNumColorOutputs > 2;
constant bool kColorOutputAvailable3 = kNumColorOutputs > 3;
namespace rx
namespace mtl_shader
// Full screen triangle's vertices
constant float2 gCorners[3] = {float2(-1.0f, -1.0f), float2(3.0f, -1.0f), float2(-1.0f, 3.0f)};
template <typename T>
struct MultipleColorOutputs
vec<T, 4> color0 [[color(0), function_constant(kColorOutputAvailable0)]];
vec<T, 4> color1 [[color(1), function_constant(kColorOutputAvailable1)]];
vec<T, 4> color2 [[color(2), function_constant(kColorOutputAvailable2)]];
vec<T, 4> color3 [[color(3), function_constant(kColorOutputAvailable3)]];
do \
{ \
if (kColorOutputAvailable##COLOR_INDEX) \
{ \
} \
} while (0)
template <typename T>
static inline MultipleColorOutputs<T> toMultipleColorOutputs(vec<T, 4> color)
MultipleColorOutputs<T> re;
return re;
static inline float3 cubeTexcoords(float2 texcoords, int face)
texcoords = 2.0 * texcoords - 1.0;
switch (face)
case 0:
return float3(1.0, -texcoords.y, -texcoords.x);
case 1:
return float3(-1.0, -texcoords.y, texcoords.x);
case 2:
return float3(texcoords.x, 1.0, texcoords.y);
case 3:
return float3(texcoords.x, -1.0, -texcoords.y);
case 4:
return float3(texcoords.x, -texcoords.y, 1.0);
case 5:
return float3(-texcoords.x, -texcoords.y, -1.0);
return float3(texcoords, 0);
template <typename T>
static inline vec<T, 4> resolveTextureMS(texture2d_ms<T> srcTexture, uint2 coords)
uint samples = srcTexture.get_num_samples();
vec<T, 4> output(0);
for (uint sample = 0; sample < samples; ++sample)
output +=, sample);
output = output / samples;
return output;
static inline float4 sRGBtoLinear(float4 color)
float3 linear1 = color.rgb / 12.92;
float3 linear2 = pow((color.rgb + float3(0.055)) / 1.055, 2.4);
float3 factor = float3(color.rgb <= float3(0.04045));
float4 linear = float4(factor * linear1 + float3(1.0 - factor) * linear2, color.a);
return linear;
static inline float linearToSRGB(float color)
if (color <= 0.0f)
return 0.0f;
else if (color < 0.0031308f)
return 12.92f * color;
else if (color < 1.0f)
return 1.055f * pow(color, 0.41666f) - 0.055f;
return 1.0f;
static inline float4 linearToSRGB(float4 color)
return float4(linearToSRGB(color.r), linearToSRGB(color.g), linearToSRGB(color.b), color.a);
template <typename Short>
static inline Short bytesToShort(constant uchar *input, uint offset)
Short inputLo = input[offset];
Short inputHi = input[offset + 1];
// Little endian conversion:
return inputLo | (inputHi << 8);
template <typename Int>
static inline Int bytesToInt(constant uchar *input, uint offset)
Int input0 = input[offset];
Int input1 = input[offset + 1];
Int input2 = input[offset + 2];
Int input3 = input[offset + 3];
// Little endian conversion:
return input0 | (input1 << 8) | (input2 << 16) | (input3 << 24);
template <typename Short>
static inline void shortToBytes(Short val, uint offset, device uchar *output)
ushort valUnsigned = as_type<ushort>(val);
output[offset] = valUnsigned & 0xff;
output[offset + 1] = (valUnsigned >> 8) & 0xff;
template <typename Int>
static inline void intToBytes(Int val, uint offset, device uchar *output)
uint valUnsigned = as_type<uint>(val);
output[offset] = valUnsigned & 0xff;
output[offset + 1] = (valUnsigned >> 8) & 0xff;
output[offset + 2] = (valUnsigned >> 16) & 0xff;
output[offset + 3] = (valUnsigned >> 24) & 0xff;
static inline void floatToBytes(float val, uint offset, device uchar *output)
intToBytes(as_type<uint>(val), offset, output);
static inline void int24bitToBytes(uint val, uint offset, device uchar *output)
output[offset] = val & 0xff;
output[offset + 1] = (val >> 8) & 0xff;
output[offset + 2] = (val >> 16) & 0xff;
template <unsigned int inputBitCount, unsigned int inputBitStart, typename T>
static inline T getShiftedData(T input)
static_assert(inputBitCount + inputBitStart <= (sizeof(T) * 8),
"T must have at least as many bits as inputBitCount + inputBitStart.");
const T mask = (1 << inputBitCount) - 1;
return (input >> inputBitStart) & mask;
template <unsigned int inputBitCount, unsigned int inputBitStart, typename T>
static inline T shiftData(T input)
static_assert(inputBitCount + inputBitStart <= (sizeof(T) * 8),
"T must have at least as many bits as inputBitCount + inputBitStart.");
const T mask = (1 << inputBitCount) - 1;
return (input & mask) << inputBitStart;
template <unsigned int inputBitCount, typename T>
static inline float normalizedToFloat(T input)
static_assert(inputBitCount <= (sizeof(T) * 8),
"T must have more bits than or same bits as inputBitCount.");
static_assert(inputBitCount <= 23, "Only single precision is supported");
constexpr float inverseMax = 1.0f / ((1 << inputBitCount) - 1);
return input * inverseMax;
template <typename T>
static inline float normalizedToFloat(T input)
return normalizedToFloat<sizeof(T) * 8, T>(input);
template <>
inline float normalizedToFloat(short input)
constexpr float inverseMax = 1.0f / 0x7fff;
return static_cast<float>(input) * inverseMax;
template <>
inline float normalizedToFloat(int input)
constexpr float inverseMax = 1.0f / 0x7fffffff;
return static_cast<float>(input) * inverseMax;
template <>
inline float normalizedToFloat(uint input)
constexpr float inverseMax = 1.0f / 0xffffffff;
return static_cast<float>(input) * inverseMax;
template <unsigned int outputBitCount, typename T>
static inline T floatToNormalized(float input)
static_assert(outputBitCount <= (sizeof(T) * 8),
"T must have more bits than or same bits as inputBitCount.");
static_assert(outputBitCount <= 23, "Only single precision is supported");
return static_cast<T>(((1 << outputBitCount) - 1) * input + 0.5f);
template <typename T>
static inline T floatToNormalized(float input)
return floatToNormalized<sizeof(T) * 8, T>(input);
} // namespace mtl_shader
} // namespace rx